Only two more fourth trimester posts to go! 11 weeks has been so much fun and I know that it’s only going to get sweeter and sweeter as Finn’s personality continues to grow and shine.

While we are in no way “out of the weeds” when it comes to the all things new baby, I am starting to see the light. Finn isn’t on a predicable schedule yet but we are in a really good rhythm with eat, play, sleep. I’m following his cues when it comes to sleep and hunger. At this point no two days really look the same but I do feel like he’s on the way to getting himself to a more routine schedule soon, with help from me in reading his needs.
One of the biggest things I have learned is to try to get him to sleep (both naps and for the night) when he’s first showing signs of being tired. Once he crosses the line into REALLY tired, oh boy, it gets about a million times harder to get him settled and down!
I know everyone has a different style when it comes to babies but for me, following my intuition and Finn’s lead has worked really well for us so far.
Okay, you know how I told you guys that Finn “found his voice” at the 10 week mark? Well it’s just the cutest thing ever and I had to share a video.
What is it with babies and fans!? It’s the craziest thing.
Fourth Trimester: 11 Weeks Postpartum
Breastfeeding: I did a call for blog post topics on Instagram and received quite a few requests for a post on breastfeeding. If that’s something you guys want to know more about, I’m happy to write about it but let me know if there are specific things you want me to cover or if you just want to hear my overall experience and goals.
I did start pumping last week and it went well. I got 3-4 ounces each time I pumped but OUCH. My nipples are very sore from pumping. It feels like the early days of breastfeeding again. Any tips?
Also, it’s World Breastfeeding Week! Check out my post on Instagram in honor of it!
Sleep: the biggest sleep issue right now is me dealing with insomnia after nighttime feeds. I don’t really have a hard time falling asleep but when I wake up to feed Finn, I’m having a REALLY hard time going back to sleep. This morning I went ahead and just got up for the day at 5:15 a.m. because my mind was racing and I felt wide awake.
The only thing that has really helped is reading a few chapters in my book on my Kindle when I’m lying there awake. It helps calm my mind and will often make me sleepy again. I’m trying to stay OFF my phone in the middle of the night.
Physical well-being: with every week that passes in the postpartum period, my body feels more and more like “me” again. I’m feeing strong in my body and I’ll go into that in more detail when I talk about workouts.
Emotional well-being: this last week has been rough with the transition back to Charlotte after being with my family but every day is getting better. The days can feel long and lonely but I’m doing my best to find gratitude for all of the things that are good and right.
One thing that I’m really trying to make an effort to do is work on friendships with other moms here in Charlotte. I’m lucky to know quite a few other amazing ladies who are also new/newish moms and I’m focusing on growing and nurturing those friendships.
And as far as how I’m doing overall with the entire situation…not great but I’m taking it one day at a time. It’s difficult to reconcile how vastly different this period of my life looks and feels in comparison to what I hoped my experience of new motherhood would be. And there is just a lot to figure out. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone but I also draw strength from the many women who have walked this path before me.

Workouts: it’s like a switch went off in the last week and all the sudden I have the urge to RUN and it feels so good. I haven’t felt any discomfort around my incision and so far it seems not to impact my supply but I’ll continue to monitor that closely.
I’m not super motivated to go to the gym and the thought of attending an actual yoga class is not appealing right now (enjoying being a bit of a hermit in that regard) but I’m glad to be running, doing some bodyweight exercises and home yoga practices.
Here’s what last week looked like:
Monday: 3 mile walk
Tuesday: 3.5 mile run + short upper body workout
Wednesday: home yoga practice
Thursday: 3.1 mile run
Friday: 3.75 mile run + 1.75 mile walk
Saturday: 2.75 mile walk
Sunday: I’m going to do another short run and walk the dogs after I publish this post
Tips for making pumping more comfortable? Favorite pumping bra?
Did running or other workouts impact your supply?
Any baby-related post requests? I’m going to do one about finding my pump and starting to use it, my newborn must-haves and a more holistic post on postpartum fitness. Oh and I also need to write my c-section physical recovery post. Let me know if you have anything to add to the list!
I just got an Ollie Gray bra for pumping and like it the best of those I have tried.
He’s saying ‘I love you Mummy. You’re so beautiful and I adore you’
That video is adorable!! I remember so well when both of mine started verbalizing and there was nothing like it!! You’re doing a great job with him and you’ve been in my prayers a lot over the past few months.
I know we only see what you show us, but you are handling your ‘situation’ with such grace and strength. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you, and I just wish you and baby Finn so much happiness together. Sending that baby all the love his little heart can handle
Pumping should not be that painful! You probably need a larger diameter flange. I would recommend renting a hospital pump if there are going to be whole days or weekends you will need to pump round the clock. I have a symphony and find it much more efficient and comfortable than the smaller home version.
