39 weeks +1 today and baby boy is very happy hanging out in my belly. I had my 39 week prenatal appointment this morning and I did get checked. I’m up to about 90% effaced but still no dilation.
I’m really not stressed about this for a few reasons…
- It’s not even my due date yet! I still have 6 more days.
- Many first time babies are late.
- I’ve heard SO many stories about women walking around 2-3 centimeters dilated for weeks before going into labor. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I’ve heard stories of women being not dilated at all and going into labor the same day they were checked and told there was no progress!
So, he’ll come when he’s ready! 🙂 My doctor did tell me that when I go into labor that he’s comfortable with me staying at home until my contractions are about 3 minutes apart.

A pumpkin seems a little excessive but sometimes it sure does feel like I have a pumpkin for a belly!
- Baby’s brain is still rapidly developing.
- His nails might be extended past his fingertips.
- He’s still growing, despite the cramped environment he’s in!
- He’s 100% full-term and ready for life in the outside world. (Although Dorie and I were joking this morning about how smart he is to stay in there…life is complicated out here!)

Weight gain/body changes: 25-27 pounds, depending on the day. Breasts are growing again. Dark line down my belly but no stretch marks. No swelling.

I saw this chart in my Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy today and thought it was super interesting!
- A lot of cramping (period-like and low back) and nausea last weekend but didn’t turn into anything!
- ALL the peeing. All day, all night.
- Baby is moving like a crazy little man!
- Pelvic pain on occasion, especially upon standing but it’s been better this last week than it was the week before that.
- Fatigue.
- Insomnia. (which is probably why I feel so fatigued during the day)
- Heartburn.
Emotional well-being check-in: what a roller coaster of emotions these last few weeks of pregnancy are! It’s the wildest thing to be at a point where he could literally come any day. It’s so weird to just not know if it’s going to be tonight, this weekend or two weeks from now. Someone said it perfectly, it’s like you’re gearing up for a race but you have no idea if it’s a 5K or a marathon!
It’s also so crazy to think that no matter what, he’ll be here in less than three weeks. (My doctor will not let me go past 42.) On the one hand, I’m anxiously awaiting the experience of labor, childbirth, holding him for the first time and bringing him home. On the other, a few days ago I found myself in tears saying, “I don’t think I still want to do this.”
I think the biggest thing is just having ZERO frame of reference for all the ways my life is about to change. Even though I’ve seen so many friends go through the experience and this baby was very planned, it’s still a massive life change that you just can’t wrap your head around until it happens to YOU.

Food cravings: cake/cupcakes (I just picked up another piece of Laurel Market carrot cake after my appointment this morning!), Wheat Thins, sparkly drinks like La Croix, kombucha and ginger ale, bagels.
Indulgences: thought this would be a fun one to add in this week. I think that making plans with friends and treating yourself to little indulgences is a great way to help pass the time as you wait for baby. I’ve had plans with friends for things like walking, coffee and lunch almost every single day for the last two weeks. I got my nails done on Monday, I’m going to get a prenatal massage this week and I’m even considering a blowout this weekend if he’s still hanging on!
I also have to admit that I’m having a VERY strong urge to skip out on work this afternoon and veg on the couch and watch a movie. But we’ll see if my overactive brain will allow me to do that. I’ll probably end up washing and folding more baby clothes, walking the dogs and working. Haha.

Workouts: since I last updated, I have taught one strength class, practiced yoga a couple of times and walked almost every day anywhere from 2-5 miles. My doctor told me again today to keep moving and keep walking….as much as possible! Yesterday I met a friend for a 3 mile walk in the morning and then took the girls out that evening for another 2. No labor! 😉 A couple of days ago I had a guy stop me while I was walking the girls and ask, “are you trying to put yourself into labor?” Haha. Yes.
I look forward to my daily walks so much. I usually listen to an episode of The Birth Hour and also sometimes chat with my grandmother. I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from listening to SO many different birth stories. It’s been awesome!
And y’all, I have to tell you that Sullie is in the best shape of her life right now. I have been walking that sweet girl like crazy and she is so fit and trim. She’s looking good for two months shy of 12!
Fun Shares:
- I packed my hospital snack bag, which is clearly a very important priority! 😉
- We completed a visual birth plan. My doula recommended this one from Mama Natural.
