This afternoon I had the experience of taking my own yoga class and it was more than a little weird. I have been working on some class recordings for a client of ours to use while traveling for work and also for another project. I figured I should actually take the class to check the timing, cuing, flow, etc. Overall, the class translated well but it was strange to “pretend teach” outside of a live classroom and also to take a class from myself.
What was really, really, really nice was a home practice. I need to do that more. It was such a great change of pace for it just to be me and my mat with no heat.
Speaking of teaching, I did a lot of it this weekend. Let’s jump into the weekend recap.

My weekend kicked off early on Thursday night with a celebration dinner for one of my fellow teachers and PT clients who is making a major career change and leaving the corporate world after a 17 year law career to pursue some personal passions. She brought a bottle of champagne for a toast. She’d been holding onto this bottle for the right occasion and this seemed like a pretty perfect time to pop it open. It was my first time trying Dom Perignon so I gladly accepted a glass! 🙂 (It was really good for the record.)

I had three PT clients in a row early Friday and then headed off to a coffee shop to tackle my inbox. I subbed out my 9:30a yoga class because I was feeling so behind on work. It was helpful to have a few uninterrupted hours of work. I ate a bowl of chia pudding while I was there.

The remainder of my Friday was pretty chill. I worked out with my trainer, worked on the computer, taught yoga at 4:20p and then came home to clean and cook dinner. I made the Spicy Fish Taco Bowls from Pinch of Yum but subbed shrimp and calamari for the fish. They were pretty good but I don’t think I’ll make the recipe again.

On Saturday morning I prepped for my yoga class and then decided to skip the farmers market in exchange for taking a class before I taught. It was about a million degrees in the room and a super sweaty practice but it felt good to get it done. I had a quick lunch with a new teacher I’m mentoring before heading off for some pampering.

I got my hair cut and colored. Last time I was there I scheduled all of my appointments through the rest of the year. I’m so glad I did because right when I got the calendar reminder for this one, I was thinking to myself that it was time! My hair is so dark and my grays show so quickly. I’ve had them since I was 18 but they seem to be spreading lately. 😉

After my appointment I took myself on a little date to my favorite bakery, Sunflour. I had an iced coffee and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cookie. I sat there for an hour or so just hanging out and relaxing. I really enjoy doing things like this solo.

We kept thinking we were going to go out this weekend but staying in won out every night. I SnapChatted (tap this link to add me from your phone or search username jendecurtins) my way through our (unremarkable) Saturday night that included a movie, a late dinner of leftovers on the couch and lots of puppies. It was perfect.

We also discussed going out for Sunday brunch and I decided I’d rather cook. I whipped up sweet potato hash and eggs, thick-cut bacon, sliced tomatoes and fruit. And then took brunch out on the front porch to photograph. My food takes a lot of trips outside for natural light. 🙂

I taught a double header at the Y on Sunday afternoon…HIIT and Total Strength. It was a fun afternoon of teaching but totally wiped me out since I do the classes with them at the Y. I taught yoga at the studio at 4 (did not do that practice with them) and then I was done, done, done for the day!

Tanner and I took the girls for a walk around the neighborhood and then I made a one-pan roasted dinner. I did a mix of brussles sprouts, butternut squash, chicken andouille sausage, carrots, rutabagas and turnips.
We started watching Stranger Things on Netflix last night. It was just released and is getting a ton of buzz. So far, so good!
What are you watching right now?
Do you enjoy “solo dates?” If so, what is your favorite thing to do solo?
Did you go out or stay in this weekend?
That one-pan roasted dinner looks fantastic! That must have been such a strange experience taking your own class… I find it hard enough to listen back to recordings of myself.
I love solo adventures! I definitely need them to reenergize and rejuvenate. My weekend was lots of on the go, and adventures – a trail race, long run, cooking class, dinner out with friends.
Oh your food looks so delicious! It definietly makes me want to get more creative in the Kitchen! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend 🙂
I always take my own classes!! My classes are available on iTunes and soon Iheart radio and ever since I started uploading them they’ve become my go-to for home practices. It was weird at first but I’m totally used to it now lol
I am so going to do one of your classes! 🙂
I love going to the mall by myself to walk around! I get a red mango parfait and eat it while I shop (or just window shop). that cookie though looks terrific 🙂
i just started watching unbreakable kimmey schmidt this past weekend and love it ! its quick and funny. a solo date sounds fun. i used to go to lunch here and there by myself and take a book and read. i miss that.
start it again! 🙂 xx
It was a girls weekend here on Nantucket and it was pretty AMAZING! So much fun, food, booze, swimming, laughter, and disconnecting. It was exactly what we both needed, event Lucy had an amazing time too! Spoiled puppy! 🙂
Your skin looks amazing! Any changes to your routine? Are you still doing regular facials?
I love solo missions. I genuinely enjoy my own company and simply doing stuff at my own pace and leisure. My perfect solo day would involve drinking coffee in bed, heading out for a run, coming home to make food/shower, then treating myself to a massage.
I love following your solo adventures on SnapChat! You’re one of my fave people to follow!
I’m having a solo evening right now. Not very excited about it because my fiancé and I have started watching Preacher and I really want to know what’s going to happen in the next episode. Can’t watch it without him though!
I don’t much like going out alone anymore. Too many bad experiences with harassment and idiots on the streets have made me anxious about that. I do like having time to myself at home thiugh. Tonight I’m going to eat saag paneer & chapati, and attempt to finish the book I’ve been reading for months whilst trying not to think about Preacher! Haha.
Oh that solo Indian dinner sounds yummy! Sorry you’ve had less than stellar experiences going out alone. 🙁
Solo dates are my favorite – one thing that I like to when I just want to read magazines or browse the internet is to go to the bar at whole foods, order a glass of wine and a cheese tray and relax. I love listening to the buzz around me, but never actually being involved in the conversations. Sometimes I’ll stay there for hours and get something from the hot bar & then gelato for dessert.
Doesn’t reading magazines feel like such a relaxing indulgence. I love the idea to go somewhere that’s not home and sit solo and do it. That sounds like a perfect solo date!