Pumping is so unpleasant but hopefully Finn will take bottles well as a result and you will be able to leave him with a variety of people much more easily!
Good luck with everything!
best pumping tip is to first make sure the breast shields you are using are the right size (there are two sizes that come with the pump, 25 and 27, and if you need to order other size you can, but I would seriously measure to make sure you have the right fit). second best tip is to put nipple cream on the inside of the shields and/or on yourself before pumping. when I pumped I could never turn the intensity up very high either I just had it on the lowest setting and it seemed to work best in terms of comfort.
I agree with this post entirely. My pump could adjust the suction and speed and found less was more. The nipple cream will save your life. Lansinoh lanolin was in my bathrobe pocket at all times. I liked the lanolin because it was safe for baby to ingest. It will stain clothes though so be mindful. I lost a few pairs of leggings. I did rent a hospital pump and didn’t do as well as I did with my regular pump but i liked having it because some days it was gentler on me and being able to switch was nice. I had a manual pump too which helped with clogged ducts.
Be careful if your letdown becomes super painful. It happened to me and I thought it was no big deal but turned out I had breast thrush and it became excruciating.
Finn is precious!
Pumping is boring but shouldn’t be painful. Are you using a really fast setting? I’ve found that I’m much more comfortable with the pump speed closest to the minimum and I have no issue getting plenty of milk that way. Maybe I could get the same amount of milk faster on a high setting, but that’s not worth being in pain for. You a might also need a different shield size. A lactation consultant can probably help!
I second what everyone else is recommending! Check for the correct size flange and use the cream or Vaseline 🙂
Just echoing the above, but make sure your flanges are the right size. I used the Simple Wishes adjustable pumping bra and a Spectra S1 (rechargeable battery) pump—I had a preemie and pumped 8-10 times daily for 4 months so appreciated the mobility of that setup, although you probably won’t need that! But a pumping bra is the best—I didn’t discover it until Baby #3, game changer for getting work done while pumping.
If switching regular flange diameter and experimenting with suction doesn’t help, check out Pumping Pal flanges also. I’ve heard good things about those.
Also, just wanted to recommend as a great resource for breastfeeding and pumping questions, in case you haven’t already found it. ?
Best website!!
Kelly Mom was my lifeline – cannot recommend it enough!!
Everyone has said it already, if you have a nursing/ breastfeeding drop in near you they are a great resource. A IBClC might be there and they will help you. It should not be painful. I needed a different size for each side.
Simple Wishes pumping bra!! The best!
Second simple wishes! Coconut oil for nipples. I exclusively pump and 9 mos in and it isn’t painful nor has it ever been expecept a teeny bit at first.
Hey! I’d love to read a blog about how you’re balancing me-time. If at all! I’m newly pregers and nervous about that! Thanks 🙂
I also have the simple wishes pumping bra. Love it. It’s not a bra you were all day, though. You just put it on to pump. I also recommended using some sort of lubricant. I actually use coconut oil since I always have it around. I put it on the flanges and on my nipples. Since it’s food grade, it’s ok for it to get in the milk. Pumping really sucks – literally. Our son didn’t transfer milk well/gain weight so I have been EP’ing for 5 months now. I think you are smart to start pumping and have Finn take some bottles occasionally so that you can be away from him if need be and not worry about whether he will eat.
You are handling all that has been thrown at your with such strength and grace. I think of you often even though we don’t know each other. Having other mom friends will be a life saver. It’s so helpful to have a good network of other moms who understand what you are going through. I took a new mom class after our son was born and now we have a group text going. We are always texting with questions or cute photos, etc.
Yes, nipple cream in the flanges really really help with soreness! Agree with all of the other recommendations to make sure you have the right flange size (the pre-packaged size did not work for me!). I purchased the Pumpin’ Pals flanges from Amazon (angled flanges), since they felt more comfortable to me than the standard flanges. And to start off slow!
The Ollie Gray bra is for both nursing and pumping and I consider it life-changing! Also echo the flange size comments… I actually have to use two different sizes for left and right but before I figured that out it was quite painful!
I know this time is incredibly lonely, but I really admire you for sharing your current situation. I know you are helping women. I raised my daughter alone from the day she was born. Her father decided two weeks before she was born that he did not want to be with me. Hang on to hope and cherish every moment. I did have support of my family, but it was incredibly lonely. You are doing the right thing by focusing on gratitude. I failed in that aspect and spent a lot of wasted years bitter and angry at my situation. I am on the other side and my daughter is grown. It is hard, but hang on to hope.
Already covered, but yes, increasing flange size made a big difference for me in terms of comfort. The ones that came with my pump were on the small side. Finn and his chattering are just adorable.
Order those Pumpin Pal flanges from Amazon. They make SUCH a difference! Sounds like your supply is good so great job Jen! Hopefully the nipple pain improves with different size/shape flanges.
