Oh friends…what a wild few days. If you follow me on Instagram, you are probably already in the know about what’s been going on but let me bring everyone up to speed.
On Wednesday night I shared that I had dropped a very heavy metal and glass shower door on my left big toe earlier that day. On Thursday morning I taught three yoga classes…6a, 8:15a, 9:30a. After the last class I thought I should probably make sure my toe wasn’t broken. I had convinced myself that it wasn’t since I could kind of walk on it without super crazy pain. I popped into a primary care right next to the yoga studio and the PA took a peek at it and recommended I go to an urgent care facility with imaging. I picked Finn up and took him home for a nap. Once he woke up, we packed up and headed out to urgent care.

At urgent care I learned two things. 1) I should have come in the day the accident happened because the lacerations/open wounds needed attention/gluing/stitching/etc. 2) My big toe was fractured. They sent me on my way with a bandaid and a referral to ortho. I went on to teach one more class at Charlotte Yoga. Let me tell you, four classes in one day on a broken toe was not my best decision.
Even with that news, I thought that ortho would give me guidance on how to heal my toe and that it would just be a time thing. Well, I received a call from ortho at 8:15a Friday morning asking me if I could come in at 8:40a. Within 10 minutes of arriving at the office, I was being told that immediate surgery was my best course of action. WAIT WHAT!?
I was floored. Never, ever in a million years did I think this would all end in surgery. The biggest concern was not the fracture on its own but the fact that it was an open fracture with a laceration on top of it and a whole lot of nail bed damage. My doctor was very concerned about what was going on under the nail bed and repairing the injury so that I didn’t end up with a bone infection. He was most concerned that it had been 48 hours since my injury with no treatment.

Finn and I came home and got I him ready to spend the weekend with his dad while I got myself ready to head to the hospital. I made sure to change my sheets, vacuum the floors, get the dishes loaded in the dishwasher and wash a load of laundry. I had no idea how I’d feel after arriving home from the hospital so I wanted to have things in order.
I also took a shower, shaved and washed and dried my hair because I knew it would be a while until that happened again. I packed my bag and Dorie picked me up around 1:30p. She dropped me off at Novant Health Charlotte Orthopedic Hospital.
The process of getting checked in and prepped for surgery was so easy and fast. I felt that every single staff member that I encountered during my time at the hospital went out of their way to help me, make sure I understood everything that was happening and keep me comfortable. Before I knew it, I was being wheeled into the OR and that’s about all I remember until I woke up from a pretty great nap a couple of hours later. Haha.

My doctor REMOVED MY LEFT TOENAIL (and said it probably won’t grow back waahhhhh), cleaned out the nail bed and stitched everything up. There was talk about a putting a pin into my fracture but thank god that didn’t happen. My doctor came to check in on me before I was discharged today and said that surgery was absolutely the right call and that it was one of the “worst nail bed injuries” he’d ever seen. Yay.

I had to stay overnight because my doctor wanted me to receive IV antibiotics. That enough was reason to stay but they also require that you have someone to “watch you” for 24 hours after surgery and I didn’t have anyone at home and the surgery was scheduled too quickly for my family to come. Honestly, I’m glad I stayed because the numbness in my left foot didn’t wear off until around 4a and it was nice to have the nurses to help me overnight and the PT department to help me this morning.
My friends were awesome and so thoughtful. Dorie dropped me off, my friend Dana took care of Zoey, my friend Winnie brought me dinner and breakfast and my friend Jenn picked me up, took me to the pharmacy to get my prescriptions and brought me home.
It was good timing that Finn was going to be with his dad this weekend but I was supposed to be in teacher training all weekend. I am missing A LOT of work because of this. I can’t teach for the next 10 days until I get an update on how things are healing at my post-op appointment.

Finn isn’t fully weaned yet (we are slowly dropping feedings) so I had to bring my pump to the hospital. Last night was awful because I could not get my milk to letdown. I am not sure if it was stress or the meds or a combo of both but I was so engorged and uncomfortable all night. I was finally able to get a productive pump session this morning. But then I had to dump it because I took some pain meds overnight. Always painful to do!
The physical therapy team came in first thing this morning and got me fitted with crutches and taught me how to use them. They also taught me how to go up and down stairs and even had me practice holding my backpack like it was Finn. That was all so helpful. I got discharged around 9:30a and now I’m home on the couch with my foot up.
