This post is sponsored by HYLETE.
Today’s post combines three of my favorite things. 1) New workout gear. 2) Working out with Tanner. 3) BURPEES!

HYLETE recently offered to send a sampling of their workout apparel for both Tanner and I try out and we decided to give it the ultimate test with a sweaty burpee partner workout. I’m excited to share the details about this interactive couples workout that combines burpee intervals with partner strength exercises (and there may or may not be a competition element added when it comes to the burpees! 😉 )
HYLETE Overview
Before we dive into the workout, let me share a little more about HYLETE. You may not be familiar with the brand and that’s because you won’t find HYLETE in traditional retail stores. They design and create premium performance apparel and gear with input, feedback and support of their passionate community. By offering their apparel on their website only, HYLETE is able to avoid reseller mark-up and pass that savings to customers.
When you shop the HYLETE website the set up works like this…
- Purchase one item at full price
- Purchase 2-3 items and receive a 20% discount
- Purchase 4+ items and receive a 40% discount
The HYLETE project
One thing I love most about HYLETE is that they listen to their customers and leans on their HYLETE Nation to provide input and feedback in the development of new products. They call it the HYLETE project and it works like this:

HYLETE offers deeply discounted “back it” pricing on HYLETE project item during the “funding period” until they meet their campaign goal to send the item into production. So customers essentially get the opportunity to pre-order items at the back-it pricing. They give you a general estimate of when the items will ship if it meets its goal. In the event that it doesn’t, your account is credited back. Really cool and really different, huh?
HYLETE charities
HYLETE also gives back to a selection of hand-picked charities who support the same core values as HYLETE. Participating charities receive 50% of revenue from their charity apparel sales on These charities include Team Rubicon, Operation Underground Railroad, Scratch My Belly Dog Rescue, 31 Heroes Project, Back on My Feet and the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
HYLETE discount for PBR readers
HYLETE is offering 40% off of your first purchase (with no minimum order quantities) to Peanut Butter Runner readers. Use promo code: PBRUNNER. Offer expires in two weeks!
Couples Burpee Workout
Ok! Let’s get to this workout so I can show you some shots of HYLETE in action.

Tanner and I put our heads together (he was a personal trainer for nearly 10 years pre-yoga!) to create a fun and interactive couples workout that includes lots of burpees and a little friendly competition. The workout features 5 “BURPEE BLASTS” where couples face each other and perform as many burpees as possible in 60-seconds. The parter with the most total burpees at the end of the workout wins! 🙂

Between the burpee blasts are some hands-on, challenging parter strength exercises.

The first is a Wheel Barrow Push Up + Squat Combo. One partner holds feet of the other partner who is in upper push up position.

As the partner holding feet lowers into a squat, the partner in upper push up lowers down to the bottom of their push up.
If you’re the squatter, hold your partners feet on the outside of your knees. This will be a relatively close stance squat with your feet only about hip distance apart. Keep your chest up and weight back in the heels as you squat. Don’t round your back! Keep core engaged.
If you’re the push upper, fire up your legs and core as you lower down and really push with the chest as you come back up. Keep your gaze slightly out in front of you and not back towards your partner.

After you hit your second set of burpees, it’s time for partner leg throws. One partner lays on the ground while the other partner stands behind them at their shoulders. The partner on the ground holds the standing partners ankles. The standing partner will push the other partners legs down towards the ground.

If you’re the partner having your legs thrown, be mindful to keep your low back pressing down towards the ground. Legs straight if you are able, bend knees if you need to. Your heels should tap the ground or hover just above before you lift back up to 90. Partner throwing the legs, give it some good force!

After your third set of burpees it’s back to lower body for partner assisted single leg squats. The partner who is assisting stands with a split stance and gives the partner single leg squatting their opposite hand. The partner squatting sits back as low as possible and then rises to stand.

If you’re the one ding the squatting, be sure to keep your chest lifted and core engaged. Extend your opposite leg out in front of you for counterbalance. Sit back onto the heel of the leg you’re squatting on and be careful not to let your knee collapse inward. It’s okay in this exercise for the knee to push a little past the toes.

After burpee blast #4, it’s time for my favorite partner strength exercise, the forearm plank + tricep push up. One partner gets in a forearm plank on the ground while the other gets in a high plank position (knees or toes) with feet on the ground and hands on the planking partner. One hand is on the tailbone and the other between the shoulder blades.

