Happy Monday friends. I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was really great! It was the second weekend of my 200-hour yoga teacher training at VIDA Hot Yoga in Kingsport, Tennessee so Finn and I ventured that way early on Friday morning.

Our Friday session started at 12:30 p.m. this weekend (we usually start at 5:30 p.m. on Fridays but needed to get some extra hours in) so I was up super early to finish up packing and loading up. Once we hit the road, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a coffee and the donut holes were calling my name. I’d already had breakfast so I asked for one and they told me they were four for a dollar. Twist my arm. 😉 I got the sour cream flavor – my fave!

A few hours later I stopped for gas and to feed Finn. I also ate my packed turkey, cheese and avocado sandwich.

And then we arrived at VIDA! I love this studio so much and after just two weekends of being there, it feels like home. Again, the owners have been so amazing in encouraging me to bring Finn along, lining up babysitters to watch him at the studio and allowing us to take over the lobby area with baby stuff.

I was joking this weekend that he’s like a therapy baby. He was making everyone “awww” and smile with his antics. Can we take a moment to appreciate his first baby sweatshirt? Also, I packed the Sophie the Giraffe teething toy for him and it was his first time playing with it. He seemed to really like it! BTW…how will I know when he actually starts teething?
We finished up on Friday night around 8:30 p.m. and headed back to the hotel. I showered, ate dinner and crashed.

We were all smiles on Saturday morning as we headed back to the studio. I taught the 8 a.m. hot power class.

I grabbed a cinnamon raisin bagel with butter and cream cheese from the shop next door for breakfast. I hung out with Finn for a bit on our break and fed him too!

Around noon we walked over the the Healthy Kingsport expo where my trainees were putting on a yoga demo to promote the studio.

Finn and I strolled a little over a mile to get to the expo and it was so nice to get some cool, fresh air! I am pretty obsessed with his baby joggers and excited to have him in some fall clothes now!

I prepped and packed all of my meals for the weekend. Lunch was a quinoa, apple, pepita, cranberry salad over arugula with half and avocado and Trader Joe’s Tahini Almond Butter Dressing.

That afternoon we spent a lot of time breaking down the alignment of standing postures and started learning assists for Sun Salutation A and B. It was a fun session!

We wrapped at 6 p.m. and Finn and I went back to the hotel. I ate my packed dinner of butternut squash noodles with meatball marinara sauce (I ate this both nights) and then worked on some blog and computer stuff in bed.

We start at 7:30 on Sundays so it was an early morning! I packed up everything in the car and checked out of the hotel before heading to the studio. We did a led Ashtanga practice. It was the trainees first experience with Ashtanga and it was eye-opening for them!

Breakfast after practice was chia pudding with pumpkin puree, cinnamon, mashed banana, raisins and almond milk. I topped it with this RX Bar Vanilla Almond Butter.

I was with the TTs until 3 p.m. and then we packed up to head home. I absolutely love the drive up to Kingsport. The mountains are so beautiful. I can’t wait to see the fall colors on my next couple of trips!

Finn slept almost the entire ride home (go Finn!) and we were reunited with the girls a little after 7. Virginia stayed with them this weekend (and brought Stella!) so they were well-loved while we were gone. If I am gone for more than one night I always like to have a friend stay at the house with them so they’re not alone.

I rarely order takeout these days but I was craving Thai food so I used Postmates to have some green curry with tofu and veggies and fresh basil rolls delivered (use my code EZ8IN to get your first delivery for free). It was a delicious end to an amazing weekend!
What was the highlight of your weekend!? Any fall activities?
Favorite food for takeout/delivery? I am pizza and Thai food!!!
I miss you so much. Those lucky students have the BEST teacher
You’ll know he is teething by the drool ? Sooooo much drool!
Sounds like a fun and busy weekend! I am so impressed by your meal prepping Jen! And packing up yours and baby’s things can’t be easy so well done! Xox K
It sounds like a great weekend – I love all your organization and prep work. I have been following your blog for so many yrs, and remember when you went to the teacher training yourself. It sounded like such a big commitment back then. Thanks for continuing to share so much of your life. I love to follow blogs, but so many have dropped off over the years. It is fun just to follow the day to day lives of ppl who are active.
Inspiring to see a momma doing the work that calls to her and bringing her baby along. (You know they are teething went they are drooling, fussy, and try to bite everything.)
Keep moving forward. You look great!
Meal prepping with a baby you are a rock star mama!!!
I chuckled at the all the baby stuff in the lobby, that’s so awesome they did all that for you guys!! You’ll know when he starts teething, like the others said by the drool, fussiness, chewing on everything and mine always has issues sleeping when trying to cut a tooth. Frozen wash cloths and a paci with frozen water in the nipple were favorites of my little guys!