I am a broken record on Tuesdays. I’m exhausted. That’s all going to change soon though as I get back on a more normal schedule. Although I love everything that I have done today, I’m definitely looking forward to being a bit more focused and not all over the place all day, every day.
The alarm went off at 5:45 a.m. I prepped for the day and then ate a whole wheat English muffin with cream cheese on my way to teach a 7 a.m. yoga class uptown. My 8 a.m. cancelled so I was able to get in three miles on the treadmill before training a client at 9. I did speed/hill intervals.

I rushed home to let Sullie out and made a quick smoothie. Banana, strawberries, blueberries, plain Greek yogurt, almond milk, ice cubes and a handful of ice cubes. All that was missing was the spinach – I was all out believe it or not! The sans-spinach smoothie made for the perfect Valentine’s day fuel with a purple straw.
I had a meeting at Metro and then headed back uptown to teach a lunch yoga class and a group private.

I had a quick break between class and my private and grabbed lunch at Energy Cafe (surprise, surprise!). Carrot ginger soup and build your own salad. Sadly, the staff is starting to know my order from memory now!

And then there were cupcakes…chocolate ones with Reese’s cups in the middle and cream cheese frosting. I ate one on the gym floor. It felt wrong…but so right! It was the pick-me-up I needed to make it through my fourth and final yoga class of the day at Y2. ๐

I was so glad that I ate the cupcake when I found myself back at Metro at 6:30 p.m. and participating in the CrossFit workout of the day. My original intention was to observe the potential instructor the was teaching but I have this problem where I get workout envy and it’s so hard for me to sit on the sidelines. So I ended up completing Helen. My first “real” CrossFit workout ever. It was fun!

I arrived home to find an Edible Arrangement from my grandmother. It was such a fun Valentine’s Day surprise and while I love chocolate and flowers, it’s so nice to have healthy and delicious fresh fruit on hand.

