I was feeling the “holiday hangover” something fierce last week. I found myself feeling pretty low on energy, taking more naps than normal and sleeping later than usual. I blame it on the cumulative effects of running around, stress, indulgent foods, parties and more drinking than normal. The weather we’ve had for the last few weeks certainly didn’t help anything with temperatures in the 70s, rain and very high humidity. Even the air felt heavy.
Many of my students and fellow teachers were feeling the same and asking me if it was normal to feel so sluggish and blah in their practice. I said, “unfortunately, yes…but we must keep moving!”ย One of the best ways I’ve found to beat the blahs and lethargy is to move in order to create energy in your body. I see this so much with my clients who are expecting. Working out is generally the last thing they feel like doing but they feel so much better afterwards.
Luckily, I had the final week of our studio’s 62 Day Challenge to motivate me to show up on my mat and move. I ended up finishing the challenge with somewhere around 45 practices. It helped greatly to have 100 other yogis participating in order to stay motivated and accountable.
I shared this on Instagram on New Year’s Day (the final day of the challenge) but I’m so glad that I participated this year. My original goal was to get 50 practices in but I’m happy with where I ended up. I haven’t practiced this consistently in a very long time. Through consistently showing up and practicing, I achieved handstand to crow, felt open and in-tune with my body (more so than I have in a long time) and was reminded of the importance of taking time for myself, even when life feels chaotic. Some days I was forced to literally stop what I was doing to practice and it was honestly the very best thing for me.
So here’s a recap of what the week looked like!
Hot yoga
Hot yoga
5 x 5
Barbell bent over rows (I worked to a 70# bar)
Barbell roll outs (think ab wheel)
18 minute AMRAP
400 meter run
20 thrusters (55# rx)
10 toes to bar
10 burpees
I finished 3 rounds + 1 run.
I took class at our gym’s CrossFit box for the first time in gosh…a year? 18 months? I was wrapping up one meeting and had a small window to workout before teaching. I liked the look of the WOD so I decided to go for it.
Man, this workout totally smoked me! I always forget how much harder I push myself when I’m working out with a class instead of doing WODs on my own. Especially when over half the class was people I coached for the better part of two years! I was sore for three days from the barbell roll outs and thrusters…and my arms were still shaking when I got to the studio to teach. Good stuff! ๐
Hot yoga
I audibly groaned on that first jump back to chaturanga because my tricpes were so sore from the thrusters!
Hot yoga
Last day of the 62 day challenge!
1 mile warm up run + strength
3 rounds of the following supersets. Do three rounds of each exercise in the superset back to back before moving onto the next superset.ย
10 dumbbell chest flies (25#)
10 chest push ups
10 dumbbell front squats (holding one 45# dumbbell)
10 dumbbell plie squats (holding one 45# dumbbell)
10 bicep curls (20#)
10 tricep dips (bodyweight)
10 single leg deadlifts (holding one 30# dumbbell)
10 split squats with back leg on bench (holding two 20# dumbbells)
10 assisted pull ups (using machine)
10 bent over rows (holding 25# dumbbells)
5.5 mile run with a friend
This was my first run in the 30s and wearing gloves. Definitely felt it in my lungs. I’ve been so lucky to run mostly in a tank and shorts up until this month!
That does it for me. Stay tuned later this week for more details on a January clean eating challenge that I’m spearheading with a friend, a recap of my weekend and New Year’s and a new strength training focus! Lots of good stuff to come in 2016 on the blog! ๐
How do you combat feeling tired and sluggish? What helps you?
What’s your workout focus in the new year?
Have you ever completed any type of challenge?
I really like group or partner workouts when I don’t feel like going, because chances are we are going to push each other to get it done! And you are so right you really do push yourself so much harder than if you are working out alone!
That’s one of the reasons I love teaching group fitness and yoga too! Everyone feeds off of each other’s energy.
When is the last time you took a rest day? Maybe that is why you’re feeling sluggish. You need to make sure to give your body a chance to recover!
If I don’t take a rest day at some point during the week, I make sure that I have at least a couple days of yoga and only yoga. I never plan my rest days. I just take them when I feel like I need one or I can’t fit a workout into my schedule!
I try to drink more water, eat a piece of fruit and go for a run or walk. Usually that combo will snap me back… but the holidays are hard :-))
Happy New Year!
I miss hot yoga and haven’t practiced in months. It just hasn’t worked my schedule as of lately. I know when the time is right it will come back into my life. ๐ After the holidays, I just went back to the basics. Real food…no starchy whites or sugars. I’ve been doing it for a week and feel great. I will start adding stuff back in, but it felt good to give my body a good cleanse…I’m ready for a big NJ bagel…XOXO
Sounds like a good reset after the holidays!
I’m feeling the same sluggishness and blah over working out. i feel like i need something different but i think im going to try to focus on some strength workouts partly due to time. i love hot yoga and group classes but they take so much time out of your schedule and if there is one thing i am lacking in January its time ! well that and energy : )
I’m trying to focus a little more on strength this month too. I love that you can get an awesome strength workout done in 20 minutes or less!
I almost came to Metro on Wednesday since I was off, but lost my motivation with the rain (and drive)! That workout looked great, but I probably wouldn’t have been able to move afterwards. One day I’ll work out intensely again…maybe ๐
Haha! It was a tough one. I was a kind of sore that I haven’t felt in a while!