Hi guys. How was your week? I would give mine a solid okay. Not bad, but not amazing. Plenty to be grateful for…including a beautiful son, another year older, sweet pups, my best friends, my loving family and work that pushes me to learn and grow every single day.
Rather than a “Day in the Life” type of post, I thought I would share a Week in the Life today. Here are some moments from my week, day-by-day.
Finn’s swim lessons started up last week for the first time since stay-at-home orders. After his afternoon nap, we went to swim, grabbed a few things at Target and then came home to play in the yard, eat dinner and have our nightly snuggle session.

I have been so all over the place with screens and TV time but lately I have been letting Finn watch one show at night after dinner and before we head up for bath and bed. It’s the best snuggle and wind-down time. He loves to sit next to me and pull up the covers. His favorite shows to watch are Little Baby Bum, Go Buster, LooLoos Kids and Cocomelon. Anything with songs! I don’t mind him watching these so much because they have so much emphasis on colors, numbers, words and concepts like potty training, kindness, school, learning, friendship, etc.
Tuesday was my birthday. It was raining and the high was 60 degrees so it was a pretty blah day. I opted to spend it hanging out with Finn, teaching yoga, visiting with Virginia and Dorie, eating carrot cake and ordering in sushi for dinner. These things definitely brought some sunshine into my day and warmth into my heart!

My parents sent me a beautiful arrangement of flowers. They are so bright and cheery.

Virginia knocked on my door first thing in the morning while I was still in my PJs to deliver a slice of Villani’s carrot cake. Dorie followed short behind with flowers and a hug. Finn and I also went over to her house later in the day to hang for a bit, which was nice.
The absolute highlight of my day was Finn singing “happy birthday to mommy,” which you can view on Instagram. <3
Wednesdays are my days to see Dr. Bradberry at Greenapple Sports and Wellness. I know I keep mentioning this but I have a chronic hip condition that I have to stay on top of or I am in a lot of pain. I’m finally in a place where I have all of the facts as well as a solid plan to move forward so I can share more details with you. I’ll try to write that post next week.

These appointments bring me so much relief and I truly trust Dr. Bradberry, Dr. Goodman and their team. Again, I’ll share more details next week but I never thought that this level of pain relief was available without surgery.
I spent the rest of my day teaching a virtual yoga class and leading teacher training via Zoom until we wrapped at 8:30p.
Okay, let’s talk about Finn’s sleep. He’s been doing SO MUCH OF IT. I am not here to complain but more to share my amazement.

On Thursday he took a three-hour nap and then slept from 8:30p until 9a on Friday morning. He hasn’t slept until 9a since he was a small baby and up half the night. I know everyone tends to explain this with “growth spurt” but for the last few weeks he’s been taking super long naps. I always worry he won’t go down at night and then he does. I am trusting that his body knows what it needs, and appreciating the long naps so that I can work. I used this long nap time to prep for the yoga teacher training that I am leading this weekend.

My Benji curled up on the couch while Finn napped. Really take in this photo because the next one that you see of Benji is going to shock you.
I woke up at 6:15 and lounged in bed until 7a. I waited for Finn to wake up but he kept sleeping…and sleeping…and sleeping. I went in there three time and once I even put my hand on his back to be sure he was breathing. (I know I’m not the only one who does this, haha.)

I made coffee, wrote thank you notes and baked sourdough bread while waiting for my little price to wake up. He woke up in a wonderful mood (ummm…15 hours of sleep in under 24 hours!) and we had fun hanging out and cuddling until he left around noon to spend the weekend with his dad.
While I was in yoga teacher training this afternoon and evening, the dogs went to the groomer.

Poor Benji. He had to get all but shaved due to mats in his fur. Before you judge me…
- I am new to doodle ownership and coat upkeep.
- I have not been able to get him to groomer in MONTHS due to shut downs. I tried to bathe him and brush him out. The team at Keen Dog bathed and brushed him well. I honestly couldn’t even tell that his fur was that matted and now I feel like such a bad dog mom for it. 🙁

