Click here for a week-by-week breakdown of the 2015 Ultimate Plank Challenge.
Click here for details on the 2016 Ultimate Plank Challenge.
May 1 marks one month since my book was released. A big thank you to those of you who have purchased Ultimate Plank Fitness (if you haven’t…please consider!) and to those who have shared it on Facebook, blogs, Instagram, Twitter, etc. If you have purchased the book and are enjoying adding some planks to your life, also please consider review Ultimate Plank Fitness on Amazon.
I’m excited to share today that I’m hosting a plank challenge in May! The challenge features 31 days of planks to strengthen your core and get your ready for summer. It’s sponsored by Premier Protein!
The Ultimate Plank Challenge

The 31 planks featured in the challenge are all from my book. They are body weight plank exercises that require no special equipment so you can follow along with the challenge at home!
Here’s how the challenge works…
- This is predominantly an Instagram challenge but I will also post to Facebook and Twitter.
- The night before I’ll post a photo or video with instructions for the next day’s plank along with a demonstration. (So essentially, I’ll always be a day ahead of you.) I’ll be sure to offer modifications where available along with tips for form and notes on how long to hold or how many reps to perform.
- You’ll perform the plank and post a photo or video along with the hashtag #ultimateplankchallenge to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Be sure to tag me (Instagram: @jdecurtins, Facebook: Peanut Butter Runner, Twitter: @jdecurtins) and Premier Protein (@PremierProtein). You may also want to post what day of the challenge it is. (Note: I will not be able to see your tags if your account is set to private…but you can still join in!)
“Day 16 of the #UltimatePlankChallenge complete with 3 sets of 10 push up side planks. I’m participating in a 30 day challenge hosted by @jdecurtins @premierprotein.”
- Each week I’ll give away a signed copy of my book to someone who has posted all seven days of planks for the week on Instagram.
- I’ll regularly feature Instagram participants and re-gram and Facebook your posts!
- At the end of the challenge, one winner will receive a Premier Protein Prize Pack with lots of goodies along with a signed copy of the book.
My goal for this challenge is for participants to increase their core strength while also getting a total body workout with some of these exercises! Day 1 and Day 31 of the challenge will be a max plank hold so that you track improvement. I’ll also be having a Premier Protein shake or bar daily and will talk a lot about how to properly fuel your body for performance and recovery throughout the challenge.
Here’s a link to the challenge post on Instagram for you to follow, tag friends, repost, etc.
So…who’s going to plank with me in May!?
I’ve been looking for a new challenge like this to do! I’m in!
yay! thanks girl!
Awesome inspo!
Just received the book yesterday. So excited to try some moves out after my run tomorrow!
im so in. i think i set up so that i will receive texts of your tweets so it will be a good reminder!
awesome! thanks tara!
Considering how much I love the moves I’ve done from your book already….I’m in! Sharing on my blog too 🙂
Thanks so much Emily! Happy to hear you’re enjoying the book and I appreciate you helping spread the word!
I’m so excited about this!!!
yay! me too!
Love this! I’m in! I don’t have an IG but I’ll follow along through the links in your blog.
great, thanks michelle!
How long do you hold each plank? Am I missing some of the directions from this blog? Or may be I neglected to click on something that would give me those details. Thanks
Hi Lisa…check out the second bullet point that explains how it all works…
“The night before I’ll post a photo or video with instructions for the next day’s plank along with a demonstration. (So essentially, I’ll always be a day ahead of you.) I’ll be sure to offer modifications where available along with tips for form and notes on how long to hold or how many reps to perform.”
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
I may want to challenge my husband to a little competition! I’m pregnant and do some planking currently…should I just use my best judgment regarding some of the more complicated ones? Thanks!
yes. in general planks are safe for pregnancy but take modifications when your body sends signs that it may be too much. i will show modifications!
what a great idea…
I’m in!
I am having so much fun with this challenge!
I like this challenge….have been going to gym for past seven months…since over weight…anyway I will take this challenge… Just now had a glimpse on ur IG posts…topics are of my interests too….started following u…