Two weeks ago I had my first ever Vampire Facial with PRP at Carolina Facial Plastics. It definitely wins for craziest facial that I’ve ever had but the the results were seriously amazing. In this post I’ll be sharing what vampire facials are, my experience having one and what the recovery is like.
I apologize in advance for all of the selfies and if medical stuff makes you squeamish, you may want to skip this one. (Although it’s really not that bad, I promise.)

The Vampire Facial is a treatment in which platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is micro-needled into the face. Micro-needling is a relatively mainstream procedure these days and the Vampire Facial takes it to the next level by using your own platelet-rich plasma as a serum to promote healing, collagen stimulation, production of new elastics fibers, and volume restoration.
The benefits of micro needling include:
- Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduces pore size
- Tightens the skin
- Stimulates the production of new collagen
- Stimulates the production of new elastic fibers
- Improves skin texture
Platelet-rich plasma is a well-studied and documented serum that is injected in order to promote healing. It is commonly used in the orthopedic community as a joint injection to successfully promote healing following an injury or treatment. When micro-needling and PRP are combined, otherwise known as a Vampire Facial, the health and quality of the skin are greatly improved.
Now, let’s get to the “vampire” part of this facial! PRP is created by using your own blood! How cool is that!? A small amount of blood is drawn in the office and it goes through a process of centrifugation or spinning, that will separate the platelets from the other blood components. After the platelets are concentrated, a solution is created called platelet-rich plasma or PRP.

(before the Vampire Facial)
I arrived at Carolina Facial Plastics and was greeted at the front door where I had my temperature taken and checked-in for my procedure. I was immediately escorted upstairs to the waiting area where I was shown to the room where I would get set up for my Vampire Facial.

One of Carolina Facial Plastics nurse practitioners, Courtney Whitley (who also does my injections), did my blood draw. It was quick and easy and they only took a small amount of blood.

Medical aesthetician Terri Edson took over from there. I have been working with Terri for years and there’s no one I trust more with my skincare than her. She assured me that I would have great results from this treatment and I believed her! Terri took my blood and spun it in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets.

While Terri was preparing the PRP serum, I hung out with numbing cream on my face so that I would be comfortable during the micro-needling.

Here’s a closeup of the “liquid gold” PRP. Pretty crazy, huh!?

Next we moved into Terri’s treatment room for the micro-needling portion of the procedure. It took about 45-60 minutes total and thanks to the numbing cream it was 98% painless and comfortable. The only areas that were a little uncomfortable where my forehead (there’s just not a lot of padding up there, you know?) and along the sides of my nose just because it made my eyes water and me feel like I was going to sneeze.
This was my first time ever being micro-needled! It was a great experience and I would 100% do it again…and I am in a few weeks. 🙂

(immediately after the Vampire Facial)
Immediately after the Vampire Facial my skin was red and a little tight but nothing felt more painful than a moderate sunburn. The egg white looking stuff on my face is the PRP serum and I was instructed not to wash my face for the rest of the day.
I was also told not to workout for 48 hours and not to use my retinol for five days. I also didn’t use it for three days prior to the treatment.

(one hour after the Vampire Facial)
Just one hour later my face had already calmed down quite a bit and I felt super comfortable. I actually went out later that evening to teach a yoga class (I did not practice with them) and to lead a teacher training session. I didn’t feel self-conscious at all being out in public.

(24 hours post-Vampire Facial)
Here’s a photo of how my skin looked about 24 hours after my first Vampire Facial. I went out that day and taught two classes, no problem.

(48 hours post-Vampire Facial)
And here’s how things were looking about 48 hours post-Vampire Facial. I had one really localized spot of redness where Terri really went after a smile line!

(four days post-Vampire Facial)
That one spot did peel a bit but it was the only area on my face that did peel. The recovery from this facial was super easy all things considered.

(Five days post-Vampire Facial)
Around day five things really started looking good. My skin had almost stopped peeling, my pores felt smaller and everything felt brighter and tighter.

(one week post-Vampire Facial)
One week post-Vampire Facial I was feeling so good! This is an unedited, unfiltered photo. It’s the first photo in which I am wearing makeup but I really felt like my skin was glowing, healthy and happy!
How many Vampire Facials that you need to see optimal results depends on the health and quality of your skin. If you have relatively good skin and minimal wrinkles, two or three treatments will likely suffice. If you have significant damage and aging, you may require up to six treatments. The treatments are spaced 4-6 weeks apart and it typically takes 8-12 weeks after the final treatment to see the full results.
I am going back in October for my second Vampire Facial with PRP. The plan right now is to do three. I absolutely cannot wait to see the final results!!!
If you’d like to learn more about Vampire Facials, visit the Carolina Facial Plastics website. If you’re local to Charlotte and want to schedule one, I cannot recommend this office and Terri enough. Again, there is no one else that I trust more with my skin and face. If you have any questions for me or the team at CFP, leave them in the comments and I’ll respond ASAP!
Has anyone else had micro-needling or a Vampire Facial done?
What are your current skincare goals?
What is the typical cost estimate for a treatment like this?
At CFP the cost is $790 each if you do a series of three or $875 for a single.
I haven’t had either microneedling or vampire facial done. I have some acne scarring that I wouldn’t mind dealing with and also am starting to see some fine lines. I had been researching this as a possible options (and am not yet ready to do botox or fillers at the moment). At the moment the pricetag of about 1500 dollars a pop is stopping me from doing this at the moment. Maybe later, who knows. I would be interested in seeing an update after you have completed all your treatments.
Hi Kimberly – the cost for these treatments at CFP is $790 each if you do a series of three or $875 if you do one. I’ll definitely report back after I have completed all the treatments.
This was so interesting to read! I have been very curious about this facial. Thanks for sharing!
Interesting, I’ve never heard of vampire facials. I’ve had micro-needling done and it was pretty minimal recovery, I had a long drive straight afterwards and blasting the air-conditioning on my face while driving helped to settle down the sunburnt feeling.
Hi, curious could you share on average how much this treatment would go for at that location. I love new ways of keeping my skin looking good, however the steep price point can be a deterrent.
Yes, of course! It’s 875 for a single treatment or $790 each if you do a series of three.
you look amaze girl…i gotta try this!