Hello and happy Saturday. I’m easing my way into the day with some quiet time and a cup of coffee while Finn is still snoozing. We have an active weekend ahead so we’ll be off to the races in a bit!
Before I jump into the post, I wanted to let you guys know about a HUGE giveaway I am offering on Instagram. I’m partnering with PET Dairy to give away a free all expenses paid trip to Savannah to run the Every Woman’s Marathon in November. Here is the link to the Instagram post – all of the details on how to enter can be found there.
My week was pretty low-key. As to be expected, I was pretty wiped out after last Saturday’s half marathon race effort so I gave myself a lot of space for rest and relaxation this week. I still trained all of my clients, taught all of my yoga classes and did my normal mom routine but I took the week completely off of running and lifting and did my best to get in some extra nutrition and sleep.
I generally try to take a “zero week” after a longer race effort (half or full marathon) with absolutely no running. I find it really helps in preventing injuries and allowing my body to really recover. I was itching to run by Thursday (it’s always in my Thursday schedule before preschool pickup + the weather was absolutely gorgeous) but refrained to get that full week off.

What I did get in was a few nice casual walks with Finn and those felt really good. I also took two yoga classes (Sunday and Thursday) and wow could I ever feel a huge difference between Sunday’s practice and Thursday’s!

Last Sunday morning I took my friend Ian’s class at Khali and the best way I can describe my practice was the Tin Man doing yoga. You should have seen the bend in my knees on my forward folds – it was definitely more squat than fold, haha. I went into the class expecting my body to feel stiff and tight but I knew that a gentle flow in a heated room would do wonders for helping me start to open up again…and it did! I kept my practice so easy, used all the blocks and took all the modifications and it was a huge help.
By Thursday, I felt like I was practicing in a different body and it made me very grateful that I’d given my body the gift of an easy week after asking so much of it for the race. I think sometimes it can be mentally challenging to take entire weeks off of running or lifting without feeling that we are losing progress but there are certain instances where it’s absolutely the right thing to do. This could be due to sickness/injury, recovery from a race, your personal or work life needing your full attention or just a needed de-load week after a period of tough training.
One thing that I always remind myself and my clients is that the real magic is consistency over time. When you’re consistent with your nutrition and fitness over time (I’m talking years/making it more of a lifestyle) then there is a ton more wiggle room for taking breaks when your body or life call for it. I didn’t touch a weight for 10 days (took a few days off lifting before the race and 6 days after) or lace up my running shoes for a full 7 days and I truly don’t feel that I’ve lost any strength or fitness, rather I feel that I’ve gained by letting myself rest, recover and build back stronger.
I hope that was a helpful chat! 🙂
A few more photos from mom life this week because it was bringing me so much joy!

Haircut before and after. I can’t take it – how does it always make them look so much older and handsomer? We are now at the age/stage where Finn asks to get a haircut. He can’t stand his hair being sweaty on his forehead so he was ready for this one! And for my Charlotte friends, we love Ms. Robyn at Snip-Its at Park Road Shopping Center.

It was also timed well to have him looking sharp for Beginner’s Night for kindergarten. I was definitely in my feels but I also know that he’s ready. I also felt reassured that we’ve made the right school pick by visiting the school again and hearing from the teachers and administrators. I’m excited for Finn!

In the meantime, he’s living up the final few weeks of TK. Last Thursday was “bike day” where all of the 4s and TK classes brought their bikes or scooters and they spent the day outside cruising around.

They also spent the week learning about Eric Carle by reading his books and theming their art, math, writing and play around it. How cute is this art craft inspired by The Tiny Seed? They planted tiny grass seeds in their “front yards.”

While we’re talking books, Finn picked out this 1001 Pirate Things to Spot book at his recent school book fair and we’ve had so much fun working through it page by page every night. We completed the final challenge last night (on the last page they gave you things to go back and find throughout the whole book) and Finn screamed and shouted “we did it, we completed the whole book!” when we found the very last one. Think I’m going to have to order a few more of these types of books!

And in less fun news, my dishwasher decided to bid its final farewell this week so I had to take everything out that was loaded and wash by hand. I am fully at the stage in life where while I’m not thrilled about the expense of buying a new dishwasher, I am super excited about having a new dishwasher. This one came with the house when I bought it and I never thought it did an exceptional job cleaning but it also wasn’t bad enough to replace. The current dishwasher is Frigidaire but I’m transitioning my kitchen appliances to LG so if you have an LG dishwasher you love, tell me about it!
Okay, it’s now 9a and my kiddo is still sleeping. I’m off to wake him up and get him breakfast so we can get ready for the children’s theater!
Have a great weekend!
What types of things help you recover from hard races or training cycles?
Do you stretch or do yoga to help with recovery? If not, is there any way I can help or support you in that?
Any advice for easing the kindergarten transition? We’re both a little nervous!
Not an LG, but the Bosch dishwashers are the best around.
My parents have a Bosch and love it. My only hesitation is that I don’t know if I want three different brands of appliances in my kitchen but I may just go for it!
Feel ya on getting a new dishwasher – our house was the same – the one it came with was good enough, but nothing fabulous so when it died we were both meh ($$) and excited at the same time! That being said, we couldn’t find a Bosch and ended up with a KitchenAid from Costco, it’s AMAZING! The third rack is magic!! (and, the third rack on KitchenAid models are angled to find small mugs + pint glasses….the third rack on Bosch models don’t have that angle). Definitely go to Best Buy/Home Depot/Lowes and open them all up and check them out.
It’s too funny you mentioned the dishwasher. Mine died in the fall and I was not ready to replace it. It came with the house and was also a Frigidaire. I did not love it at all but it worked. I replaced it with a higher end Bosch and I LOVE it! It’s my third Bosch dishwasher to own and you literally cannot hear it running and it cleans beautifully! The third rack is wonderful and now has an option to drop it a little lower for slightly bigger items that my previous Bosches did not have. It’s great!
Adding another positive review for the Bosch dishwashers. I got my first Bosch a couple years ago after several recommendations and it is hands down the best dishwasher I have ever had. I understand the desire to have everything the same, but I’ve learned that it’s worth it in the end to buy the best tool for the job.
I would love a blog post on some simple yoga poses / stretches to do pre-run as a warmup and post-run as a recovery.
The biggest transition for my daughter from preschool to Kindergarten were the longer days (she only stayed until 1 in pre school) be prepared for lots and lots of tired and cranky afternoons especially in the beginning of the year and the end of the week through out the first year.
We just got a Bosch and it’s been great!