- I need to put together a labor playlist. Maybe that would be a fun activity for this afternoon that doesn’t use too much brainpower.
- Every time I walk into the studio I’m greeted with, “you’re still pregnant!?” I’m like…I’m not due for another week people!
- Babe still doesn’t have a name. As I mentioned in my weekend recap, the plan now is to go into the hospital with a few options and make a game-time decision!
- I received a big bag of hand-me-down clothes this week and they are SO CUTE! I’ve had so much fun going through it all, washing, folding and organizing.
Did you take snacks to the hospital? (for after delivery…I know most won’t let you eat during but I am taking energy gels and coconut water!)
Did you walk a lot at the end of your pregnancy?
Was your baby early, on time or late? How much did your baby weigh? How did that compare to what you were told to expect?
How long did you labor at home before heading to the hospital? How did you stay comfortable at home?
What was the hardest moment of labor and delivery? What surprised you about labor and delivery?
IT has been fun for me reading everything you are experiencing! I am 39 weeks today with my 3rd and last 🙂 I’m also having a boy. I’m a physical therapist and have stayed very active this pregnancy as well (running up to week 28, then elliptical, now walking) but is nice to see other people stay active through their pregnancy. My first two came early so this one is new on the waiting game! I didn’t pack a snack bag (last one was out in 25 min) so I may try that this time! I’m use to marathon training so a playlist is a really good idea if you love music!
My first I labored for 6 hours-
My 2nd I labored at home most the day (wouldn’t really call it labor until transition phase) and we barely made it to the hospital!
I contribute both deliveries to being very active and moving throughout my pregnancies.
This one I hope to be in town (we have a 30 min drive) because of how quick the last one went!
Best of luck to you and I will be curious to see your little guy!
Keep on walking on:)
Everything you’re feeling is exactly how I felt!! The night I went into labor, I went to dinner w friends and we joked how I was probably going to go to 42 weeks since I had zero labor symptoms at all yet (I was 39 weeks 4 days). I got home at 10pm, contractions started at 11, my water broke at 3am and he was born 9 hours later!! So crazy!! I’ve been a reader for years and I’m so excited to hear how everything goes!!
Also, I ate a larabar on the way to the hospital- I called my doula on the way and she said EAT FIRST!! Lol. I wasn’t starving since my labor was so quick but popsicles were great which the hospital had!
Did you walk a lot at the end of your pregnancy? YES! MUCH slower but YES. The day before I walked a few miles, including a big hill which I now call the labor hill to anyone who needs it 🙂
Was your baby early, on time or late? How much did your baby weigh? How did that compare to what you were told to expect? 10 days early, 6 lb. 10 oz. Smaller than they said!
How long did you labor at home before heading to the hospital? How did you stay comfortable at home? Most of the day I was actually laboring but didn’t really know, I thought I just felt crampy and off. It got pretty bad around dinner time and by the time I took a shower, and talked to my doctor it was go time. The shower made me feel SO SO much more comfortable when things got intense. I probably should have gone sooner as about an hour after getting to the hospital I was 7 cm and my son was born shortly after that. I was on the fence about natural or epidural but laboring at home makes the choice to not have an epidural easier since it’s obviously not there for you and when I got to the hospital it was too late. In hindsight, I think I waited a little TOO long at home since it progressed so quickly but every experience is a story to tell!
What was the hardest moment of labor and delivery? What surprised you about labor and delivery? The hardest moment was really the uncertainty…between getting checked in and checked and not sure what is going to happen next. Once it was pushing time everything is seriously a blur until you hold that baby!! I was surprised how much the nurses do and how little the doctor does….I love the doctor that delivered my son, but he was in the room really for the end of delivery. I am thankful for my doctor but those nurses are truly saints for what they deal with, and what they see!
It sounds like you are doing great!
I did take snacks to the hospital, but my situation was different from yours, since I was hospitalized for complications at 33 weeks. I knew that the hospital likely would not give me enough food — and the right kind of food — to manage my gestational diabetes, and I was right. . . so I was glad to have my own snacks.
My babies were born at 34 weeks via c-section due to pregnancy complications, so although I am a mother of two, I’ve never experienced labor. Weird!