All in all, I feel a lot better than I thought I would physically although I am not very mobile at all. Emotionally, I feel sad, angry and kind of stupid. This feels like such an unnecessary accident. I’m pissed that it’s interfering with my work, my ability to run around with Finn and my ability to move and workout. On the other hand, I can look at it as a forced opportunity to stop and slow down. Lately, I’ve felt like I’ve been doing a lot of things but nothing very well. I’ve been feeling a strong pull to let some things go and narrow my focus. I think this “break” will give me the space I need to regroup and refocus.
Wow, that was a novel. I’ll be sure to keep you guys in the loop on how I deal with this injury from both a physical and mental standpoint since injuries are something I get asked about a lot. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve had something sideline me like this. (Pregnancy/childbirth not included!) The doctor said something about 12 weeks until I’m running again (which I am trying not to freak out about but am really freaking out about) but he did tell me that he expects a full return to normal movement and function.
Give me your best tips for showering without getting your dressing wet!
What’s the last injury you had and how did you deal with in mentally?
Have you ever had surgery?
Ummm I hope your landlord is going to cover your medical costs since this is an injury that could/should have been prevented with your shower doors. Especially since it’s sonething you have been telling her about for a long time!
In other news, I hope you feel better soon!
I was trying to get through the actual treatment of the injury before figuring out how I’m going to pay for it and where he might be responsible for helping. What a nightmare.
Yeah, I was wondering this as well. It seems like something their homeowner’s insurance should cover. Might be able to file a claim through your renter’s insurance? Not sure how all that works.
I’m so sorry for the unexpected injury! It must be so frustrating to not be able to teach for a while.
I work in insurance and am a licensed agent. You may be able to file a claim under the landlord’s homeowners (rental dwelling) policy under his liability coverage. The liability coverage is for if someone gets hurt on the property and the limits are usually at least 100k. The hangup might be that you got hurt due to a maintenance issue but you are allowed to file a claim. Your renters policy doesn’t usually cover something like this. I’m sorry you got hurt. My heart goes out to you.
So sorry! I hope that you heal quickly. Try not to beat yourself up. Accidents happen! I managed to trip over a curb rushing one morning before 6am to make sure our apartment door was locked (worrying about the dogs getting out). I broke my nose and tore up my face the second week of a new job after a move. I called out two days and had to google where the nearest ER was. Fortunately I didn’t need surgery, but I was definitely embarrassed. Carrie Underwood had an accident that sidelined her for awhile too. Somehow it helped me feel slightly less klutzy knowing it can happen to a famous singer paid millions of dollars to sing and dance for crowds.
Oh gosh, that sounds awful Sarah! And isn’t the timing of these things always the worst!? I LOVE your point on Carrie Underwood!
Yeah, my husband was out of town and all family lives 3 hours away, so I had to give myself a pep talk to not pass out and drive myself to an ER. Since we live in a sad world, I then had to convince them that I wasn’t assaulted. I hadn’t paid for cobra from Duke bc it only paid for non-emergency treatment at Duke and I was sure I wouldn’t need an ER for the few weeks until my new insurance started so it cost me $1500 on top of my embarrassment. I learned several valuable lessons: A) pay for Cobra B) don’t run while rushing first thing in the morning C) only go to the ER if you might die D) hydrocolloid bandages are amazing for healing even on face wounds ?♀️
You’ll get through this! More cuddle time with Finn and Zoey!!!
Oh Jen, I hope you feel better soon! I know it’s going to be hard for you for awhile, so don’t be afraid to ask for help from your friends. Thank God that Finn wasn’t in the bathroom with you! I shudder to think it could of been worse!
I also think that your landlord needs to be held accountable too! Esp when you have said something to him about it numerous times to no avail!
Your in my thoughts and prayers and don’t worry bc you’ll be back on your feet in no time! ❤
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Thank you Michelle!
Sending you healing & positive vibes! I’m glad you have such great friends to take care of you. Hang in there and get well soon!
Thank you Tracy! I feel fortunate to have my friends around since my family doesn’t live close by.
oh Jen i’m so sorry this happened to you!! sending lots of hugs, strength, and well wishes girl. feel better soon 🙂
Thank you! <3
So sorry to hear about your injury 🙁 I hope you feel better soon!