Like many others have said, I think of you and pray for you often. It must be so hard to go through those early newborn days alone. Not just because of the difficulties and tasks required. But because when something wonderful/cute happens, you just want someone by your side to share it with. It does my heart so much good to see you in FL with your family. Thank God for photos/videos and iPhones so we can share the special moments with people who love us and our littles.
Sending you ALL THE LOVE today Jen. <3
Pumping bra: I used the medela and it did the trick
I exclusively pumped for 13 months so if u have questions I prbly can answer
Lube up like nobody’s business before u pump I used motherslove I think it was called I got it at Whole Foods and it’s safe and for the baby to eat if they get the residue
Pumpin Pals can help with comfort. I swear by Freemies – the milk collects into a cup attached to the flange, and you can use them with a regular bra. They’re basically invisible – I pump driving, in restaurants, walking down the street, in my office with the door open, everywhere! They’re also more comfortable for me than the flanges that came with my Spectra pump.
It’s all in the pump! Get a Spectra and you’ll never look back!
The let down can be a teeny bit painful every now and again,but pumping shouldn’t hurt. I havent used creams for my nipples since 4th week postpartum but instead squeeze my boobs until a little bit of milk comes out and put that on, that helped a lot with breast feeding and pumping. I would put it on the whole areola as well as the nipple. Worked better than they creans.I wish you the best of luck with your journey. You are doing amazing. Finn is growing beautifully. I hope you get some rest.
I have insomnia, and I use the Insight Timer app on my phone whenever I wake up. I just turn on a yoga nidra meditation. They usually (!) work…
For pumping comfort, make sure you have the correct size flang. The piece that is against our breast. You can find pictures to compare how far your nipples is drawn up into the flang. If it is too small it can be painful. Also you could be a different size on both sides. I hope this helps!
I didn’t even know that they came in different sizes. I’m clueless. Thanks for the advice! 🙂
I have to admit I’m kind of jealous you didn’t pump until now! I had to pump the day after the birth!
Some moms use nipple cream on the falanges. I tried that and it was really sticky and messy. I preferred using a little bit of coconut oil. When I was done pumping I woudl store the milk however I wanted (freeze or fridge) and then toss the pumping parts into a gallon ziploc bag and put it in the fridge until my next pumping session. I work from home and would just do this 3-4x per day so I wouldn’t need to wash the parts every time.
Sometimes it “seemed” to help to eat a snack during pumping or chug some water or blue gatorade/powerade. I’m not sure this is scientific but just another idea!
Also pump until empty and a little after maybe a minute to 90 sec. This will tell your boobs to make more milk. I never used a timer or anything. I let my body be the guide.
I would say “no” workouts did not impact my supply BUT I took it easy. Working out hardcore for 2 hours a day is just not realistic after you have a baby. Also, I would say making sure you fuel and hydrate your body properly is important foremost. Make sure you are giving your body what it needs to make milk… then make your workout secondary.
Thank you for all of this insight. I feel grateful that I was able to wait to pump…especially since it’s not the most fun thing to do. I think I’ll try the coconut oil and putting the pump parts in the fridge has been a great tip for the days where I am pumping more than once.
RE: workouts, I couldn’t agree more. I find that I’ve got about 30 minutes in me…if any…and that’s about it! A short run or a lifting session. And this week I’ve barely had the energy for that!
A breastfeeding guide for beginners would be so helpful. I just found out I’m pregnant with my second child. It’s been 11 years since I’ve been pregnant and my first was bottle fed. Daddy is adamant he would like this momma to try breastfeeding and I am willing to try but don’t even know where to start.
It’s so interesting how your 11 weeks postpartum can sound excatly the same as my own!
Very interesting! I feel like I’m losing my sanity some days, while gaining peices of myself back in the midst of this chaotic yet beautiful rebuilding of oneself.
Struggling to get back to sleep also after a night feeding. It’s been difficult for me, as well.
I’m not a good sleeper myself so it’s been complicated having a little one that fights sleep this hard. My first two that are well grown didn’t seem to struggle with this issue. I agree following early cues is essential.
I feel like he requires more sleep then the “recommend ” so sometimes his subtle cues get overlooked because I’m like it can’t be that already but I’m learning to follow his cues rather then what is recommend.
Going past his subtle cues of tiredness are 0 to 60 to inconsolable. That is exhausted us both. So I’m with you on this matter.
I’m curious if since I’m not breast feeding, there still isn’t a period. If this is common or what I should expect or not expect. I had a rough pregnancy and still recovering from hypermesis gravidirum. I lost 40lbs. Start to finish but thank God I’m feeling human again.
There hasn’t been much ahemmm… well relations with hubby so I’m not too concerned. But maybe a little? Ahhh… feeling like I worry too much but for obvious reasons! Lol
Thanks for input in advance if you have some. I track ovulation generally- I don’t use birth control. No period yet to track ovulation is kinda worrisome.