You are in such good physical shape that I bet you will do great. 🙂
I didn’t bring snacks because we kind of had a rushed induction, but I did eat popsicles from the hospital which eventually made me throw up…which wasn’t fun. I had an epidural, so the “being in labor” part was not that enjoyable to me personally because not moving my legs drove me absolutely insane (I was also in labor for 30 hours so…maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad with a shorter time frame). But the thing that surprised me the most was how much I legitimately enjoyed the pushing stage (which for me lasted about 2 hours ?). I just felt so powerful and proactive as opposed to laying there waiting and working through contractions. So don’t fear the pushing phase like I did, it may be the most empowering part for you! Good luck!!
My baby boy was 5 days early. I had my 39 week checkup on a Thursday and was just barely 1 cm dilated. My midwife said, “You never know what could happen!” My husband and I made plans to put finishing touches on the nursery and spend times with friends that weekend….and then I went into labor Friday night!
I labored at home for 6 hours before going to the hospital. Used a contraction timer found online and waited until contractions were 4 minutes apart…and pretty painful.
I think your thinking of “he’ll come when he’s ready” is the healthiest and best. Stay busy (or enjoy luxurious rest!) and he’ll be here before you know it. 🙂
I didn’t take snacks to the hospital but that’s a great idea! Now I wish I would have! HAHA
I walked and ran a ton up until delivery with both of my kids. I believe it helps so much with delivery and recovery.
My daughter was born on her due date and my son was born one day before his due date 🙂 She was 6 lbs 14 oz and he was 7 lbs 6 oz. I was told that both of them would be big and neither of them were! HA. But my son has grown a TON since he was born. He’s already 17 lbs and 27 inches long at 5 months old. My daughter was and still is very petite but tall.
I had very fast labors with both of mine. 6 1/2 hours total with my daughter and 4 1/4 hours total with my son. I didn’t labor at home very long once the contractions were strong and once I got to the hospital it went fast. With both, they gave me my epidural, checked me and pretty much right after that I was ready to push. My body labors quickly apparently. So, I didn’t stay comfortable is what I’m saying! 😉 LOL
Because of quick labors, it put my babes into distress and it was very scary. I remember just watching the monitor and trying not to freak out and praying hard. The surprising part for me was how quickly it went. I was expecting to get my epidural and kind of relax or rest before I had to push. HA! That did not happen. The other surprising part (especially with my daughter, my first) was how much immediate love I had for them. It’s overwhelming. You already know you love them but it’s completely overwhelming, in a wonderful way, how much love you have for them when you finally get to see their face.
I hope to be as fit as you when I’m pregnant some day 😉 Enjoy these last final days! xo
I am one of those that walked around 3 cm dilated for 6 weeks!! Dr even said he would be here soon but nope he didn’t come until 41 weeks. So there’s that! Also they estimated he would weigh 8 pounds and he came out 9lbs 2 oz!! Haha wrong again? everything was hard and miserable about L and D FOR ME. I had a gf who gave birth a couple months before me and she just flat out said I’m not going to lie it was awful for me. I really appreciated the honesty. I’m sure some women have rainbows and butterly experiences as well! And lastly with all of that being said in the grand scheme it is a short time and I would focus on breastfeeding or parenting books. You will do great!!?
Not sure you’ll miss writing them, but I’m really going to miss reading these updates! I’ve enjoyed following along each week. I guess now we can move on to “life with baby” updates 🙂
39+1 is when I delivered! I stayed active all throughout pregnancy… ran up to 33 weeks and then walked 3-5 miles a day up until the day I went into labor. I labored at home for 12 hours and would’ve stayed at home longer, but my mom and husband started to freak out a little. 😉 by the time I got to the birth center, I was 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced. My contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart at that point. I took snacks, but didn’t want to eat anything because I was too focused on laboring. I think my husband ate some trail mix and popcorn though. After birth, our amazing doula treated everyone to cookout!! I’ve never had a better bacon hamburger in my life lol.
The hardest part of labor was transition and then pushing… not as much the physical part of it, but being in the right headspace, if that makes sense. By that point, I just wanted it to be over and needed all of the encouragement I could get! I tried pushing in different positions and used the squat bars, but found the bed to be the most comfortable. My doula and midwives were fantastic, so glad you have a doula! They’re so worth it!! I couldn’t have made it through unmedicated childbirth without her.
I totally relate to all of your feelings about the unknown. It really is a scary time, but now I look back on it and actually miss being pregnant and those first few weeks with a newborn. It’s so sweet and you’ll cherish the memories forever!
