Hey, hey!
The remainder of my weekend consisted of more yoga, sushi, lots of work and some puppy play time.

I went out for sushi on Saturday night and it was blissful. Sushi Guru has THE BEST SUSHI in all of Charlotte. If you live here…go!

After sushi I convinced myself that Zoey still fit in my arms (totally, right?) and then got in bed early with a cup of tea. I am so happy I decided to go to bed early because I got 9 hours of sleep and felt so amazing when I woke up today.
I subbed out my Sunday morning yoga class so that I could attend a workshop with David Regelin.

David is a NYC-based teacher who mostly travel teaches now. He has kind of broken from the power yoga scene and isn’t really on board with heat, music, “workout yoga”, etc….but I completely loved what he offered. It was pure, practical and approachable.
I took his “Physical Origami” workshop this morning and I learned so much in my three hours with him. I am at this point in my practice and with my teaching where I am really craving more knowledge and to be a student again. I am looking to do my 500-hour teacher training within the next 12 months.
While David doesn’t play music in his classes, I do! (Let it be stated for the record that I go both ways when it comes to music + yoga…sometimes there’s nothing I love more than a silent practice.) Here is my playlist for the week. I had to leave a few songs out because they weren’t on Spotify but you still get most of it here.
And finally, the weekly workout recap. The combo of being sick the first half of the week + crazy busy with work made for a low-key week but it was just right.
3 rounds of 400 meter run, 20 wall balls, 10 wall ball sit ups and 10 pull ups
4 rounds of 10 deadlifts, 10 hang cleans and 10 push ups (barbell stuff at 75#)
Cash out: 20 flights of stairs up and down

I make my clients run the stairs on the regular but don’t use them often in my own workouts. I did this workout right after training a client that I made run stairs for days so I paid myself back! Such an amazing workout!
Hot yoga
4.5 mile run
50-40-30-20-10 (reps)
Double Unders and Ab Mat Sit Ups…finished in 9:45.
After the quick Annie WOD to get my heart rate up I did a bunch of strength work with back squats, bench press, bicep curls, overhead extensions and single arm rows.
Yoga Workshop + 5 mile run

After spending four hours sitting at the computer, I had to move my body! I went for the most amazing run. It was 55, sunny and there were tons of flowers and trees blooming. Everything was so green and colorful.
What is a goal you have for the next 12 months?
It’s not a goal, per say, but I REALLY want to go on a yoga retreat. I asked for a mother-daughter trip for graduation so hopefully this year 🙂
My goal is to stay balanced and keep the momentum I’ve built. I’m in a good routine, so I just want to keep it up!
i went out for sushi on saturday night too. it’s the best place in our area and i am now resolved not to eat subpar sushi anywhere else!
It was so beautiful here this past weekend too…So much green and all the trees and flowers are in full bloom. I had a amazing run on Saturday and soaked up the amazing weather. 9 hours of sleep??? Now that is amazing!
My goal is to be in the best shape I can be in and to have improved in cross fit more than I could ever imagine. And have the body to show for it.
What a great question– I need to figure out what my goal is for the next year! There are things I started doing that I want to continue…going to yoga workshops to learn as much as I can, working through my grief, blogging, balancing work/family life. I think if I had to pick three they would be to strengthen my relationship with God, by prayer, learning and doing with and for others. Next would be to get my UC in remission, and lastly would be to be more financially responsible!
Yummm, Sushi Guru is awesome. Have you tried Room 112 in Uptown, though? It is my all-time favorite place for sushi in Charlotte, hands down.
I just tried to comment on your other post and couldn’t for some reason, but I have to say I love it! I am so happy for you and I think your choice about keeping certain thing private is 100% necessary and perfect!! 🙂 You do you, Jen!! I love it!! AND CONGRATULATIONS!!
my goal for the next 12 months is to take a yoga class at least once a week – I went to Charlotte Yoga last week and I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing I felt.