Good morning friends. These are crazy and unsettling times in our world. Here in North Carolina, things rapidly went from life as usual to exercising extreme caution over the course of just a few days. Our governor announced yesterday that all schools are to close and no gatherings of over 100 people are permitted effective immediately.

A coffee chat-style post seemed like a good idea this morning as sleep last night was not so great. I have had a hard time sleeping for the last few days because my mind has been racing with worries about everything from the news to my family to work and finances. I am doing my best to stay calm and grounded but there’s just so much to consider and digest at the moment.
We are being encouraged to practice social distancing. I have stayed close to home this weekend and I’m having mixed feelings about teaching my classes next week. As of now, the studios that I work for are still open and offering classes although precautions have been taken like removing rental mats and props, limiting class size, no hands-on assists and more rigorous cleaning protocols.
I was set to begin a 200-hour yoga teacher training in Charlotte this weekend but decided Thursday evening to postpone it because the space we had secured for the training closed after our city government announced Charlotte’s first confirmed covid-19 cases. I also felt it best to hold off for everyone’s mental and physical health given that there are so many unknowns. I didn’t want my trainee’s experience of their first weekend of YTT to be colored with worry and half-presence due to the overwhelming amount of information that we are all trying to process.
My primary concern at this moment is doing my part to “flatten the curve” so as to protect the elderly and immune-compromised.

When it comes to taking care of me and my people, I am trying my best to get plenty of sleep, drink a lot of water, get fresh air and Vitamin D, keep moving my body, meditate and practice deep breathing and eat healthy foods.
We will spend most of this week sticking close to home.

On a brighter note, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect for Finn’s new outdoor climber to arrive. This was his Christmas present from my parents and grandmother and I finally ordered it last week. I can’t wait for him to see it when he gets home today! Question…do I just leave it on the ground like this or should I create a border and spread something around it? I want to be sure that it’s super safe for Finn.