About 4 years ago I had a stupidly random injury in a kettlebell class. I dislocated my shoulder, tearing ligaments and my labrum and fracuturing a few bones. My doctor recommended surgery to repair the labral tear since I was young and active, so I opted to do it. At first I was really thrown off by 1) not being able to work out and 2) not being self sufficient for a bit (I had to wear a huge arm brace couldn’t drive, type, or do my hair for about 3 weeks). After a few days of feeling sorry for myself I realized I had been taking my health, strength, and able-bodied-ness for granted, and I began to appreciate these things a bit more, as well as the fact that I had a wonderful support system around me to care for me. Now my shoulder feels good as new (even better than the non-injured one sometimes). Today I look at my surgery scars and am so proud of my ability to confront this head-on and come out on the other side with more perspective and gratitude.
It’s really helpful to read this and I am grateful to you for sharing your experience! I can only imagine how difficult recovery from shoulder surgery would be. It’s awesome to hear that you are feeling so good now!!!
Happy to share! You’ll get there too 🙂
I have been dealing with an intercostal strain for the past month. This is not fun, you need your core for everything, lol! I am on the mend, but I am usually a VERY active person and mentally, the first couple of weeks especially, I thought I was going to lose my sanity. But trying not to do too much too quickly, as I don’t want a setback. I just keep thinking about exercising my patience and showing myself some grace. Summer is a crappy time to be injured, no swimming, running, etc. But I am thinking my body is probably loving the rest. Good luck with it. Maybe get lots of your computer blog/course work pre planned and done for fall, so you can enjoy the season to the fullest.
Oh wow, I can imagine that is a painful injury Tracy. It always amazes me when you’re injured how much you realize that you need and use the injured part!
I am really trying to keep a positive attitude about this and I LOVE your suggestion of getting work done now so that I can enjoy fall…which is one of my favorite seasons of the year! 🙂
They make a shower sleeve/cast sleeve that will slide up your leg and suction around your calf!
I’m so sorry to hear about all of this. What an unpleasant couple of days and now recovery time ahead. Wishing you a speedy recovery and glad you have a good group of friends to support you while you heal! Take care of yourself!
I had both feed operated on in late 2015/early 2016 and was in a walking boot three months prior to the first They were not surprises, but it took me a year to get back to a normal running routine. But I did. No distance races yet, but I’ve done stair climbs and a few 5K’s.
A few things that helped the post surgery recovery: a simple tall barstool toward the back of the shower made taking a shower much easier. You can sit with your injured leg out of the Make sure you get a non slip mat. An old office chair on wheels is sometimes easier to get around the house than crutches. Also, no wide legged or pants that fit loose around your ankles. Your crutches can get caught in them and you could fall. Not that anything like that happened to me :).
Best of luck. As hard as it is, don’t be afraid to ask for help!
What an awful injury!! I had foot surgery 9 months ago, requiring 2 pins, and full non weight-bearing for 8 weeks. Plus 6 months before I could resume impact activities (ie- running!). All that to say, girl I feel total sympathy for you and I understand your frustration completely! The good news is my foot is 100% back to normal and I am doing all the things I did before. I’m sure you will be too, and when you look back on this months later it will seem like a blink! Sending healing vibes!
Hi! A plastic lawn chair can work as a shower chair as well. Press and Seal over the dressing, then put your foot ina bread bag and tape.
Wow! what an incredible thing to have happen! But you are prepared as always to handle most anything. I’ve been following your blog forever, and always enjoy reading how you get thru your ‘adventures’, from taking Finn to yoga teacher training to this latest. I hurt my foot Tues, and by Tues nite it was so sore. The same things ran thru my mind – how will I cope with all the things I am supposed to be doing for next few weeks! Luckily it was much less painful by morning. I am still going to get it xrayed. tho, just really based on your experience. I shouldn’t use the absence of excruciating pain to indicate there’s not a broken bone. I hope you heal quickly. So good to hear about all the friends who rallied round you to help you when you needed it.
You are a tough cookie!! I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. Sending you lots of love xo
Get a shower cast sleeve for your foot. I got one when I had to keep my foot dry when I had a special wrap on my foot due to a stress fracture. I can’t remember where I bought it – maybe the hospital pharmacy? Or amazon seems to have everything! It’s really slick and easy to use.
