Ahh! I’ve spent the last few hours trying to make sense of the healthcare options available to get coverage before today’s open enrollment deadline (way to wait to the last minute…right?). One of the negatives to being self-employed is definitely having to navigate and cover all of this on your own. I feel like there are no good options! I had a disastrous experience with my coverage last year that I won’t even start to get into. Luckily, I’m healthy, rarely go to the doctor and don’t take any prescription meds so I should be good to go with something pretty basic.
I’ve got a playlist and workouts for you this evening. I put together the most fun Valentine’s Day playlist for my yoga classes on Saturday. I typed “love” into the search box on my iTunes library and went from there. This playlist is pretty epic…it includes Bieber’s “As Long as You Love Me.” 🙂
Here’s the link to follow on Spotify. Enjoy!
Quick recap of the week in workouts…
For time:
2000 meter row
200 double unders
100 walking lunges
50 pull ups
25 burpees
This was a REALLY tough but awesome chipper. Not gonna lie, I was in a dark place between the 2000 meter row and the double unders but I got through it. It took me 27 minutes to finish. Workout courtesy of Metro CrossFit.

3 mile treadmill run + BodyPump
I did something I haven’t done in months on Tuesday…BodyPump. And I took my first class as a student instead of teaching for the first time in 5+ years. I had been craving a BodyPump workout for a few weeks and my schedule was clear Tuesday night so I headed to the Y. It was such a nice change of pace but the workout kicked my butt! I haven’t been doing high rep/low weight stuff lately. I had to take many breaks!
Hot Yoga
1 mile treadmill run + lift
5 rounds…
10 deadlifts (95#)
10 push ups
5 rounds…
10 back squats (85#)
10 burpees
4 rounds
10 GHD sit ups
10 ketlebell swings (35#)
I only had 25 minutes to workout so I hopped on the treadmill for a fast one mile run to warm up and then went through the mini strength circuits. This combo of movements left me so sore…I think it’s because I was busting through it so quickly with minimal rest to get done.

4 mile hill and speed run
I hit the Y for the second time in a week (since I was already there for a CPR recert) for a variation of my favorite treadmill interval workout except a little longer and added in a bunch of tabata hill intervals at 10% incline that nearly killed me.
Hot yoga solo practice
Hot yoga
What was your best workout this week?
Is anyone else equally as overwhelmed by picking the right healthcare plan?
My best workout was a 10K run followed by a barre class. My legs were dying by the end!
that sounds intense! love it!
My best workout was either my run yesterday (no knee pain!) or my spin class on Wednesday. I made a Valentine’s Day playlist too and it made for a great themed class!
yay! congrats on a pain-free run. that’s such a good feeling after struggling with injury!
Ooh I knew that today was the deadline because I saw a Buzzfeed video that President Obama starred in to advertise the deadline! It was kinda crazy– Obama + Buzzfeed?
Fortunately, I don’t have to pick out my own health insurance yet. We’ve talked a lot about the different options in one of my public policy classes and overwhelming is right!
i agree that obama + buzzfeed is a little crazy!
That WOD sounds awful! Congrats on pushing through and finishing! 2000meter row is no joke!
it was terrible and awesome all at the same time.
yikes, your monday crossfit workout looks crazy. i looked at it and thought, “i’d be looking forward to the burpees.” you know a workout is crazy tough when the burpees are the easiest part…!
gah, i know! i couldn’t wait to get to the walking lunges to slow it down a little bit.
OMG do not even get me started about the health insurance! The battles I have had over the last few years – I can’t even begin to tell you. I did finally get a decent plan but it was not easy to navigate. I actually found a healthcare “navigator” (that’s what they call her for working with the government plans lol) and she made the process a little easier. I am like you- rarely go to the doctor and hardly get sick (knock on wood here!) and I don’t take any routine medications so a basic plan was enough. But ugh the process!
girl, i know. i had the WORST experience ever with it last year that is leaving me $1,000 poorer. it sucks. i need one of those navigators!
Oh healthcare… that is a tough one. I feel ya!
My best workout was a speedy run and some weights after this week.
trying to understand healthcare options truly is the worst! godspeed, my friend.
it’s BRUTAL!
Not posting all of your reader’s comments is going to make followers lose respect and interest in your blog. It makes you appear to be a phony only writing for the money. You can’t say you don’t want to blog about personal issues, then post about the inside of your home and relationships with your dogs. Isn’t that personal? What you are “teaching” clients doesn’t really line up with the person you portray on this blog. Don’t underestimate the intelligence of your readers. It’s as though you live two lives. Your real life and then your blog life. That’s your business, but don’t discredit the thoughts, opinions, and questions of others when you are putting yourself out there. It makes me not want to take another class from you. That may not make a difference in your income or mindset, but if you practice what you preach, it should.
I’m curious – since your workouts and routine have changed so much since the days you started taking, then teaching , Body Pump, how do you feel about it’s effectiveness and such? As someone with no interest in crossfit or heavy lifting, I sinetines feel overwhelmed by the fact I’m not into those things. I do love Pump though and am interested I your current perspective.
I still LOVE Pump and 100% credit doing it 2-3 times per week for 5 years for giving me the muscle definition that I have. I think it’s super effective and awesome. I’d do it more but it’s not convenient for me.
Isn’t it crazy how Bodypump becomes so hard after taking a break!? I love that 🙂 It’s a great reminder of how good the workout really is!
I’m SO glad you throw in quickie workouts … I’ve been having motivation issues lately, so the “lift weights faster” are best for me right now. The chipper sounds awesome though, but not in the cards right now.
And about all of the other nonsense regarding your personal life … Jen, your business is your business. I just want to thank you for allowing us to see a small part of it!! Your workouts and food posts (and outfit, vacation, and puppy posts) have been inspirational (that’s why I’ve been reading for years). And if and when you publish a post re: changes to your personal life, I will squeal with delight and be very ecstatic for you!! Keep it up, lady!!
Courtney – I can’t thank you enough for taking a moment to comment with such kind words. I really appreciate the encouragement and support.
Not to be a comment creeper- but I totally agree!!!
Thanks for being a comment creeper! 🙂
Ditto! 🙂
LOVE this playlist! thanks for sharing! 🙂