Things are changing so quickly and I’m trying to take it day-by-day. I plan to stay active and present here and on social media. I’ll still be sharing workouts, food and life because I know that now more than ever we need to feel connected to one another, and good in our bodies.
Don’t forget that I have TONS of workouts on my blog that you can do at home. I may also live stream some workouts, yoga flows and meditations for you guys in the coming weeks.
Okay, I think that’s about all for this one. Sending you all a whole lot of love and well wishes.
Are you social distancing? Working from home? Are you still going to the gym or to fitness classes or have you transitioned to home workouts?
Backyard ideas for the play structure?
Hi Jen, longtime follower but I don’t think I have ever commented. We are in complete lock down here in Spain. We can only leave the house (unaccompanied, not even with kids) to buy food or go to the pharmacy. The police are patrolling the streets and soon the government will be sending out drones to monitor. I have been searching your blog for home workouts with body weight and will be doing them this week, so thank you! Any other ideas for home workouts that do not require equipment would be most welcome. Sending the best of vibes to you and your family. Stay safe.
Are you social distancing? Working from home? Are you still going to the gym or to fitness classes or have you transitioned to home workouts?
I work at a hospital, so I see firsthand how important it is for social distancing. Today I picked up extra non-perishable items because I have a higher chance of receiving COVID-19 and being quarantined than those who work outside of healthcare. We are currently cancelling elective cases at my hospital. Cardiology is normally extremely, relentlessly busy, but we’re only doing emergent cases. I wish I had the opportunity to work from home and I have decided to do all of my workouts at home. This is a tense time, and if we don’t take precautions we will end up like Italy.
Backyard ideas for the play structure? My parents built a large sandbox around my play set so I had something soft to land in/play in.
I live in DC and also trying to flatten the curve here. In the past week I did a huge grocery run and visited a barre studio super focused on cleanliness.. but I think it’s now time to shift to at home workouts. I will be working from home until further notice.
I actually went grocery shopping with a few of your recipes in mind because I knew they made a lot: Crockpot Salsa Chicken, Spaghetti Squash Casserole, and Thai Red Curry.
If you have time to do this, a post with links to recipes on your blog you recommend in these times based on limited ingredients/ability to freeze it would be so helpful. <3
Hello from Colorado. I am one of those (millenials) that believes the situation is more dire than even the news is stating, and that infected numbers are significantly higher due to a serious lack of testing availability. The fiancé and I cancelled a mini vacation on Saturday which we had booked back in November…everyone was sad for a day but I did not want to risk the airports! Everything is strange and weird here as well. My job has only allowed those with children to work remotely (schools closed Friday until the end of the month) and I don’t think that is fair, even though we are a very small office. You are right in that everything is changing by the day and sometimes hour. We are also in process of purchasing a home so we are choosing to social distance and just pack and stay in with movies/TV, and the occasional walk with the dog. A lot of other friends have already had their work tell them to work remotely for the next month, and some have already started as of 1-2 weeks ago. It’s mixed feelings all around but I am doing what I can apart from grocery trips and work! I am also avoiding the gym (CrossFit) which also hasn’t yet closed down but has gone to a limited schedule. Good for you for doing what you can with TT! Sending good vibes to you and your family ❤️
Thank you Jen. I would love to take a streamed remote workout or yoga class with you! Ever since I started reading your blog it’s been a goal to take one of your classes someday 🙂
I’m in Maryland, right outside of DC. The case numbers are growing exponentially but they’re way higher than the official count. The mass of emails circulating on our listservs asking about testing is terrifying. There aren’t tests readily available and for someone to “qualify” to get tested they have to exhibit all 3 symptoms (high fever, cough, respiratory distress) AND have either been in contact with someone who’s known to have it or traveling to italy or china. Its appalling. We have 4 young boys and we are following all the recommendations to social distance. Were isolating to our nuclear family: no play dates, no playgrounds, this isnt spring break. I see so many people brushing this off as nothing simply because they think it doesn’t effect them (they’re young, not immunocompromised). It makes me equal parts disgusted and sad. This is about so much more than our own personal risks. We each have the ability and responsibility to do something to flatten the curve, mitigate the spread and give our healthcare, and thus our community, our country, our world, a fighting chance.
I am really glad we are on the same page here for the most part here in the comments and that you, Jen, are feeling rightfully conflicted because that is how I have felt. I also teach group fitness and chose to take all my classes outdoors except for today when I wasn’t able to. Tonight I sent out sub requests for every class for the next two weeks. As of now, one studio has closed, slowly stores and restaurants seem to be following. I think it is important to remember when we get on the other end of this, which we will, to support those people who did not hesitate to do the right thing regardless of their own self interest. I can tell from the conversations I’ve gone out of my way (as a hardcore introvert) to have with the general public, many people are not informed. So great also to hear from a health care worker! We need those voices now.
Hi Jen, what a hard few days this has been for everyone. My husband and I are now teleworking full time and doing our best to distance ourselves while also trying to support small business – buying gift cards and pre-paying appointments we’re going to want to skip like haircuts, etc., and supporting local food banks to make sure that everyone has enough to eat while we muddle through.
I am very sensitive to how difficult these situations must be when your income relies on in-person work. If you would consider doing a virtual yoga class I would love to pay you to attend! I’m not really with it as far as platforms – but Facebook live, youtube, you name it, and I’d love to Venmo you for your time.
Also, I had had a feeling we might be shut in for awhile and ordered a fresh starter – finding your sourdough recipe SO relaxing to work through!
What a great idea! Pay Jen to attend an online class. If I could make it work time and schedule wise I’d do the same.
I did two of your workouts this morning! Thank you for always having those available to your readers!
I’m working from home, as is my husband and we’re trying to get outside as much as possible because the weather is finally getting a bit warmer.
Hi Jen!
I am in Ohio and they have shut schools until at least April 3, but the rumor is probably the rest of the school year. The Ohio State University is total virtual for the rest of the semester. A few other colleges have followed suit. All restaurants & bars are only take out. All gatherings over 100. All the run groups have suspended official group runs for the time being. A lot of the stores have been wiped out of hand soap, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, bananas. Definitely practicing social distancing just for the fact that we don’t pass it on to anyone. A couple of the local yoga studios closed. One studio is offering virtual classes for minimal cost which is pretty cool. I am staying away from the gym and doing weights at home and running outside with only a couple of close friends.
Thanks for starting the conversation. This is definitely a difficult time for all of us, especially the sick!
Take care!
I’m so glad you are still posting. My life has been crazy the last 2 years and I was finally like – OK, calm down. No more bad things will happen.
It’s a good reminder that change is constant and we can only control what we can control. And that it’s still important for me – and all of us – to relax even as we are kind of also freaking out. I’m anxious in the best of times so this hasn’t been a fun thing for anyone.
I’m trying to stay out of the public as much as I can too. I don’t want to add to the load or get anyone else sick. I bought a set of dumbells this weekend and put my gym membership on hold, so I’ll enjoy your home workouts. Thank you so much!!!
I work at a university and we’re on virtual classes until early April, but I”m assuming that it’ll be the rest of the semester. My gym made the decision to close, which I think is the right decision – it’s easy to pass on the virus even if you’re asymptomatic, and it can live on surfaces for a long time. I feel for people who rely on fitness classes for income though! My gym owner is offering “virtual” workouts and I’m keeping my monthly membership so that I can support the gym. I hope that you’re able to come up with a plan for working from a distance. If you find good online yoga or strength training resources, I’d love to hear them.
Hi Jen,
I’m sorry that you had to postpone your yoga training but that definitely sounds like the best decision for all right now… and yoga is most certainly going to be even more important after this time.
I have been mostly practicing social distancing. I ended up doing a Whole Foods grocery delivery on Saturday and the person that filled it actually forgot items and also included expired items; which wasn’t helpful for my meal prep lol! I ended up having to go ahead and do another today and the same thing happened… anywho at least I tried to limit Going into the store myself; which is actually a favorite of mine.
You mentioned your workouts on your blog; and I will be happy to relay Feedback to your readers that your workouts are awesome and customizable to each individual wherever their fitness level is. I have saved many either as a screenshot, on Pinterest, or hand written in my workouts file at home! I would love the opportunity to participate if you are able to live stream workouts.
Question…. when you were on that trail walking over the weekend , did you see anyone? The reason I ask is the mindset that we are all doing right now with the social distancing… I’ve been going on walks at night since the weather is so nice and crisp here in Florida. It’s extremely therapeutic for me to be outside and I thoroughly enjoy the time. If I’ve come across someone walking towards me I either Cross street or turn around and go the opposite direction . I was just curious what you may have done…
My recommendation for Finns playset is to put mulch or sand around it to keep it sturdy.