The planking partner holds the strongest plank they can while the push up partner lowers into a tricep push up (elbows pointing back and right in at your sides) and then presses back up.

It was all fun and games until it was Tanner’s turn to push up on me. You should have heard my grunts and groans. Holy core workout!

After the plank and push up fun, it’s time for your final burpee blast. (Our niece observed our workout while Tanner’s brother shot us…you can tell she’s very impressed by our burpees.)

And then your couples burpee workout is over! Not going to lie, we looked like this after every burpee blast. And I have no shame in admitting that I lost the burpee challenge but I look forward to a rematch.

Sweaty post-workout smiles! We had so much fun doing this workout together and we’ve been enjoying our HYLETE gear. We’ve both been wearing it for a few weeks now. Here are our favorite pieces so far…
- Insignia Racer Tank (I have it in both mint and black) – this is a great tank for running and lifting. Also, it’s not super long for those of you who prefer a slightly shorter fit with tanks.
- Invex II Crop – these crops are super soft, comfortable and lightweight. They also stay put no matter how much running and jumping you do and are very breathable. Note, I would size down in the crops if you’re on the fence.
- Altium II 3″ Short – these are unpictured but I have them in black/gray and they’re great if you prefer to workout in fitted shorts. Once again, they’re soft, lightweight and stay in place. I think these run pretty true to size.
- Men’s Icon Quad-Blend V-Neck- this is what Tanner’s wearing in the pictures above.
- Men’s Icon Quad-Blend Button Henley – this is unpictured but I love it for Tanner. It’s a long-sleeved henley-style shirt that looks really great with both workout shorts and jeans.
- Men’s Helix II Flex-Knit Integrated Pocket Short – these shorts are not pictured in the photos above but they feature internal cargo pockets for maximum storage and minimal bulk. They are designed with wraparound board short inspired paneling.
- Men’s Verge Flex-Woven Zip Pocket Short – these are the shorts Tanner is wearing in the workout photos. They’re designed to serve as the “ultimate crossover short” and feature quick wick and fast drying time. They have a weigthless feel and are great in the water, in hight heat or in muddy conditions.
Don’t forget to use code PBRUNNER for 40% off of your first HYLETE order! They have tons of great stuff on their site so head on over and do some shopping!
Do you workout with your significant other?
Burpees, love them or hate them or love to hate them?
Are you competitive when you workout with friends or partners?
This post is sponsored by HYLETE.
Photography by Bazemore Studios.
I don’t think I would be able to stop laughing throughout this entire workout! Lots of coordination that I could see my husband and I just struggling through.. but getting a good workout in at the same time as we have fun! I might even be able to beat him because I do think the shorter you are.. the faster you are at burpees… hmmmm.. we shall have to try and see!
Hey Ashlee – we definitely cracked up but also sweated our butts off! It made the workout go by really quickly!
I just have to say that you guys are such a cute couple. Tanner is darling. You look like you have a good time together. Happy for you!
Jackie – THANK YOU! I so appreciate the kind words. We are happy! 🙂
I laughed out loud at Plank Partner when your husband turned to smile at the camera! You make it look like so much fun. #relationshipgoals
Haha! We do like working out together. We push each other and support/encourage each other. Perfect balance! 🙂
Looks like a blast, I love working out with my husband. I am very competitive, and he keeps me muscling through!! Tanner’s face is classic!!!!
OK, did I miss something? Did you two get married?
…not that it is really any of my business! 😉 Just a big fan and daily reader and thought I was keeping tabs and I wish you all the best no matter your marital status!
Haha! No, I think it’s confusing for some now that I’ve started calling him Tanner instead of fiance. 😉 Stay tuned…that’s coming soon!
Oh goodie – I will stay tuned. 🙂
I LOVE Hylete gear! Great workout clothes but at a fraction of the price of many lines sold in stores. Also, all of their crops can be work for crossfit and running, which means I don’t have pants that are only good for one of my loves.
Hey Megan!
So happy to hear that you are a HYLETE fan! I am also a fan of workout gear that works great for multiple sports/activities. I haven’t needed to wear crops for running yet (too hot here still) but I’ll try my HYLETE crops once it does cool off.
I LOVE this workout! I love burpees (I know I’m weird) and I love a good competition! My husband and I will definitely have to try this one out 🙂 it looks like a ton of fun!