Good morning! Happy Monday! I am currently stalking the Punta Cana weather forecast (which can be pretty crazy-making because it changes every day). What I do know is that it will be in the 80s…and rain or no rain that is better than the 39 and cloudy I’m looking at outside of my window right now!
My trip is just two days away! I had grand aspirations of having my suitcase completely packed and zipped by Sunday but that didn’t happen. I didn’t even get it out of the attic. I am a terrible packer and usually up until midnight the night before trips frantically pulling stuff together and 9 times out of 10, I still have things in the laundry the morning I’m leaving. I don’t know if I’ll ever change my ways! 🙂
In more exciting news, I ordered a few new books yesterday for my trip.

I’ll Give You the Sun and Fangirl came recommended via Annie’s Eats. I don’t typically read a ton of young adult fiction but she gave these books such glowing reviews that I decided to try them out. I was looking for light and easy beach reading anyway. The Husband’s Secret is a book that kept popping up in my suggested Audible titles. It sounds interesting and got good reviews so I’m going for it. I’ll let y’all know what I think about all of these.

I also really want to read The Girl On the Train. Apparently, it’s the next Gone Girl. Clients have been telling me about it and it was recommended on Facebook when I asked for book suggestions. Has anyone read it? Was it as good as all the buzz?

I am a big fan of Gabby Bernstein and I’m starting her May Cause Miracles 40-day program today. It’s a six-week program in which every week has a different focus/theme and during that week you do a different meditation/exercise every day. So I’ll also be doing daily guided meditations while I am away. Meditation and more reading/practicing mindfulness/spiritual work is one of my biggest intentions for 2015.
Now let’s jump to last week’s workout recap.
10-1 back squat and burpee ladder at 85#
4 rounds for time:
20 kettlebell swings (35#)
10 box jumps (20 in.)
5 power cleans (85#)
Finished in 10:50. Thanks to my friend and old coach Sean Chamberlain for the WOD.
Here’s a video of the WOD:
4 mile run at 8:46 pace
My legs were pretty dead from Monday’s workout.
3 mile run at 7:42 pace
I was very short on time so it was a sprint! Luckily, my legs were feeling better.
5 rounds:
7 front squats/13 back squats at 75#
10 bench press at 65#
15 GHD sit ups
3 rounds:
10 TRX rows
10 bicep curls (first 2 rounds at 20#, last round at 15#)
10 single arm tricep kickbacks (10#)
10 dumbbell push press (20#)
1 mile run and hot yoga
3 mile run…did not track pace