I’ve been reading your blog for years, but haven’t really felt compelled to comment until recently. I love your pregnancy updates– and I usually skip over them with most bloggers now that I’ve had two babies of my own! I just wanted to say that I think having zero frame of reference for all the ways your life is about to change is actually a really good place to be! I was a nanny, a NICU nurse and the oldest of 4 kids, so I totally thought “I’ve got this” and instead it rocked my world when suddenly the baby was my own. Being open to the process is a much healthier starting point!
Snacks– yes. Homemade muffins! And gatorade and coconut water.
Walking– yep! I have no idea if it helped with labor, but it was the only comfortable activity toward the end.
My kids were 38.5 (7lbs 8oz) and 38.3 (7lb 15oz). My Midwife/OB’s office didn’t do third tri ultrasounds on me, so I never had an estimated weight close to the due date. Just always measured appropriately with fundal heights.
Labor at home: 24 hours with the first (sheer and utter denial is a great coping mechanism haha! I finally went in when it hurt to walk, and turns out I was 6cm dilated). None with the second (water broke and contractions didn’t start, so I finally had to go in to be monitored.)
Hardest moment: the uncertainty for sure. Everyone had always said it’s the worst pain of your life, and so I kept waiting for it to get worse and worse. Part of the reason I didn’t go in for so long with my first! I wish people hadn’t said that. It’s generally a productive, purposeful pain, which is very different from an injury pain.
What surprised me (great question): I remember being so surprised that I got to rest between contractions. Especially with a doula and a tub, you can really calm down and feel “normal” between contractions for quite a while, which makes a huge difference.
Jen, you look great! Beautiful and strong! I can’t wait to hear your birth story!
I am a mom of 3 and my stories are so different. With my first, my water broke 5 days before my due date and I never progressed and needed a caesarean. That was the hardest part of any of my labor/deliveries, just accepting that my plan for a natural, vaginal birth wouldn’t come to be. At least I had a healthy baby! My second and third were both VBACs, which were the biggest surprises! My labor with them came on strong, fast and furiously, at 6 and 7 days before their due dates. The contractions started with both of them at 5 minutes apart and they were so painful, so I rushed to the hospital each time. I couldn’t believe my body actually knew what to do and pushed those babies out so quickly. It was glorious! My birth experiences were all different but all special in their own ways and I feel so blessed to have three happy, healthy children.
My question for you is: have you talked to your doctor about a membrane sweep? I had that done with both my second and third babies and both times I went into labor within 24 hours. It doesn’t work for everyone but maybe worth a shot!
I can’t believe these updates will soon be gone and hopefully replaced by baby in the world updates!! You look incredible and I appreciate all the honesty – one day when I’m pregnant I’m sure I’ll remember and finally relate to some of the things you’ve written about feelings or experiences 🙂
Did you take snacks to the hospital? (for after delivery…I know most won’t let you eat during but I am taking energy gels and coconut water!)
I did! I had Larabars and peanut butter 🙂
Did you walk a lot at the end of your pregnancy?
yes. sitting was so uncomfortable.
Was your baby early, on time or late? How much did your baby weigh? How did that compare to what you were told to expect?
My little man was 4 days early. He was 6lb15oz and they thought he was about 8 something!
How long did you labor at home before heading to the hospital? How did you stay comfortable at home?
At 830pm I thought I was in labor so I told my SO at the time. We got to the hospital at 10pm and he was born at 1146pm! Super fast!!!
What was the hardest moment of labor and delivery? What surprised you about labor and delivery?
I had a strict plan for no pain meds. I told everyone involved that no matter what, I did not want an epidural. I was super disappointed when the nurses kept asking if I wanted one. I was surprised how fast it was. I had no break between contractions so it felt so super painful but right when it was over, I wanted to do it all over again. Oh, mommy hormones!
I hope there’s a baby next week! I would love a post on doulas. I had two pregnancies but never would have thought to consider a doula (seems like a stranger in the room I wouldn’t want there) or a non-medicated birth. But now I’m curious! Why favor these things so much? I imagine this is a touchy subject.
So close!! I was 3 days late with my first, 8 days late with my second, 1 day early with my third and 13 days late with my fourth! Ya just never know what the body has in store. My baby is 4 weeks old and I shared her birth story on my podcast Fit Mama Real Food Radio if you wanna listen. I LOVE reading and listening to birth stories too!
