TGIF! I’m sitting here at the end of the week like whoa. I’ve crammed a lot into these first 18 days of 2019 with two weekends in Tennessee to wrap up teacher training and returning to a regular teaching schedule in Charlotte. I just tallied them all up and I’ve taught 18 classes so far this year.
How am I feeling about all of this? Mostly happy and filled up but also tired and a little ungrounded. In the same way that it was a massive, jarring shift to go from working and being on the go ALL.THE.TIME. to having no schedule and being home with a baby all day when Finn was a newborn; it is a huge change to go back to having a semi-busy schedule and places that I have to be for work.

I feel like I “saw the light” after Finn was born and realized how insane and unsustainable my day-to-day was…and how much was lacking in regards to what I wanted from my personal life (friends, family, travel, hobbies, relationships, downtime…all of it!). I settled into a slower pace of life and have come to truly value that over the last eight months. I don’t want to get back to where I was pre-Finn so I’m really working to establish some work/life boundaries. It’s hard when you love what you do and want to say yes to all of the opportunities but I also want to say YES to being as present and available for Finn as possible, while also having time to nurture relationships with friends, see my family regularly and have fun!
Much in the way that I made the adjustment to life with a baby, I will take this all day-by-day and continue to assess what’s working and what is not. I have a new number one priority and he comes before everything else!

Speaking of my number one, he’s eight months old TODAY!
Total mom moment story to share. I was teaching a yoga class last night at 5:45 p.m. and about 10-15 minutes into class I thought to myself…this first song on my playlist is going on and on and on. I realized that my Spotify was on repeat from Finn’s afternoon nap because I play a “baby sleep white noise” track on a loop in his nursery. Everyone got a good laugh out of that.

Speaking of napping…this is Finn’s most favorite sleeping position. I’m seeing where the term “child’s pose” might come from in yoga! 🙂

At eight months, Finn is so much fun! He has so much personality and is on the move. He’s crawling and into everything. Finn would MUCH rather crawl than sit up. He’s really just not interested in sitting. He wants to go, go, go! He weighs about 19 pounds and has two teeth. I love watching him learn and how his world expands every single day! Just yesterday Finn tried the pincer grasp for the first time while eating and then he also popped his thumb into his mouth for the first time ever to thumb suck. I was like WHAT!? He loves his paci but doesn’t go for his thumb.
Alright, Finn is up from his nap so time to load up and head uptown to pick up my race packet for Saturday morning’s Hot Chocolate 5K/15K. I am undecided on whether I am going to run the 5K or 15K. I wish there was a 10K option. That would be a good middle ground for me. 😉
Enjoy your Friday and your weekend friends!
Omg he is just the cutest!! I can’t believe he’s already 8 months?!? Time flies! I’m glad you are finding a balance with work/life. I know you will do a great job with all of it!! Good luck at your race!
I’m signed up for the 5K race tomorrow. Hoping it won’t be raining! I also wish there was a 10K option. I did the 15k last year so that’s been crossed off my bucket list (I just wanted the cool medal and key chain!). I’m following a keto diet so the “hot chocolate goodies” are off limits! SAD FACE. Finn is growing up so fast! What a cutie! Child and corpse are my favorite yoga poses…LOL. Have a great run tomorrow!
Yea, mine sleeps in child’s pose too!! And the laundry basket-a favorite of my 6.5 month old! It’s the simple things!
omg that pic of him in the stroller!! <3 <3 <3 when did he become a little man!? he's so adorable, jen, and i just love reading about him. you can feel every ounce of love you have for your boy in your posts!
That’s a killer smile Finn! So cute.
Can’t believe that Finn is 8 months old. Even though I’m not anywhere close to thinking about babies or children personally, I really have enjoyed all your posts about parenting and Finn. That’s wonderful that you have shifted your life around to a more sustainable form. I hope you have a good race, whichever one you decide to do!