Despite the fact that I’ve emerged from the weekend with some sort of funky chest cold, we had such a fun and relaxed time.

We typically stay in on Friday nights because we’re tired from the week and Tanner teaches a double header on Saturday mornings, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. I picked up some stuffed chicken breasts from The Fresh Market and served them alongside roasted broccoli and potatoes. We started the movie Lion and watched about half of it.

I woke up at 5 a.m. on Saturday morning and could never fall back asleep. My throat was kind of scratchy and I was coughing a bit. I finally got up around 7 and made a breakfast of two scrambled eggs, berries and sourdough toast with butter and jam.

I went to the studio and took the 9:30 and taught my 11:15 and then we picked up food to go from Namastay Kitchen. No surprise that I had the harvest salad with a beet burger.

We were in a hurry to get on the road to take the girls on a fun adventure.

The lake!!!! One of our friends has a great little spot on Lake Wylie and told us we could use it anytime we wanted to take the girls to swim. Lake Wylie is just over the SC border and about 40 minutes from us.

Sullie Phelps was in her GLORY! Y’all she swam for two hours straight. We couldn’t get her out of the water. It’s so funny, she won’t run after a ball on land to save her life but she loves to swim after balls!

The girls had a great time but it wasn’t very relaxing for the adults. 😉 Every time we tried to lay out on the dock, Zoey would come and stand over us and drop her ball by our heads. Haha.

Both girls jumped off the dock one time but were not fans of going completely under. You should have seen the look on their faces when their heads popped up.

So, so thankful to our friends for letting us use their place. We’re going to get doggie life jackets for the girls so that they can swim more without getting so worn out. I kept telling Tanner, “don’t throw the ball, Sullie needs to rest.” And then Sullie would just stand on the shoreline waiting for us to throw it again.

I can’t believe my Sullie girl will be 11 in July. It’s so wonderful to see her still so active. We’re going to let her do a lot of swimming this summer. <3

Back at home, both girls as well as the humans got baths. We had a birthday party to attend for a friend. I love, love this lace fit and flare dress. It’s perfect for so many occasions. (Side note…you can definitely tell that I try to avoid getting sun on my face…one of these colors is not like the other! What do y’all do to blend this better?)

Here’s the back of the dress. It’s available in 4 other colors and only $88 so definitely check it out!

We spent a couple of hours at the party.

We all commented that we hadn’t seen many chocolate chip cakes before! I can report that it was delicious!
I really wasn’t feeling great at this point so we headed home a little after 9 and finished Lion. LOVED the movie.

The girls were so tired after our lake adventure. They hardly moved for the 24 hours following!

After Saturday’s early wake up, I was happy to sleep until about 9 on Sunday. I woke up feeling blah so I cancelled a planned running date with a friend. The only thing I felt like eating was a smoothie bowl. I spent most of the day in front of the computer catching up on work before teaching my 4 p.m. class at the studio.

After a quick trip to Whole Foods, I came home and got started on dinner. This is the nightly scene while I’m cooking. Double belly rubs.

And I know I’ve passed my quota of dog pictures in this post but OMG…they seriously fell asleep like this last night. I just laid there and stared at them for like 10 minutes trying to soak up the memory. It makes my heart so happy to see how much they love each other.
Do your dogs like to swim?
Charlotte readers…any suggestions for public access swimming for dogs? I’ve had many inquiries!
What was your best adventure of the weekend?
Ha! I’ve had that dress in black for about 3 years now. I love it!!
The pups swimming is the cutest thing! What a fun weekend. And that dress is gorgeous, so cute with wedges! I’m feeling the bright red for sure. My best adventure this weekend was traveling up to Brooklyn for an adorable wedding in a courtyard. A blast, but good to be home!
That dress is amazing on you!!
Feel free to come up to my house anytime. It’s dog-friendly and we have stairs going in and out of the lake for dogs and people alike 🙂
Really though!!
I love all the Sullie/Zoey pictures!! 🙂 Also – you look FABULOUS in that dress! (I have a similar one in navy that I adore!)
Thank you! I am definitely a crazy dog momma but I love it!
I just HAD to comment. Your dogs are the most adorable things I’ve ever seen! I’ve been reading your blog for several years and have ALWAYS loved Sullie. (My sweet 14 year old yellow lab Charlie died last summer and I’m just starting to think about another golden or lab.) I’m so glad she has Zoe to keep her company and help her age healthily. They’re just the best. I could just stare at their sweet faces all day. Lucky you and lucky them to have such great parents!
Hi Jenn- thank you for your sweet comment. I post WAY too many dog pics but I love them so much. My Sullie girl has my heart. I’m sorry to hear about your Charlie and you’ll know when you’re ready to welcome another. I didn’t know if I could ever love another as much as Sullie but I love Zoey the same but in a totally different way … if that makes any sense. Zoey has been a blessing to Sullie. <3
That cake is gorgeous!! We take our dogs to an unofficial watering hole at the Whitewater Center that a friend introduced us to. If you go down the path to where they launch the paddle boards and hang a right, you’ll find a spot to your left where people unleash their dogs for a swim. It’s up to the dog to swim out or chase a ball (mine just jump/hop around like German Shepherd rabbits), but it’s super fun. And yes, will definitely need a bath afterward.
THANK YOU for this recommendation! It’s so helpful! 🙂
We had a Golden growing up who was just like Sullie! Beau absolutely loved the water, he would wear himself out swimming. We had family friends with a lake house, so we’d take him a few times a year. Back at home, we got him his own kiddie pool for the back yard, a poor substitute but he still seemed to have fun!
I was hoping my dog Willow would love the water just as much as Beau did. She is half German Shepherd, half Staffordshire Terrier. We have a pool, we thought for sure she’d want to jump in the first summer we had her. But nope, she is not interested in the water at all!
Very cute dress, I love a fit and flare shape!
Not much of a movie person but saw Lion and really loved it. It was so good.
Went to Graduation at the University of Texas in Austin over the weekend. So much fun.
Gosh, we just loved Lion. OMG on UT graduation. I bet that was crazy!
That dress is gorgeous and even more gorgeous on you! And that cake made me instantaneously have a sugar craving! haha. Nothing too adventurous, but a graduation party, a church dinner, and a birthday party left it pretty busy! But fun!
The pups are so cute! We’ve taken ours to the McDowell nature preserve (also on Lake Wylie) and there are a few places they can swim right off the walking trails. Not sure if it’s *technically* allowed, but we’ve had no issues on quieter days or earlier in the morning when there aren’t a ton of people around!
Thank you for sharing this! I’ll let the others know! 🙂