I thought that the week of July 4th would slow down but I was so wrong. It’s nuts! I originally planned to spend the week in Florida with my family but thank god I decided to postpone that until later this summer because I am booked solid this week with clients and classes. I have clients every day starting at 5:30 a.m., classes and clients every evening and I’m scheduled to teach two special July 4 yoga classes. Usually summer is slow in the fitness industry but business is good this year! Such a blessing!
This busy week is making me hungry! I did a major restock at Trader Joe’s on Sunday afternoon and wanted to share what I purchase with y’all. Note that I had already done a farmers market trip Saturday where I picked up fresh chicken, ground beef, kale, squash, zucchini, peaches and tomatoes. And I had recently restocked on spinach, salad greens and bananas at Whole Foods.

Veggies included eggplant, broccoli slaw, brussels sprouts, button mushrooms, portobello mushrooms and avocado.

Fruit included apples, nectarines, kiwis and lemons.

Dairy was plain greek yogurt, shredded Italian cheese blend, shaved cheese and feta.

Pantry and fridge supplies included…salsa, olive oil spray, peanut butter, almond butter, almond milk, green juice (TJ’s just started carrying cold-pressed juice. It was $4.99 at my store. I’ll let you know what I think.), fig butter, pepper jelly, honey, garbanzo beans, coconut milk, chicken stock, sundried tomatoes, brown rice and sliced almonds.

Extra-firm tofu, chicken sausage and wild caught salmon.

And for the frozen goods…two new to me products…a quinoa, sweet potato and kale blend and a blend of green garbanzo beans and lentils. Also, another veggie blend, strawberries and figs. I was SO EXCITED that they had the figs again. I got them a few months ago and haven’t seen them since. They are giant and delicious and perfect for smoothies!
I think it’s safe to say that my fridge, freezer and pantry are stocked. I’m eating good this week and cannot wait to share the next recent eats post with you! 🙂
Have a great July 4th week!
just tried the quinoa, sweet potato and kale blend myself last week — it’s good if you put a spritz of the olive oil in a skillet and saute it… i browned it slightly and it was delicious reheated for lunch the next day!
thanks for the tip! can’t wait to try it!
I love love love Trader Joe’s. It is the main place I grocery shop. I just found out one of my favorite items was discontinued – shaved brussels sprouts. I still am keeping my fingers crossed that they will bring them back. Some of my other favorite items – Almond Bars (brand new and a great snack before a workout), Mushroom Risotto, Butternut Squash Cubes, Rice orzo…I could go on an on but I will stop there. Great to see other people enjoy it as much as me!
i love the shredded brussels too but i think it was a seasonal item. i bet they’ll come back next fall!
I spotted the new cold pressed juices but didn’t try them. I love the coconut oil cooking spray and have been buying that over the olive oil spray. I don’t think I taste much in the way of coconut but do love how everything comes out when I use it.
i love the coconut oil spray too and keep that and the jar of oil in my pantry but i’m so weird about using coconut oil for things like veggies, meat and eggs. i can taste a difference! i love it in baked goods and with sweeter stuff like sweet potatoes and butternut squash.
I am a big fan of grapeseed oil
i’ve actually never tried it! good to know!
No more Aldis?
no, still love aldi but alternate the two with restock trips because each has different staples that i love! 🙂
I love the chicken sausage from TJ. It’s also great chopped and added to the frozen sweet potato, kale meal. TJ is my favorite place to shop.
thanks for the tip! that sounds great!
That fig butter is so good! And we tried TJs almond milk once but found that it didn’t work in our smoothies – the taste was completely off (with everything else staying the same). Have you had any issues?
i haven’t had any issues and i’ve purchased it a lot. maybe you got an off carton???
I love Trader Joe’s! Are you still shopping at Aldi’s too? Just curious if you liked it enough to stick with it?
yes! i love aldi! i alternate restock trips between the two of them because they both have different things that i love. i just do not have time to do multiple store trips per week so it’s usually one farmers market trip on saturday supplemented by either trader joes, aldi, harris teeter (least favorite) or whole foods.
I LOVE the sundried tomato chicken sausage. It is absolutely delicious. 🙂 So awesome to see your pictures! I can’t wait to live near a TJ’s again!
I am surprised by how busy my week is too, but I feel blessed that it is, because I like it. 🙂 Plus it makes me happy that my clients still want to train even though it is a holiday week. Shows me they are motivated and determined, no matter what holiday it is.
I love trader joes!! Their frozen veg are awesome and I’m obsessed with their pretzel rolls..do yourself a favor and try them! Not necessarily nutritionally dense, but worth every bite! Based off your reviews I’m heading to Carolina facial for a consultation tomorrow. I can’t wait! Have a great 4th!
yum! pretzel rolls sound amazing. will definitely give them a try sometimes. let me know how your appt goes!
Ahhh! I can’t believe you found the frozen figs again!! I hope my TJ’s gets them again!
mine told me they’d have them for the summer since they are in season. fingers crossed. these things are good!
I didn’t get the figs the first time I saw them and when I went back the next week and asked where they were, they said that there was a problem shipping them into the country so they weren’t sure when they’d arrive. At least that’s what I was told. I hope that my local TJs has them back though because I’m stocking up this time!
awesome! i love trader joes and have found some great staples, but i love to read about your faves! there is just so much yumminess packed into that store & i easily get overwhelmed so now i have some great “must haves” to add to my list. frozen figs, fig butter, and coconut milk are 3 things that i will definitely pick up next time i’m there. thanks!
i also love to take the chicken sausage, kale, and any other veggies – chop them up – mix it up with eggs and put the mixture in little muffin cups. bake about 12 “egg muffins” and have them ready for snacks throughout the week.