I must be honest. It was not fun to get up at 5 a.m. to teach BodyPump this morning. I was so exhausted from the weekend and so sore from yesterday’s yoga class. I was definitely feeling the effects in my hamstrings of pushing myself to the edge during standing splits. But I tell Brandon all the time that I like being sore because I know I’m working hard and pushing myself – not just staying comfortable at my current level (of running, weight training, yoga, etc).
I managed to pull off the Go Heavy Challenge for squats and still used two big plates but after that I stuck to normal weights. Don’t worry – I’ll be back in the game on Thursday.
This morning featured a fall treat.

Pumpkin oats! In the pot went oats, 10-grain hot cereal, raisins, chia seeds, cinnamon, pumpkin and a pinch of salt. Topped with Justin’s Maple Almond Butter. I froze some individual oatmeal servings of pumpkin. It’s perfect for when I’m lacking other mix-ins.
Of course there was black coffee on the side. I got halfway to work and realized I left my coffee at home. I promptly turned around to get it! I was not going to make it through this morning without coffee.
Since I hadn’t been to the grocery since we moved into the new house I had to keep lunch pretty simple.

Peanut butter and jelly on 7-grain bread. On the side was goldfish and fruit salad (stolen from dinner at my mother in law’s last night!). It was rainy and gross here today so this simple lunch hit the spot!
After work I stopped by the grocery to pick up a few things for the week and then came home and attacked the kitchen. I’m feeling pretty good about storage/organization but still have more work to do. We took a break to celebrate an early Cinco De Mayo!

Taco night! I had two tacos and refried beans. The tacos featured organic ground beef (first time I’ve had beef in well over a month), sour cream, taco sauce, lettuce, Cholula and cheese. I love serving refried beans as a side with Mexican. They are low in fat and packed with protein and fiber. I topped mine off with a little cheese and hot sauce. And I may have had a margarita on the side!
We’re watching Big Bang now and I plan on heading to bed very shortly. I’m still trying to catch up from the weekend and have a busy week in front of me. Two of our best friends from law school (Birmingham) are coming to visit this weekend with their 1-year-old daughter, Camille. Lots to do to unpack and prepare – can’t WAIT to see them!!! 😀