I did not post the black square on Instagram and I didn’t announce that I was muting myself. Those things felt forced and unauthentic for me. It was a personal decision and comes with no judgment to those who participated in these actions.
While I did not set out to intentionally mute myself, I just did. And even today, it’s hard to segue back into normal posting. I have spent the last couple of weeks reading, researching, learning and listening…to the point that it’s almost been paralyzing. I haven’t been able to focus on much of anything else and have neglected my inbox and paused all sponsored content in development.
I have to figure out a way to move forward meaningfully and I am here to attempt to do that today. I have struggled to figure out how I can be an effective champion for anti-racism work alongside the work that I already do. I want you to know that I am educating myself as fast and furiously as possible while also taking space to care for myself and my family. I feel that I can best serve through sharing resources as they resonate with me, along with using my skills as a yoga teacher and fitness professional to hold space for others on this journey.

On Tuesday at 4p I will be teaching a donation based yoga class with all proceeds going to Sanctuary in the City. They are a North Carolina Based 501 C focused on creating access for BIPOC to healing spaces, education and liberation through programs, grants and scholarships.
I would also like to share the most comprehensive list of Anti-Racism resources that I have yet to encounter. I appreciate that this guide meets you with resources to best serve you where you are.

I am finding joy and presence in spending time with Finn. It’s also a constant reminder of my goal to raise a white male who is spiritually and emotionally awake, tolerant, accepting and an advocate for change and progress.

This past weekend I kicked off a 200-hour yoga teacher training at VIBE5 here in Charlotte. After 12 weeks of not teaching yoga in person, it was really freaking nice to practice with others and to be in the learning and growth-oriented space of teacher training.
We met in person because our group falls within the recommended guidelines for our state. I couldn’t have asked for a better start to a teacher training and am so looking forward to spending the summer with these incredible women.

Benji is wrapping up the last week of his immersion at Keen Dog Training and will officially be the most balanced member of our household when he comes home on Friday, haha. All kidding aside, he is THRIVING with the Keen Dog crew and they have done so much improve his behavior but also boost his confidence.

Finally, I have surrendered the fern that is hanging next to my front door to a family of birds. I have had the pleasure of watching the mom make the nest, lay the eggs and hatch them. I think they are cardinals but I am not certain. While it may not be the most convenient thing ever to have a bird nest right outside of my door, it’s been a constant reminder of the flow of life and the beauty of new beginnings.
With that, I am signing off and sending love out to all of you.
Thank you for being here,
Gosh… appreciate the candor and the thoughtfulness. I never thought you were racist, honestly. I feel that everyone suddenly has a guilty conscience… if you weren’t racist why feel guilty and struggle to move on? I don’t get it.
I think of myself as “not racist” – but I benefit from systems that have been built to suit white people. There is structural inequality all around us, in health, education, in so many ways. Sitting back and continuing to benefit from those systems without trying to change them means they will be perpetuated. I like to think we can do better, for everyone.
Well said! Thank you for filling your platform with thoughtfulness and ways that we can bring change to the world.
So well articulated, Kelly!
And Jen: Thanks for being you; always showing up courageously as your most authentic self, even when it’s hard and the path is uncertain.