We arrived in Myrtle Beach last night. Our friends Lee and Ashley invited us to spend the weekend at their beach place along with another couple. We grabbed a late dinner and then I went to bed. I wasn’t much fun since I had a long run planned this morning but the boys certainly didn’t let that stop them. I don’t even know what time Brandon got in bed last night but I was passed out.
My alarm went off at 7 a.m. and I got up, made coffee and ate breakfast number one.

Whole wheat toast with almond butter and a sliced banana. After that it was time to hit the road. I had 14 miles to knock out today. I didn’t look at a map before I left and in hindsight that was not the best move. I thought I’d just do an out and back but I kept hitting dead ends, strip malls and busy roads. My route was really random but I got all the miles in.

And sweated in a really unflattering way – Brandon made so much fun of me when I stopped by to grab some Gatorade at the halfway mark. I also ate a Vanilla Gu at mile 9 and stopped in a Burger King at mile 11 to refill my Fuel Belt bottles. I got some really strange looks from the employees. I just said thank you, smiled and left. ๐

I forgot to turn my Garmin back on after one of my stops so it’s off a mile but I promise that I did run 14! I picked up my pace for the last three miles and felt really strong. I don’t want to jinx myself but nothing is hurting at this point and I’m just so happy about that!

Breakfast number two was waiting for me when I arrived back at the house.

Pancakes topped with vanilla yogurt, almond butter, blueberries and strawberries.

So good. My favorite thing about long run days is many meals! ๐
Off to hit the beach, rest and relax. Happy Saturday!
Wow. Looks like you’re an amazing runner! I can’t imagine running so much. I have to train for my 5ks. Don’t laugh. I am so out of shape but I love to run!
Wondering if you travel with almond butter in your purse? Have a great weekend!
Cristen – I totally do travel with nut butter packets and Larabars in my purse!!! ๐ love you! Happy weekend!
Glad I’m not the only one who sweats like that. I don’t understand why people find it so strange that someone is out for a run and might need water.
Great job on your long run! We have to get together for a run one day when we’re both back in town. That’s my favorite part of long run days too. ๐
Great job, Jen! I’m so happy you feel strong and injury-free (fingers crossed). I love running at the beach. I wouldn’t expect strip malls either.
Great run–love that you posted the sweaty pics, you’re hardcore! I’m 6 weeks away from my marathon and also crossing my fingers to stay injury free! ๐
Thanks Natalie – I can’t believe you’re only 6 weeks out! You’re SOOOO close to the taper!