Since I was in teacher training all day, Virginia went to pick the dogs up for me and bring them home. She texted me that, “as it turns out, Benji is not actually big.” Was she ever right. Here I thought Benji had grown to be very large and it turns out he’s just a little guy with a lot of fluff. Some of this is puppy scrawniness (can you believe that he’s just 10 months!?) but I also don’t think he’s really as big as I thought he was.
Y’all were such a wonderful resource with Zoey’s itching, I welcome any and all suggestions you have about maintaining doodle coats…favorite brushes, how often you groom, what kind of hair cuts you do, etc. I am a total newbie to dogs that need a lot of grooming…give me all the info!
How was your week?
What’s your nightly routine with your toddlers/small children?
Dog grooming suggestions?
I have a 6 year old goldendoodle that I’ve raised from a puppy and what works best for us is is every 6 weeks he goes to the groomer. No joke, all of his appointments are booked out a year in advance! Mine isn’t quite as tight/poodle-ey haired as Benji but the consistent grooming schedule means I really don’t have to do any at home grooming in between which is always nice!
I have a labradoodle and this brush was a total game-changer. We only need to take her to the groomer 2-3x/year now since this brush keeps her curly hair short and smooth.
Ohhhhh thanks Emily! I just looked this up and it looks awesome!
My goldendoodle pup (Franklin) is 4 months old so I would LOVE it if you shared the advice you receive on grooming! I’m figuring it out as I go!
AND you are the BEST dog mom with the biggest heart. The fact you are so on top of any issues with your pups (e.g. Benji’s training and grooming) and constantly trying to learn how to set your dogs up for success is the best evidence of that.
I will try to compile it and write a post next week!
THANK YOU for you extremely kind words. I have a lot of creatures to take care of but I wouldn’t have it any other way! 🙂 I’ve loved watching you and Franklin on Instagram! 🙂
OMG, Finn’s song was so adorable! He can actually carry a tune, too. Impressive for age 2! Happy belated birthday to you!
We had to get our Maltipoo shaved when quarantine ended, too. Usually she is groomed every eight weeks or so and brushed twice a week; this time mats developed despite more frequent brushing. Oh well. It’s just hair and will grow back.
Benji is a cutie, and I think he looks more puppyish with his new cut.
Thanks Sharon, it’s definitely a video that I’ll cherish forever! 🙂
I agree, he looks SO puppy! I was shocked!
I’m a little jealous, since turning 2 last month my daughter’s sleep has been a mess! She’s down to about a 50% success rate for naps. Our nighttime routine is show (sometimes, depends how late it is), book, go upstairs and go potty and brush teeth, then she puts on her “froggies” (this dumb nighttime music on my phone that’s in my head constantly now) while I put on her nighttime diaper and then she nurses to sleep. This can take anywhere between 5-90 minutes. She took a 2.5 hour nap the other day and then was awake till like 10pm so I’m capping it at 2 hours now.
Oh Alyssa, I am not complaining as I know sleep is ALL over the board at this age. I have heard that they can try to drop the nap at 2 but if you’re consistent with it that they will often go back to it. I know Finn really needs it, and sometimes he even asks for “nap.” Have you day trained your daughter. That is next on my agenda and I’m a bit nervous.
Happy Birthday!!
And you are NOT a bad dog mom. Mats don’t hurt. Wags got totallly matted as her puppy coat changed to her adult coat, which happened to Benni. My groomer had unlimited baths for a monthly price of $99. She looked SO good. Unfortunately he went back to teaching so I took wags to petco last week for a “trim” and her coat is gone. She looks just like Benji! Oh well – good thing it’s summer ❤️
Thanks Pamela! And oh no!!! I’m sorry you had a not so great experience but at least it will grow back…that’s what I keep telling myself!
This might be completely nosey but is your friend still living with you? If so, how is that working out for you both? I know I am in the process of buying my own house and I am wondering if I need to consider getting a roommate if the virus ramps up again and we go through another round of shutdowns. :/
We have a 2 year old labradoodle with super tight hair (he actually looks very similar to Benji!) and he goes to the groomer every 2-3 weeks. I had a traumatizing grooming appointment when he was about Benji’s age (like shaved to the skin) and now I am very diligent about it! Also make sure your groomer is familiar with doodle/poodle coats – I go to a woman that specializes in doodles and if there are mats, she can always get them out. They can may SO quickly!
Don’t feel guilty at all! We have an 11 month old Bernadoodle and the coat upkeep is insane. We thought he was huge! And turns out he is a super skinny guy without the floof.
Hey Jen, I have followed you for years! Good times and bad. I’ve enjoyed your content And admired your strength and resilience. You always seemed like a person who understood the privilege of your platform. I’ve been waiting to hear about your position on the Black Lives Matter movement and your plans to amplify black voices, especially black female voices. Your latest post was on Juneteenth, a very important day. Nothing was said. I’ve also noticed so that you failed to acknowledge Pride month. During this time in our nation, I believe it’s the responsibility of those with voices to step aside for the marginalized voices. I’ve enjoyed your journey and now it’s time to step away. I hope you find the strength to use your voice for change. All my best to you and your beautiful son!!
Thanks so much for your comment and feedback, as I am always trying to do better.
Did you read this post? https://www.peanutbutterrunner.com/moving-forward-meaningfully/
Or this post? https://www.peanutbutterrunner.com/imperfection-action/
Also, if you follow me on Instagram, I have actively been working to amplify Black voices.
I spent my weekend leading a yoga teacher training where our Sunday concluded with spending the afternoon with a local social justice leader (who I paid for their time) learning about race, gender, disability and sexual orientation bias. The discussions that transpired were beautiful, heartbreaking and inspiring. I am so freaking committed to serving through my online platform AND yoga. I promise that you will see me doing the work over time, not just talking about it for a short time.