I haven’t moved in nearly six years. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t forget what moving was like but this was the first time in my adult life that I stayed in one place for so long. There was A LOT of stuff to get through. I had multiple piles around the house designated “going with,” “selling,” “giving away,” and “straight to the trash.” How do we live with so much STUFF!?

This is the “selling” stuff. I’m currently hosting a Facebook moving sale. #shouldhavehadayardsale

I took Sullie to her dad for the crazy part of moving because I knew she’d be more comfortable. Zoey adapted and enjoyed all the extra nooks and crannies in her playground.

The pug took up permanent residence on a pile of moving blankets.

We took a break from packing on Friday night for a dinner party with some of our yoga friends. She had turned her living room into loungy floor seating. So cozy.

We had a delicious mix of vegetarian food and wine.

My plate.

On Saturday morning I did a “short” long run, taught yoga (to 70 students! It was an amazing morning!) and then had a lunch date with my fiance to fuel up for the packing marathon. We tried Chopt for the first time. It was great! Full review to come after I visit a few more times.

We got focused (helped by the depressing Dawgs loss to Bama…wahhhh) and got the house all packed up in prep for our Sunday move.

We finally took a break around 8:30 p.m. for a Thai feast at Monsoon. I had a green curry with scallops and shrimp. It was amazing!

Sunday morning rolled around and we were ready to make the move happen. Zoey was a little unsure about how she felt about the boxes. We picked up the U-Haul at 11 a.m., the movers came at 12:30 p.m. and we had everything loaded and unloaded by 4 p.m.
The best news is that I didn’t have to lift a single box or piece of furniture! This might sound lazy to some but it was WELL WORTH my money to hire movers. My work is moving my body…I did not want to risk hurting myself (or having a meltdown) over moving. It decreased my stress level by about 300%.

We celebrated on Sunday night with pizza at Pizza Peel. This BBQ pizza was so freaking good. Pulled pork, shredded cabbage, charred red onions, cilantro and ranch drizzle. Heaven in every bite!

