Happy Friday! It’s been such a great week at work. Busy but in a very good way with lots of exciting things in the works. I’m spending my Friday evening working the front desk at Metro for the first time and I’m actually having so much fun with it. While I do get to teach classes and train clients as part of my job, I also spend a lot of time doing office work. It’s been great to be out on the floor tonight and chatting with the members. I’ve also been whipping up protein shakes, washing towels and praying that I am operating the computer system correctly! 😉
I’m happy to see the arrival of the weekend. I have a list a mile long of things I want to get done around the house. Starting with small things like buying new dish towels, organizing and cleaning all the way to things like resurfacing the bathtub, painting and furniture upgrades. I am trying to just take it one thing at a time but I’m in that zone where I want it all done now!

Breakfast after my morning yoga practice was Barney Butter, honey, mashed banana and cinnamon on toast.

I had a fierce smoothie craving mid-morning (must be in withdrawal after all those green smoothies during the challenge!) so I went to Berrybrook because I love their smoothies. I chose the “Mean Green” which was banana, pineapple, papaya juice, spirulina and Kyo Green. A little bit of a different spin on the green smoothie but so delicious.
I went home for lunch and an afternoon break since I had to be back at the club until 8 p.m. I have been so into egg scrambles this week and I made the best one yet today. I sauteed spinach and cherry tomatoes together and then added black beans and a dash of chipotle powder before adding the egg and shredded goat cheddar. I topped it off with salsa and diced avocado. I decided to forgo a fork in favor of using my chips to scoop it up. I just opened a bag of Wholesome Goodness Multigrain & Flax tortilla chips that I was sent to sample and they are great! They held up well to the scooping.

Someone was being a bit of a grump this afternoon. Isn’t that such a sad doggy face? I cheered her up (and wore her out!) by taking her for a run. It is such a beautiful day in Charlotte. As I was running I thought to myself that the conditions were pretty much what I would consider perfect for running. Sullie thought so too. Lately, she’s been very unmotivated to run and that’s really unlike her. She was on her a-game today and happy to be out there.

I needed a snack to hold me over during my shift at work so I grabbed one of my homemade granola bars out of the freezer. That snack seems long ago now and my stomach is growling. I’m meeting some friends for wine after I get the gym closed and then it’s home to whip up dinner.
I wanted to share one last thing with you. I used to work at an ad agency when I lived in Birmingham and they have a great blog, The Social Path, that covers all topics social media related. Today’s post was about 5 Fun Fitness Apps. I actually don’t use any fitness related apps on my iPhone but I would love to try some. Do you have any favorites?
Have a great weekend!
I thought today was perfect running weather too, which is why I also went for a run! It’s been so chilly lately in NC that I’d forgotten it was Spring, but today was exactly how Spring should be!
Happy Friday to you! What is that amazing bread you had pb and banana on? It looks incredible! I have really been into egg scrambles this week too (for dinner!).
You always inspire me, Jen. Have a most beautiful weekend!
hi tamara! it was great harvest dakota bread. it’s super good! eggs scrambles are easy, healthy and delicious!
That homemade granola bar looks amazing. I need to try making my own sometime!
It’s so sad that I have an iPhone buy really don’t use many apps besides Twitter, Facebook and maybe Pinterest and Instagram. I need to browse through them one of these days… a fitness app might be fun to try out!
me either heather! i need to branch out!
your eats look amazing! I love mushing my banana before I put it on my toast. After I put it all together I pop it back in the toaster so it all gets gooey and melty together. mmm!
Have a great weekend 🙂
As far as fitness related aps for the iPhone go, you totally need to check out Gym Pact! It would work perfectly for you, since you’re at the gym everyday! Check it out: gym-pact.com
I’ve made almost $50 since mid – January! It’s not like a huge amount of money – but a nice little reward for something we already do. 🙂
thanks for the recommendation christine!
Your food always sounds so yummy! Happy Friday. Glad you were able to cheer up that sad looking doggy.
Happy Friday Jen. I’m so happy that you are loving your job. I know what you mean about having things around the house to do. I have so many little odds and ends. Painting furniture sounds wonderful but then it’s like.. “when am I going to do that?” Good luck!
I use the Nike+ GPS app and seriously can’t get through a run without it.
your eats today are exactly what i want to have tomorrow! they look so good, i can’t wait!
Ashtanga Yoga with Michael Gannon. Great iPhone app for novice Ashtangis like me.
love that app!
This is my first comment here, but I love your blog Jen! 🙂
I came to the comments to see if there were any mentions of good workout apps, because I love using them. 🙂
I LOVE the Nike Training Club app, I use it all the time. I like that I can do it at home because I don’t have a gym membership, and there are some really good workouts on there! I also use the GymBoss app to time my Bodyrock workouts. I think I might also download a start to run app, because the weather is improving and I would like to start running again but I would like to do that with some sort of plan.
miriam – thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for reading my blog!
i will check out the nike app. sounds great! gym boss sounds like it may be useful for me too!
I just love reading your blog. As a fellow yoga teach and ‘crossfit-er’ you embody what I live each and every day. I do have one question though… and this may be random and far too personal, in which case you can ignore it, but I was wondering where you find time for your boyfriend/husband with everything you do? You never mention him so it seems like he’s not around much and that’s something I’m struggling with myself… just curious if it’s manageable for us busy gals 🙂
hi katelyn – i love hearing from fellow hybrid yogis!
i am still trying to figure out the balance with busy life and relationships. it’s a work in progress every day! i do not have the answer! 🙂
you seriously always have the best meals!!!!
Your smoothie and granola bar looks so good! Now I’m craving a smoothie too. Aw your dog is too cute 🙂 Have a great weekend!