I had a very low key but nice weekend. After continuing education all day on Friday, I crashed Friday night and didn’t do much of anything. I had hopes of getting up and practicing at Om Yoga on Saturday morning before I taught my hot vinyasa class but then I slept until 8:30 so that didn’t happen!
After teaching the beautiful Om yogis I headed to Metro Fitness Club to train two clients. As a rule, I do not train on the weekends but since I had to cancel on them Friday I made an exception.

I spent the rest of the day treating myself to things like cupcakes, pedicures and friend times so I made it a relaxing afternoon after working!

So did Sullie…I did some yard work and she supervised like a champ.
One of my yoga students who just graduated from teacher training invited a group of girls over on Saturday night for a homemade vegetarian dinner. She is from Mysore, India but has lived here in the states for years. We all jumped at the offer for dinner in her home.

The food was INCREDIBLE. Seriously, it was the most flavorful and best meal that I’ve had in a long time. She spoiled us with a spread of delicious spicy and cooling dishes with homemade dosa (the crepe/flatbread thing you see above). I wish you could grab a fork and dive into this picture because it was that amazing.

I am so happy and grateful for all the connections yoga has brought into my life. I love my network of friends! 🙂

I taught my hot class at Y2 on Sunday morning and then came home to hibernate and relax. It was dark and rainy so I made a batch of blueberry banana muffins that turned out wonderfully (recipe to come).

And then I spent hours on the couch with my laptop, coffee, candles and Sullie. It was pretty perfect.

Then I had this great idea to take my favorite teacher’s hot yoga class at 4 p.m. and then go see The Fault In Our Stars. That pretty much resulted in a copious amount of tears. Yoga + a sad movie is not a good combo! I read the book so I thought I was prepared but still left the theater weeping.
Indian Food…love it or leave it?
The Fault In Our Stars…read it or seen it? Thoughts?
oh, those arms of yours…
i’m sort of timid to see the movie… barely made it through the trailer. lol.
I love Indian food but do not have it very often.
I wanted to see that movie! I have not read the book but now that you said it was so sad, I might change my mind! There’s nothing worse than going to the movie theater and doing the ugly cry! 🙂
Go you for having such an open palate, impressed! Like South Indian food like dosa but prefer the North Indian curries with basmati rice or fluffy naan!
I love Indian food – samosas, butter chicken, pappadons – it’s all delicious!
How wonderful to have a network through your passion! I really want to see the movie but am almost nervous because everyone keeps saying how sad it is. I’m not sure I can handle it with these pregnancy hormones !!
I would love to see that movie, just waiting until I can find some time too.
I love Indian food. I bet having it home cooked is even better!
I balled while reading the book so I’m scared to go see it in theaters!
I LOVE Indian food. There’s a decent Indian restaurant here in town and my boyfriend and I go whenever he’s in town.
And Fault In Our Stars…I’m apprehensive about seeing it but know I want to! Loved the book.
My husband is South Indian and his mom makes the BEST dosas and coconut chutney ever. But we also love North Indian food (where I’m from!). It’s a little more decadent but just as good!
And I read The Fault in Our Stars and cried the entire time…a little nervous to see the movie! Will definitely bring a box of tissues!
I love how spontaneous your weekend seemed! So fun…and tasty looking 🙂
I really need to read that book! Everyone keeps talking about it and I hadn’t even heard of it. I guess I am a bit behind the times!
Love Indian food and I’m sure homemade is a thousand times better than any dish I’ve eaten in a restaurant. That’s so true about yoga – it brings so many great connections!
I cried and laughed when I read “Fault In Our Stars”! I absolutely loved that book. After reading books, I almost never go and see the movie because it just doesn’t compare. I love Indian food, but I do not eat it on a regular basis. LOVE the different spices and the Naan of course. XOXO
That was such an amazing book! I haven’t seen the movie (yet) but my sister went with her boyfriend over the weekend and she said she cried at least three different times and even her boyfriend teared up at one point!
The Fault In Our Stars is my absolute FAVORITE book! I’m seeing the movie today…coming prepared with a full box of tissues!
Love Indian food and loved that book. I can’t wait to see the movie!! I hope I’m prepared!
I love Indian food but haven’t had it since I’ve left New York.
After reading the reviews of the book I knew I would not be able to handle ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ so I’ve pretty much stayed away from it as a whole. Just hearing about other people’s reaction to the movie has solidified that I was right in staying away even.
I’m anxious to see that movie – it was 1 of my favorite books.
Love Indian food! Naan is delicious and I always grab it at Whole Foods when I see it, but I can’t even imagine how good that homemade Indian food was! 🙂
Read it. Loved it. Cried so hard.
Watched the movie. Loved it just as much. Cried just as hard. So good.
The soundtrack is really good as well.
I really want to see that movie but i know it’ll make me tear up. So excited for a new muffin recipe!
Oh my goodness, I loved the book, and wasn’t going to see the movie since I hate being let down by movies that don’t live up. But I think you’re convincing me that I need to go!
Food looks amazing! As do your arms! What scarf is that you are wearing? Love it!!