We also shared a veggie pizza with pesto, goat cheese, roasted garlic, mushrooms and artichoke hearts.
Another post coming soon (I think) about all the feels that come up with moving and change. It’s been a lot.
Moving…love it or hate it?
Last time you moved?
How did your animals adapt?
Who is the pug?? I thought you had the 2 goldens… I don’t love moving, it is scary but soon enough wherever you are going will feel like home. Where I am from, we are very excited about the Alabama win so I am sorry you are on the other side 😉
Best wishes.
Hey there…pug is Arnie. He came with my fiance. 😉 He’s 14 and pretty much deaf and blind but still sweet and gets around great! And yes, it was a tough loss!
Ahh definitely a reminder of how much work a move is, but so exciting! Hope you have a good week of settling in at your new place and that it feels like home in no time 🙂 Love the dinner party set-up – looks so intimate. Also, every single food picture in this post… OMG.
Thank you so much for the kind words! So ready to be all settled. And intimate, cozy dinner parties are my favorite!
When I moved from Ohio to Georiga my dog was a nervous wreck! He seemed to think I was going to forget him haha, he was a little down at first when we got here but now he seems to love it the hills and all!
I’m from Georgia! What do you think about living there?
Benny is SO cute!
After living alone (and loving it!) for 9 years, my boyfriend and I moved in together in March. It has been quite an adjustment for me. The first 3 months were extremely emotional. I have learned that I do not handle change well!
Hey Katie,
I totally can relate to this. First, change is hard. Second, moving in with another person is a huge adjustment on top of that. I hope y’all are getting settled and into your groove. I think being honest about how you feel is the most important thing.
Not including college (moving apartments/dorms), I’ve moved 5 times, my parents more than double that for my dad’s job. Luckily we’ve always had movers so the bulk of my work was just packing my valuables (which might have been American Girl Dolls at one time) and staying out of the way. But now in college I feel like a nomad because I’m in an out of places all the time!
Oh wow, that was a lot of moving around when you were younger!
We moved from Pennsylvania to Virginia last year and it was so stressful! Always worth it when you settle in but it can be tough! Plus, it isn’t going to be our last move so I guess I better be prepared!
To me the packing is the worst part – I don’t mind unpacking because it gives me a chance to clean and organize!
I so agree that packing is so much worse than unpacking. Our move wasn’t as bad since were just moving in town and not to another city or state. That’s extra challenging because you have to have EVERYTHING packed. We’ve been able to drag it out over a week to get everything wrapped up!
Moving, even the idea of moving brings up all sorts of memories. I lived in the same house growing up but once I left for college up until I got my house 5 years ago I moved NINE times… almost every year or two. The thought of moving again makes me nauseous!
Glad you are through the worst of it. Movers are worth EVERY PENNY!
Oh my gosh! That is SO MUCH moving. I’m so glad you’re settled now. And yes, the movers were totally worth it.
Random but I haven’t seen you drinking much wine lately! Are you still into it?
Haha, that is random! Well, there’s wine in this post 😉 And we toasted the move with a bottle of prosecco!
Two years ago, my then-fiance, now-husband and I moved from DC to Florida with our two dogs. The packing and drive down had all gone so wonderfully smoothly until about half an hour after we arrived, when one of our dogs tore his cruciate ligament while gleefully running circles around our new yard. Poor guy! We have so much more furniture now that next time, we may have someone do part of the packing for us as well as the actual moving! Once you’re past your 20s, hiring movers seems like a right you’ve earned from all the solo moves.
Oh my gosh. That sounds like a very challenging move. Poor puppy! Having someone do the packing sounds pretty amazing! Agree that after 20’s movers are a necessity!
Glad your move went so well! Moving is the absolute worst..it probably is the one thing that stresses me out the most. I turn into a totally different person haha! I moved almost two years ago and luckily had some help from my then-boyfriend. Hopefully I have a few more years in my current place! 🙂
I know! I won’t admit to how many tears I cried over the last couple of weeks! 😛
We are in the same boat as you: moved every year from ’06 to ’10, landed in Columbia SC and have been in the same condo for 5yrs now. Our cat didn’t transition well with the move to SC. He became a counter-surfer and garbage/plant eater. The good news is we have a much cleaner kitchen now b/c we put everything away, dishes done, garbage away every night. And we wipe all the counters in the AM. All plants are either types he doesn’t like to nibble on or have a pedestal or shelf to live on. Good luck with the new place, can’t wait to see before and after picts of what you guys do with it!!
Haha! I love how you can see the bright side of it! Zoey is now big enough that she can get things off the counter or table if we aren’t careful.
sorta hate it. but its good to purge ! always seems to bring the worst out in people sometimes though. i can relate to the feelings that come up when you move. its a lot sometimes. you wonder if you are doing the right thing. all of a sudden everything you thought you hated about your current house doesnt seem so bad, the $, etc. totally feel ya on that. good luck !
Yes! All those things have definitely come up. Thank you!
I helped my parents when they re-did their floors this past spring. We essentially moved all of their furniture out of the house, and then back into the house. It was EXHAUSTING. I went to a masseuse the next day!
I’m so grateful we had movers for a lot of that! I can’t imagine how it would have gone without them.
Last time I moved I was like 3 or 4…or don’t remember much 😛 But moving in and out of my dorm! Now that was terrible hahahahaha! But also taught me I actually need practically nothing!
We moved on the same day. 🙂 I moved from Atlanta to Buffalo with my fiancé for his job. I’ve been having a lot of conflicting emotions about the move, but for some reason, this made me feel a lot better. Moving IS hard. Thanks for that. 🙂
I actually sort of enjoy moving just to get rid of STUFF like you said! I’ve moved a lot in my life, most recently was last week from NYC to Colorado. It was fairly easy because I packed and shipped 18 boxes – but next time (when I’ll have furniture), I am DEFINITELY going with movers! Can’t wait to hear about the new place!
Ugh, I HATE moving! My husband and I bought our first house this summer, so hopefully no more moves in the foreseeable future! Before that, we moved 6 times in the last 10 years. We have 2 cats and really the worse part is the whole car ride. The worst one was the most recent and it was only 10 minutes! They howl the entire time and one freaks out and poops and pees as soon as she gets in the car. My husband was driving so I turned my head to look back at her and at the same time she was turning around and somehow managed to sling pee across my face! Thank goodness I was wearing my glasses and had my mouth closed!
Thankfully, my husband and I bought our forever home-hate moving, but love the going through stuff part-feels good to get rid of things you know you will never wear/use! I can’t believe you are parting with your kitchen you spent so much time on! I hope your new house has a beautiful kitchen 🙂
Yay for forever homes. Can’t wait to find one of those!
Gosh, I know on the kitchen. I decided not to sell my home and to rent it instead so I’m not bidding farewell to it just yet but giving it new people to love it! New house kitchen is okay but master suite makes up for it!
I love that rug in the pic! Love/hate moving. It is very stressful, but it’s a great time to purge!
It’ll be VERY soon when I move into college, so time to get packing! Good luck!