I am so sorry you are dealing with this. How crappy to have unexpected surgery. I have had a number of surgies – tonsillectomy, sinus surgery, hip repair surgery and c-section. The hip repair surgery was the biggest pain in the *ss out of all of them. I had a labral team and needed my bone ground down/reshaped to prevent further tears. I was on crutches for 3 weeks which was awful. I had about 15 weeks of PT. It took that much PT to get back to running. It was rough to go through that. Our bedroom is upstairs so I had to get good at using crutches on steps. It was such a pain though. I had the hardest time carrying things around and needed so much help. I hope you aren’t on crutches for too long. That’s the worst part. Hopefully your mom can come to help you out? I am glad you have a strong group of friends. I am sure they will pitch in and help out.
Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery!!
Wow! So sorry to hear about this whole ordeal. A few years ago my son (age two at the time) broke his arm two days before we left for the beach and had an above the elbow cast. We wrapped his arm in Press ‘n Seal plastic wrap (start on the skin then go down over the cost / dressing), covered it with a tube sock, then got a cast cover sleeve from the hospital pharmacy on top (it has a rubber gasket at the top and a thick plastic “bag” of sorts). He was able to splash and play in the ocean and his cast stayed dry. I bet a similar cover-up job would work for a shower!
Sending prayers for a fast recovery!
You absolutely need to hold your landlord accountable. Find all of the documentation you have for the complaint and make sure you back it up. As a landlord this makes me mad to read. Medical expenses, lost wages, ect should be covered by their insurance.
I hope you heal quickly. I had to have toe surgery 3 times due to an injury I incurred in my classroom moving a table. It scraped across my toe ,lifted the nail bed off a bit, and bled and bled. I wrapped it and after a few weeks, I thought it healed. About 6 months later, my toe was causing me so much pain, i couldn’t even have a bed sheet on top of it. I had to have half my toenail removed and ingrown skin scraped out. The first two surgeries were not successful due to Dr. error, so I got a new Dr and he fixed it correctly. I am an avid weightlifter, jogger, biker, etc. I cut a hole in my sneaker where my toe was so I could continue to work out! The only thing I couldn’t do was planks/push up type positions. Your surgery looks more involved. I was operated on in the office all 3 times and didn’t require crutches. Just do what they are telling you so you can heal well and not take even longer to recover!
Oh sweet Jen- so sorry this happened to you! I had a very similar injury to my nailbed on my right big toe a few years ago! I dropped one of those liter bottles of Barefoot wine on my bare foot… oh the irony. I too waited too long (almost 24 hours) to get it repaired (even though I work in an ER and I of all people should have known better). I wrapped it in a maxi pad because it just wouldn’t stop bleeding and waited until the next day to go to urgent care (I wasn’t about that 2am ER wait). I got scolded for waiting, but was lucky that my toe was not fractured. They also had to completely remove my nail, and did the best they could do repair the nailbed, but that was tricky because of how non-linear the laceration was. I was told my nail would likely never grow back either. Fortunately, probably about a year after the injury it somehow grew back! My nail is actually pretty normal except for a vertical line down the middle. Either way, even if your nail doesn’t grow back- this tough skin forms over where the nail used to be and is very “toenail-like”- I even painted mine with nail polish until my nail grew back
Ughhh. I’m so sorry! I broke my foot and tore multiple tendons taking the garbage out 2 years ago. I totally relate to the annoyance of being sidelined for weeks by a fluke thing that happened in a split second. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
As a long-time reader my heart hurt reading this post. The sadness and pain you have dealt with feels like so much for one person to bear. I know you have not dwelled on the negative things life has thrown at you, and your perspective and positivity through it all has been so very inspiring.
I know you are still navigating through the shock of this and have a support system of friends in Charlotte, but if there is a way readers not in your community can contribute toward your recovery please let us know. <3
It’s weird how life works sometimes. I was reading your post yesterday, hoping for the best for you and really feeling your pain. I was thinking I had the same struggles: never stoping, being hard on myself, ignoring the pain, etc. I take care of my husband’s three daughters, I run, I do yoga, I cook, I clean… And almost never receive any help.
And then, I come back home, fall in the stairs and sprain my ankle, so badly that I was in tears crying like a baby.
Now Jen, let me tell you : we will get through this together even though we don’t know each other. I hear your pain, your discouragement and I will think of you so that you can heal fast, as much as I hope to heal fast!
