I wasn’t the only one having a rough morning yesterday.

Sullie seemed to be in quite a funk too. I came home at lunch and gave her lots of love. We cheered each other up. Puppy cuddles (especially of the golden retriever variety) are the best.

I was craving eggs so I made a scramble for lunch. Sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes, red pepper and spinach with leftover roasted potatoes, avocado, goat cheese and salsa. I really liked the addition of the potato to the scramble. Apple slices on the side.
I want to share with you how the rest of my day unfolded because I think it’s a pretty powerful example of what happens when you get out of your own head and allow yourself to engage with others and open yourself to experiences. I came back to they gym after lunch, shut my office door, turned on Pandora and focused on work for the rest of the afternoon. It was a welcome distraction. 5:30 rolled around before I knew it. I had planned to take the CrossFit class but the last thing I wanted to do was get up and do it. I was really dreading the workout for some reason (to be honest it was because it included jumping rope and I hate it!). I finally decided that a workout might help me feel better so I joined the class. I ended up feeling great and crushing the jump rope. In the first round I did 150 singles unbroken…a record for me! It was great to be a part of the group and feed off of the energy of the class.

But making it through CrossFit isn’t the story here. It’s what happened after.
I started teaching yoga classes at Metro when I came on board as general manager. It’s been a slow start but class numbers have been growing. Last night I had seven people waiting to take yoga when I finished CrossFit – a record! I scrambled to find mats and blocks for everyone and eagerly got class started. It ended up being one of the most inspirational classes that I have ever taught. Teaching yoga at the gym is a much different experience than teaching at the studio. Our yoga space is relatively small, it’s not hot and I always have a diverse range of skill level…from first class ever to some yoga experience to regular practitioner. It creates a challenge for me but I love having to creatively sequence for all levels. I think it really helps me grow as a teacher.
I had two amazing young women in my class last night who have overcome physical obstacles with inspirational strength (they are both okay with me mentioning them on the blog). The first had brain surgery in January to remove a cyst. She was recently cleared for exercise and is working so hard to get back to her normal physical activity. She’s starting to do some CrossFit workouts and this was her first yoga class post-surgery. She emailed me after class to tell me that she enjoyed class. It made my evening.
The second is an above the knee amputee, Cadie Jessup, who came to Metro right around when I started in February and wanted to try CrossFit. She lost her leg several years ago due to a complication with a blood clot and instead of letting it limit her, has gone on to compete in triathlons, climbed a 14,000 ft mountain to raise funds for breast cancer and is now active in CrossFit. Cadie’s adheres to the mindset that, “limb loss does not equal life loss” and now acts as a life coach and does speaking engagements. Check out her website.
Cadie and I did the CrossFit class together and then she told me she was going to stay for yoga. She warned me that she pretty much hated yoga and not to be offended if she left early. Imagine my surprise when she not only didn’t leave early but approached me after class and told me that she loved it and will be back.
I left work in a completely different mindset than the one I arrived in. Everyone has bad days. We are all going through our own personal struggles but in the end it’s all about perspective. About making choices. About taking control. How do you view the circumstances that you’re in? Are they just happening to you or are you doing something about it to shift your life in the direction you want it to go?
I’ll leave you with this video that’s been circulating around the yoga community and several readers have emailed me the link as well.
Case in point.
Jen, you are SO inspirational! I too am a yoga teacher and I think it can be extra hard for us to be vulnerable– to show our students that we are not perfect and have off days too, just like them. BUT SO SO important! Keep doing what your doing, you inspire me every day to be real and take it one breath at a time!
Thank you for this post! I’ve been down lately due to some issues with relationship and work and this made me realize that I can take control of the situation and make the changes I need to in order to be happy. Thanks for the fresh perspective!
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this video. mind-blowingly inspirational. I cried, shared it, and am off to go on a nice, long run in honor of this incredible man. 🙂
I posted the same video on my blog a few days ago – it’s so amazing. My boyfriend put a different perspective on it when he told me the teacher he had used to be a pro wrestler, haha.
I read your blog daily but I don’t think I’ve ever commented. It’s posts like this that make me look forward to reading it every day. Thanks for sharing this, and for being so honest about both the good days and the bad days.
You sound like a fantastic teacher! Wish I lived close by and could come to one of your yoga classes. It’s been really fun to hear about your experiences as a yoga teacher.
I love this video! The man featured in it was a teacher at my high school and it’s hard to recognize him at the end!
Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing.
Mary Ann
What a wonderful story in the video and from your class! Thank you!
Thank you for posting this! What a wonderful story, and just an inspiration!
Thanks for sharing that video today! Watching it was the motivation I need to get up and do something good for myself. Loved the quote from Monday as well and shared it with a friend who needed a pick me up. Your honesty about your highs and lows is so appreciated Jen! Hoping today was a great day for you!
Thank you for sharing this…so amazing.
Jen- I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’ve been trying to stay very conscious of my perspective lately. Some days I’ll wake up and find myself in a bad mood and I haven’t even made it out the door! There’s really nothing in particular that’s making me feel annoyed or moody- it’s usually just how I’m looking at a situation or approaching things. I love hearing stories like the ones you’ve highlighted, of folks who have overcome so much and are still smiling. I really could learn a lesson or two from them! I have so much to be thankful for, and I really need to work hard to remember that. Thanks for the reminder!
I watched that video yesterday. What an amazing inspiration he is! It just goes to show how powerful your own motivation and belief in yourself is.
Ah, perspective! We all need a dose of it now and then. Thanks for providing mine today!!
What an amazing inspirational video! I cried, had to watch it again with my husband and cried again. This is why I love yoga, or any exercise. It only takes you trying to see transformation. He changed his whole life with the practice of yoga, such a beautiful story. So happy you shared it.
And you are right we all have good/bad days, changing perspective is what turns a bad day into a good day or vice versa.
Love that you shared this story in yoga tonight–it is good to be reminded that having a body with all its working parts is something to be very grateful for.
Loved the class and hope to be back for more! I needed it after a crazy day at work 🙂 That video is pretty incredible and just goes to show that you can do anything you set your mind to. Hope you had a great day!
What a wonderful video. Thanks so much for sharing this!
What a wonderful video. Thanks for posting that.
Wow, that video is so powerful.
🙂 Simile! I hope you have a lovely day!
Thanks for sharing their stories. Seriously inspiring and moving. I love their perspectives, and yes everyone has bad days. Honestly, mine just got a whole lot better reading this though!
Wow, thats awesome Jen! These people amaze me!