Dinner was ridiculously good. I roasted eggplant and asparagus and served it with the garlic gnocchi that I bought at the farmer’s market a few weeks ago. I topped the eggplant with a little bit of mozzarella cheese and then spooned marinara sauce over the gnocchi and eggplant. I loved this meal.
Hope you had a great Valentine’s Day dinner. Did you go out or stay in? I can’t handle the crowds and prixe-fixe menus at restaurants and much prefer to cook at home.
And now I am going to collapse into bed. Tomorrow is equally (if not even more) crazy and starts with a 5:30 a.m. alarm.
That dinner looks ridiculously good!
Aaaaah that dinner looks amazing! Also, I have always wanted an Edible Arrangement!
We went out, but only because I forgot to set out meat to defrost. I don’t do crowds either, and tonight solidified that thought for me! Oh well. ๐
How did you like Crossfit? Was it a totally different experience than Bodypump? I haven’t done either, and have preconceived notions of both… definitely looking to hearing more about what you think of Crossfit!
So happy for you and your new job, you deserve it! Will you still be doing some of your teaching, or is it just managing now?
Aren’t grandmothers the sweetest?
Dinner looks incredible and that cupcake looks divine!
I made my own reese’s peanut butter cups today and they were so good!!
How do you wake up so early and get moving so quickly? Any tips? (I try so hard to get moving early but somehow I take my time eating a pre-workout snack and getting dressed LOL!)
Your day does sound crazy and jam packed! Good decision on that cupcake – it looks divine! We are total homebodies and prefer to cook/relax at home on holidays. We enjoy going out too but usually prefer the comfort of our own home. ๐
Hmm, something seems different. I can’t put my finger on it but, whatever it is, I hope you’re doing well. Congratulations on the new gig!
Wow sounds like a crazy day! The cupcake and the dinner look delicious! I had some strawberries at the end of the day too- a nice switch up from chocolate.
The cupcake looks divine and dinner looks yummy!
Can’t believe Brandon made you cook!! I hope y’all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day together!
Love love Edible arrangements! I always send them for special ocassions! ๐
Hope you had a good Valentine’s Day!! Did you and husband do anything special?? You haven’t mentioned him lately…hope everything is okay!!! :=)
Aren’t Grandma’s the sweetest on Valentine’s day? Mine always used to get me a gift and a special card. I think those kind of gifts and gestures are really what V-day is all about!
Seriously, why is Energy Cafe so good…I go way too much – it’s my go to when i don’t bring my lunch to work!
On another note, I have heard that Metro has a big Kettlebell program. I have ALWAYS wanted to get into that, looks like it’d be a nice change up from my morning body pump class. May have to check out your new place of employment (PS – congrats!).
I don’t mean to pry, but yeah, did you and your husband do anything? We don’t really do anything special, but we’re going out to dinner tonight instead of last night.
Wow, that Reeses Peanut Butter Cupcake looks heavenly! Hopefully Brandon got you something special as well, but those edible arrangements sure are hard to top! Yum! I hope the two of you had a great Valentine’s Day… & Sullie too of course!
Have an awesome day! :o)
THAT CUPCAKE!!!…I must try and make them, it looks so good!
I worked until 9 pm, then went home and treated myself to a Valentine’s Day glass of wine, in bed, with a book and my cat…pretty perfect, if I say so myself.
Hope you have a great Wednesday!
My box did Helen on Monday. I unfortunately missed it because I was sick! Your new gig sounds really cool. Wish we had a hybrid gym in my area.
Ok, y’all, I think it’s time for the questions about Brandon to stop. If you read this blog, you know that there is something very difficult going on here with Jen. Jen, kudos to you for keeping your personal life private. Think how difficult it must be for her to keep writing this blog. Sorry to rant, but it just had to be said. Proud of you Jen! XOXO
Now I feel bad! I definitely was not trying to be hurtful. She definitely has the right to keep her private life to herself. Prayers going out to you, Jen!
People were just asking out of sincere curiosity and care. No one was judging or saying anything rude, but asking a very reasonable question. If something is going on, however, you don’t have any right to be putting that on her blog. It’s kind of counterproductive to her “keeping her personal life private” don’t you think?
THANK YOU! i was thinking the exact same thing.
Wow, Lee. Actually I just commented like I usually do. I had no idea anything was going on but I do now thanks to you! I love reading this blog and would never say anything hurtful towards Jen.
Thoughts and prayers for you Jen! God Bless!
I’d also just like to say that a lot of these people (friends/followers of Jen) care about her and even though we may have never met, we still feel like we ‘know’ her and cannot help but be concerned. I think that blogging can be difficult because you’re letting people read about your life and therefore, sometimes it’s hard to see where the line should be drawn. I’m sure no one was trying to be hurtful or rude, just concerned for Jen and asking an innocent question since we all care about the author of this blog.
Oh goodness, I had no idea anything was going on here, Lee. I love this blog too & read it religiously! I’m so sorry Jen for whatever you’re going through in your life that is “very difficult” according to Lee. I would never make comments or ask questions with any hurtful intent!
I’ll be praying for you Jen!
Did you like the Crossfit WOD? They are so intense! The Crossfitters I know just love the workouts and camaraderie, though. Also, now I want that cupcake. It looks amazing!
congratulations to you on your new career move! you are an inspiration to me and have been since I stumbled here over a year ago! I wish you the best!
Jen, I just want to say that you are SUCH an inspiration. I’m going through a serious whatdoiwanttodowithmylife crisis (I’m a lawyer and I hate it), I’m suffering through a running injury, and everything just feels really hard. Whatever you are going through, you are so successful at the same time. Again, an inspiration. Keep on keeping on!
You have SO MUCH ENERGY! I’m ridiculously impressed by how much you manage to pack into every day!
That’s so sweet of your grandmother to send you an edible arrangement!
Wow what a busy Valentine’s Day!! You teach SO many classes….amazing!! And a cupcake with a Reeses cup in?! I want!! Your dinner looks delicious too ๐
Love you Jen!! Big hugs! <3
I made such a similar meal earlier this week. Eggplant always seems to be “meaty” and filling for a vegetarian meal. Cheap too…
Props on your Grandma for being so savvy with Edible Arrangements. She knows her stuff
I love that you ate a cupcake on the gym floor!
I so want an Edible Arrangement just because they look so good and I’d rather have that than normal candy. Although my parents did get me all these different dried fruits for Valentine’s Day this year which I loved. Weirdly I broke into the bag of prunes first, but what can I say they taste so good.
Who would have thought you would meet a bitch like “Helen” on Valentine’s Day?! She is not friendly! Welcome to Crossfit and congrats on the new job!
I’ve never done Crossfit before, but I might have to try the “Helen” workout just because ๐
Mmmm! I love edible arrangements! Happy Valentine’s Day Jen! ๐
How are Edible Arrangements always so good?? The fruit is so delish! Have a great night!
Love the Edible Arrangement. Very sweet.
Wesley and I started crossfit last month. Our first workout was Helen! Im really liking it. We did a couples Valentine workout yesterday at the crossfit here. Congrats on your new job! HBH