I was lucky to get to eat during my last 2 labors since I wasn’t induced, and even with my 3rd I ate a salad and sandwich a few hours before she was born! Labor is hard hard work. Whatever you can stomach I say GO for.
Sending happy labor vibes your way Jen!
It sounds like you are enjoying the last week(s)! Treat yo self!!
I’ve been reading for a long time but have never commented. Your comment about not knowing if you’re ready really resonated with me as I had those same type of concerns and wasn’t sure how life would change and wasn’t sure I wanted it to anymore (even though the baby was 100% planned). Trust me when I say the moment you meet that little boy, you won’t care how it changes. It definitely will, but it won’t matter how because you’ll be so enthralled with him and your new life with him. The first few weeks or months can be tough, but then you’ll reach this amazing point where you’re comfortable w/ him and you can resume life and you will love your life even more than you have before. Good luck in the coming week or two – it is such a special day!
You’re so close!!!! I am so excited for you!
I did bring snacks. Lots of larabars and bag of pretzels. Otherwise, I either ate the hospital food or we ordered food to the hospital. I’ll never forget how amazing my post birth chicken fingers and honey mustard was with my second baby.
I walked so, so much at the end of both of my pregnancies. Definitely helped with keeping down any swelling!
My first baby was 3 weeks early and weighed 6 pounds. My second was 6 days early and weighed 8 pounds. They were both pretty much in line with what the ultrasound techs expected.
With my first my water broke and I hadn’t yet had the strep test so we had to go right to the hospital where I underwent a gentle induction. With my second, I started having contractions at about 3 am. I labored at home until 2:15 pm. We arrived at the hospital at 3 pm and our daughter was born at 3:58 pm, I hadn’t even been admitted to the hospital yet! I stayed comfortable at home by just breathing and relaxing, as well as reminding myself that my body knew what to do.
With my first, I honestly didn’t have any hard moments. I got an epidural so things were easy peasy. With my second she came too fast for an epidural, and hands down, the hardest part, was when I was going through transition. I wanted nothing to do with having a baby, just wanted it to stop, and to go home. I wish someone had told me at that point in time that I was in transition and reminded me that it was almost over. I think that really would have helped me.
Good luck! You’re going to do great!
Almost there Jen!! Woohoo! I walked until 41 weeks and at 40 weeks and 5-6 days, I’m pretty sure Ernie was highly confused as to why my pace was turtle style SLOW 🙂 I was induced at exactly 41 weeks and I’m pretty sure she would have easily hung out another week in there with no problems! I was showing no signs of labor…at all. Labor was unexpected with baby A not being able to handle the pitocin once I was hooked up. Her heart rate dropped dangerously low every time they tried to ramp it up to get labor going… and we eventually had to shut it off to let her calm down. Ultimately, her limited ability to handle contractions resulted in a c-section 18 hours later! I was just glad she got out healthy and our medical team knew what to do to keep us all calm and in good care! Best wishes for you and baby boy over these next exciting weeks!! 🙂
I have LOVED reading your pregnancy updates these last several months! I think you are going to be a wonderful mama! I can’t wait to meet your little guy in a few weeks through your blog! On the feelings of not being ready, etc… your life will just naturally evolve and you will get into the groove and then have a hard time remembering what life was like before. My daughter came 10 days after her due date. I walked and taught group exercise classes right up until that day. She came on a Saturday night and I was going to be induced that Monday if she didn’t come on her own. I remember walking 2 miles in my neighborhood, eating a cheeseburger and baked beans (why?!?! hahahaha) and cleaning the house and vacuuming dog hair like a crazy woman, and then i started having contractions. My water never broke on it’s own. I arrived at the hospital at 10:30pm and she was born at 4:13am. I know everyone’s births are different, but i was just thinking she would come before or on her due date. The 10 day wait was looooong. But, she came in her own perfect timing. Congratulations on this miracle!
I walked, it was my main activity with gentle yoga. Baby arrived on due date! 25 hours, half at home, half with the midwives. Weight, 8,2, bigger than expected, but just because I only gained 24; midwives don’t recommend echo in the 3rd trimester, so this “evaluation” isn’t in the cards. Hardest moment: all the pushing (4 hours). But I was happy to see how my body bounced back, it was the biggest surprise. Take it slow after and your body will thank you! Good luck!