That is unfortunate you had to get surgery. Your landlord needs to be held responsible. It could have easily been your child involved in that accident. As for showering without getting your dressing wet–there are a variety of waterproof cast sleeves of varying sizes on the market that work great. They are easy enough to make yourself, but the ones on the market are not that expensive. I have seen them at drug stores. You can probably look at medical supply stores or amazon, since they seem to have everything. My last injury, which also was a surgery involved breaking my tibia. I had had pain that I had been ignoring (Dr told me it had probably been a stress fracture) and one day in a group exercise class, I was running and it snapped like a twig. I had a very hard time dealing with it. I wasn’t mobile at first, couldn’t work, couldn’t exercise, I was going mad with boredom and frustration. I definitely had empathy for my patients after having my regular role flipped. I also had to humble myself and accept help. I am not someone who likes being unable to do something and I never ask for help. That injury made me realize sometimes I need other people. Anyway, I hope you recover swiftly. so sorry this happened!
I am so sorry this happened, Jen. Sending love, light, and prayers for your recovery process.
Wow. I am so sorry!! I had surgery 2 years ago after a mountain bike crash. I tore 3 tendons in my shoulder. Mountain biking was my last ditch effort to save my marriage. So that didn’t turn out as I hoped.
Anyway I was so humbled by how hard it was to be sidelined and surgery made me feel so vulnerable and kind is scared and angry. I had a great doctor but I think it’s a very emotional thing to be asleep and cut open. I hope you are very very gentle with yourself for the next 12 weeks and always:)
And like everyone else says, your landlord should pay for this as well as lost wages.
Ugh. So sorry to hear this! I’m sending you speedy healing vibes!! xo
I’m so sorry to hear all of this. You are so strong and inspiring. I’m sure you’re friends are loving the chance to help you out. Receive all the love! Wishing you the speediest and coziest recovery.
Yikes! That sounds so painful. Can you still teach even though you can’t do yoga? I’ve found the best teachers aren’t just doing a practice in the front of the class anyway.
You are insanely strong- I am still trying to wrap my head around you being able to teach after the incident! I am currently 12 weeks in of no running or any impact workouts due to pain in my foot/ankle. It’s very frustrating but you will find other activities to keep you active, just takes some creativity! Look at it this way, you don’t have to run through the summer heat but get to look forward to fresh legs for gorgeous fall running! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
As for your dressing – bandage – they have special foot boots in the drugstores and medical supply stores! Have a girl friend pick one up foe you. Good luck. Interesting event! Just read it!
I hope that your recovery process goes by fast and I am praying for you! That is crazy that dropping something on your toe led to all that! Thanks for sharing!
Wow! It was a similar weekend for me. I was taking my trash out Thursday evening in the dark coming down the stairs from the upper deck, I missed the last stair and broke my ankle. I’m right there with you with the injury frustration. Can’t get it set until Wednesday and I’m not sure how long I’ll be out of commission, but like you I’m deeply grateful for medical professionals and friends and family that have helped me. Also very grateful I could make it back up the stairs across the deck across the living room m kitchen on my butt to where my phone was so I could call for help! Lol. I’ve been beating myself up too. Don’t. Stuff happens. And like you this is giving me a different perspective. I’ve been very lazy about working out and taking care of my body in that way. No more! I will never take my mobility for granted again. Hope you feel better soon.
I’m sorry that you are hurt! My mom has broken two different toes and the worst part of her lengthy recovery was that she got quite bummed out about the slow progress. She is very active so it was hard to suddenly have to slow down. Because you are also very active, I hope that you will be mindful of your mood and ask people to come and see you regularly. This is one of those times to reach out a little more. My mom also found it helpful to make a point of getting outside. It took months, both times, but now you can’t even tell it happened. After she showered, I came over and re-wrapped her foot with fresh bandages each time. It was good to change them regularly.
Ay yi yi!!!!!!! Feel better Jen! I am happy to come walk/run Zoey if you need help!
Jen – I’m so sorry to hear this! I have been sidelined by injuries before too and it is the WORST when you thrive off of being active.
I ran a half marathon yesterday and thought of you — it motivated me to keep going and be thankful I CAN do this. Feelings you will know soon again! I hope you felt some of my positive thoughts.
Sending you love.
Sorry you are injured. I cut the tip of my finger off in May while cutting butter!! I am an OR nurse and was especially embarrassed to share this but after a while I realized accidents happen and usually are stupid. I spent 5 weeks with a bandage and having to wrap my hand in the shower. I definitely have more empathy now for my patients having surgery. Make sure you sit and elevate your leg enough. Take care.