2 mile walk with pups and hot yoga
Walking both of the pups at the same time is a workout in itself!
I’ll be back later today with two Super Bowl snack ideas for you!
Have you read any good books lately?
I just finished The Husbands Secret this weekend (read it in 3 days) and it’s such a good book! I loved it. I haven’t read Fangirl but I read Eleanor & Park and Landline and enjoyed both of them – Rainbow Rowell is a great writer.
I am very intrigued by The Girl on the Train but I don’t really buy books and usually just borrow them from the library and it’s not available at my library yet!
amber – this is great to hear! thanks so much for the feedback on the husbands secret and rainbow rowell!
I need to get back to reading! I usually have a book I am in the middle of plus one waiting for me but once I finish one and don’t get into another one right away, all hope is lost.
gosh, me too. it’s something i really want to create more time for in my life! i miss it so much.
A couple months ago, my husband recommended Bel Canto by Ann Patchett. Since finishing that, I have been making my way through everything else she’s written. The plots of her books sound a little melodramatic in Amazon synopses, but her stories are pure MAGIC when you read them.
The Liane Moriarty books are enjoyable vacay reading, too — it’s like literary soap operas.
paula – thanks so much for the heads up on ann patchett. i will check her out!
i am listening to big little lies on audible right now and didn’t even realize that the husbands secret was the same author! ha!
You have to let me know how The Husband’s Secret is! I just finished reading Big Little Lies and loved it! Have an amazing time on your upcoming trip and enjoy your week!
tamara – i will! i am actually listening to big little lies on audible and didn’t realize that it was the same author!
“I’ll Give You the Sun” was one of my favorite books of last year. I wasn’t always a fan of the story itself (some plot points just seems a bit too convenient) but the writing just blew me away. It is told with such imagery that all you want to do is sit down and paint something.
this is really interesting feedback. thank you! i can’t wait to read it.
I keep hearing the girl on the train is awesome! It is so on my list!
Hi Jen! I hope your trip to Punta Cana is wonderful! I believe I recall reading that you’ve been to Jamaica a couple times, staying at the Couples Swept Away in Negril once. If so, would you still recommend it (planning on a trip there in late October or Novemeber) and could you offer any tips? Thank you much!
hi brandee! thanks for the well wishes!
i did stay at couples swept away about four years ago. it was amazing and i would definitely go back. if you’re looking for a “higher-end” all inclusive that’s mostly adults only, i would recommend couples swept away or any of the zoetry resorts.
let me know if you have any specific questions about CSA or zoetry. i am happy to share my experience…just shoot me an email!
I just read Girl on the Train- in less than 48 hours. It was hard to put down! I definitely recommend it! Have a wonderful trip!
good to know! thanks kelly!
Love when other bloggers suggest book ideas…I am currently reading “Me Before You” and it is REALLY good. I’ll have to write them down to save for later…So jealous of your warm getaway…ENJOY IT! XOXO
i listened to that book on audible last year! it was great. and ditto on the book recommendations!
Those books went on my list after reading about them on Annie’s Eats! I’m excited to read them! Have fun on your trip! It’ll be a nice change in weather for you!
i’ve been reading annie’s blog for YEARS and always trust her recommendations for most things!
your strength/CrossFit workouts look so fun!
thanks! i’m trying to get back in a good groove and feel challenged and inspired.
I’m definitely curious to hear about May Cause Miracles. This is the second time in two days I’ve heard about it…and that’s usually a sign! Have a fun trip.
thanks heidi! and i’ll report back on my experience with it!
I’m interested to hear your review of May Cause Miracles. Please share your thoughts along the way! You’ll enjoy The Husband’s Secret. I just started The Girl on the Train and think it’s going to be a good one!
Insanely jealous of your trip! Have a great time 🙂
thanks tracy! i will definitely share my thoughts on may cause miracles. i am a big gabby fan and spirit junkie is one of my favorite books ever.
LOVED The Girl on the Train. – I read it in 2 days! Couldn’t put it down! I wouldn’t really compare it to Gone Girl, but definitely a good read. I’ll be interested to see what you think! I’ve also read The Husband’s Secret a while back. I’m a huge Liane Moriarty fan. Let me know what you think! You have some good reads for your trip!
oh good to hear on the girl on the train! you’re the second person to say you read it in two days!
i am listening to big little lies on audible right now and didn’t realize it was the same author! 🙂
I LOVED May Cause Miracles. It absolutely changed my life, the way I see the world, the people around me and myself. It is a day by day to subtle changes in how you view your past, relationships, love life, financial situation. At first you just start with the daily meditations and simple daily assignments, and then somewhere a week or so later you realize there has been a significant shift. I cannot say enough about the book!
awesome! i love gabby! have you read spirit junkie?
I love Rainbow Rowell! Although I only liked Fangirl at best. My favorite book from Rainbow is Attachments. LOVE it so much!
I literally just bought The Girl on the Train for my kindle nearly an hour ago because everyone’s been raving about it.
hearing so many good things about this author. can’t wait to read her stuff! i’ll check out attachments if i like this one!
I can’t wait to hear what you think about My Husband’s Secret! I read her new book Big Little Lies on vacation and LOVED IT.
I’m listening to that book on Audible right now!
Jen, I just finished The Husband’s Secret a couple of days ago, and just started The Girl On The Train! I liked THS a lot. Good story and thought-provoking. I’m excited about this new book- I definitely feel like everyone is buzzing about it! Have a wonderful trip!
great to hear! i can’t wait to read it! report back on the girl on the train please! 🙂
If you liked me before you then you should read ” the last letter from your lover” by jojo Myers. I liked it even better than me before you.
The Girl on the Train is on my nightstand waiting for me to finish The Goldfinch. If you’ve never Donna Tartt she’s incredible. Her writing is eloquent and intense. She has two other books out that I recommend to all serious readers–The Secret History and The Little Friend.
Had to come back and post that I picked up The Husband’s Secret after seeing it here and read it in 2 days on a family ski trip this weekend. SO good. Loved it. Thanks for the suggestion!
awesome! i’m really glad you enjoyed it. i liked two of her other books too…what alice forgot and big little lies.