I am feeling some serious TGIF and I’m especially thankful that it’s a long holiday weekend and we have no plans for it. This was a tough week.

I dropped Sullie off for her surgery to have two mast cell tumors removed on Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. I was a bundle of nerves going in. She was so happy and I felt so terrible because she had no idea what was about to happen.

I grabbed a coffee and my favorite morning glory muffin from Sunflour (which was still warm from the oven and amazing) and headed to the gym to train a client and workout. That kept me distracted until around 11 and then I headed home to get some work done. The vet finally called around 12:30 with news that Sullie’s surgery went well and she was awake, resting and recovering.

We were allowed to pick her up after 5 p.m. My fiance came with me for both emotional support and so that we could tag team getting her into the car and home. She was in really great spirits when we picked her up but her doctor said that she was feeling super loopy from morphine and would likely start feeling the effects of everything later.

I was pleased that she ate dinner (always a good sign) and then we gave her pain meds and she crashed on me. I iced her incisions while she slept. There are two of them, one on her chest and one on her abdomen, and both are 3-4 inches long.

Yesterday she was really quiet but I was happy for that because I want her to rest. We were worried about Zoey and thought we’d have to keep them separated for two weeks but after night one we discovered there was no chance of that. Neither one of them would relax until they were in the same room together.

Zoey is being a supportive sister and not trying to wrestle or play with Sullie. Funny story, when I put the cone on Sullie yesterday Zoey went CRAZY. She barked, growled and wouldn’t come anywhere close to Sullie for 15 minutes. I guess she finally got over it because the next thing I knew this was happening.

Sullie is wearing a t-shirt to cover the incisions so she can’t scratch them. I thought it fitting to put her in some Panthers gear. I only put the cone on her when I leave and also leave her and Zoey separated when we’re not home.
We should get the pathology report from the lab in 3-5 days. I’m guessing that since it’s a holiday weekend that will be more like Tuesday of next week.
Speaking of the weekend, we are staying put in Charlotte and both have to teach but have lots of downtime as well. We’re hoping to go for an afternoon hike on Saturday. If you live in the area and have a recommendation for a nice hike within an hour or so of Charlotte that’s not Crowders Mountain, I would love to hear it!
Much thanks to all who sent love and prayers to Sullie. Keep them coming for good news.
What do you have planned for the holiday weekend?
I’m glad Sullie’s surgery went well – thinking about her! That’s cute the Zoey wouldn’t leave her side. Have you been to Lake Norman State Park? They have some great trails up there. And Sunflour is my favoriteee- you can never go wrong! Enjoy the long weekend, Jen!
Aww, poor girl! She’s looks pretty cute in her t-shirt, though. Hope the results are good, I know it will be hard to relax until you know for sure!
We are hanging out at home, too. My wardrobe needs a major update so I’m planning on hitting up some Memorial Day sales, then we are just going to get the backyard ready for summer. Hopefully it will finally be warm enough for us to get in our pool, too!
I’m so glad to hear that her surgery went well! I’ll be crossing my fingers for good results. 🙂
I can’t help but chuckle at that picture of her in the t-shirt though. She’s adorable.
Good girl Sullie! I have a good feeling about all this, so I’m sure she’ll be ok. I’ve been through many a dog surgery with my pets, and the way you describe her recovery sounds perfect to me. Best wishes from us here across the pond, and we are keeping you guys in our thoughts.xoxo
I’m glad the surgery went well. Here’s hoping for good test results.
She looks snazzy in her t-shirt!
My weekend is kicking off tonight with meeting a friend’s new girlfriend. The plan for the rest of the weekend is to strip wallpaper in the spare bedroom, but also to have some time to myself to read. There’s a stack of library books on my shelf that I just haven’t got around to yet.
I’m so glad to hear about Sullie! I was thinking about you guys! This weekend, we actually have NOTHING planned…well not nothing, but nothing that we “have” to do. We are going out to breakfast Sunday with my husband’s grandmother and then just doing little things around the house. Our neighborhood pool opens tomorrow and an early morning swim may be on the agenda!
I have fallen in love with Sullie through your photos of her — she looks like the sweetest little thing! I’ll continue to pray for her speedy recovery and good news from her vet. 🙂
Stone Mountain is absolutely beautiful. I’m in Davidson and it’s about an hour up 77 North but worth the trip. There is a fantastic waterfall and views. Have a good weekend.
Crossing fingers and praying for good results! My lab had two mast cell tumor surgeries last year and both went well and he’s ok. They Are very common- I’m sure your sweet girl will be ok;)
I am so glad to hear she’s doing well. What a sweethear! I’m sure Zoey can sense she needs to be more gentle right now. Sending positive vibes your way!
What about Kings Mtn.? I have not hiked there yet but everyone I have talked to said its a nice one to do. I think its another 15 minutes past Crowders. You have probably seen the signs on the way to Crowders.
I’m relieved to hear that she’s resting and doing relatively well. I hope she continues on the upswing this weekend!
oh my sweetness. that sullie. presh
Best of luck with Sullie, Jen! I hope all will be well. Our six year old, Wilson, had two removed from his haunch and abdomen last fall and thankfully the result was lowest on the scale. Wishing the same for Sullie and am happy she has such a loving little sister to watch after her. Best wishes!!
Sully looks so cozy with all her blankets & pillows and like she is recovering well!