The official first day of Spring may not be for a few more days but it’s arrived in full force here in Charlotte. It’s been a beautiful week and everyone is out enjoying the perfect weather and sunshine. There’s something about the beginning of warmer and longer days that is so energizing. There were tons of people out walking and running today and the patios at all the restaurants and bars were slammed.
I don’t think my Friday could have gotten much better. I practiced yoga, had an outdoor beer lunch, ate frozen yogurt, worked and worked out with friends.

Apple cinnamon oatmeal after a sweaty early morning yoga practice.

Beer lunch on the patio at Brixx with Bell’s Two Hearted Ale.

Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and prosciutto.

Bronx Bomber with Italian sausage, prosciutto, gorgonzola and oregano. I dipped this in ranch because I have been craving pizza dipped in ranch for weeks. Random.

Took a walk to get frozen yogurt at Menchie’s after lunch.

Last Friday I was all about the fruit toppings, this Friday it was all about the candy.

I made sure to hydrate tons in preparation for a late afternoon workout with friends at Fight Gone Mad.

Much thanks to Brandon for an awesome class. We did the above workout (one minute on for each exercise with one minute recovery at the end of the five exercises, repeat three times) and finished with a special surprise. I thought three rounds of jump squats was bad enough and then Brandon made us do tabata pushups. Four minutes of pushups – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. My poor arms were shaking at the end. Child’s pose. 🙂
Meg and I went to get tea on the patio at Common Market after Fight Gone Mad and then I headed back to Metro to finish preparations for tomorrow’s special St. Patty’s Day WOD.

After my beer, pizza and froyo lunch I was craving a salad for dinner. Spinach, toasted walnuts, goat cheese, dried cranberries, grape tomatoes and tempeh with a honey mustard vinaigrette.
Big Saturday morning planned so off to relax and enjoy the rest of my Friday.
What’s your favorite thing about the arrival of Spring? Mine is definitely eating outdoors and more daylight!
Wearing shorts & not being freezing & bundled up on a run are two things I’m loving!
Good call on the Two Hearted! Bell’s knows their stuff!!! I looooove Hopslam but unfortunately it does not love me back. One and done with those puppies.
Spring is definitely here as well!
Beer with lunch … ahhh! One of my favorite things.
My favorite thing about spring … tulips, warm sunny weather, and al fresco dining. It’s come early to Virginia too and I’m so excited!
Warm weather, warm weather, and warm weather.
Yummy food and workouts!! Enjoy this amazing weather!!! xoxo
A busy day filled with some delicious eats! Great way to start of the weekend.
I love spring because of the flowers, warm weather, and the sunshine 🙂 My favorite thing to do during spring is to go on evening walks because the weather is perfect.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂
Love this post! The arrival of spring means outdoor grilling, garden preperation, walks in the evenings with my daughter and warm weather. It looks like soring is hitting the east coast this w
eek! 🙂
not the push ups tabata workout! my arms are sore just thinking about it. I practically got into a fight with my trainer over that workout. not really, but I did try to debate the merits of it last time he made me do it. He just ignores me when I get all upset about a workout. I can picture him, blank stare, looking down at his shoe, until I’m done ranting.
can i come visit? Sounds like a perfect way to SPRING into SPRING! hehe.
Sleeping with the windows OPEN! 🙂 I love feeling a breeze come in… so refreshing!
Sounds like such a great day! I have so many favorite things about Spring, but getting outside in the fresh air for anything (working out, eating, drinking, reading, etc.) is what I enjoy most.
You are the first non-CLE blogger I’ve read who has mentioned Menchies! I knew they were nationwide but they never get any blog respect. Mmmmm!
oh man, what I would do for a Two Hearted right now! Glad you’re enjoying the beautiful weather! xo
That Hawaiian pizza looks fantastic! Anything that contains prosciutto and pineapple together has to be great.
Jen I seriously don’t think you could get any cuter!! 😉 I love dipping pizza in ranch too! KC temps are hitting the 80’s and my sweet Roxy (golden) has been in the lake everyday.
I’ve been reading and loving your blog for a while, and you have me craving frozen yogurt out of the blue! I’m 4 months pregnant, so that might not be the strangest thing ever. Anyway, on Friday I went to a Menchies we have here in Maryland. It was awesome – I was just thinking to myself “That Jen girl is seriously onto something here…” Thank you for such an awesome rec.