A million thank you’s for all of the kindness and love that you’ve extended to me and my sweet Sullie girl.
Monday was not the day. I talked with Sullie’s vet Monday morning and she told me that it was “absolutely not unfair” for me to not follow through with putting her down if Sullie was happy, eating and moving. She told me to watch for signs of labored breathing, lethargy, trouble moving, anorexia (refusing food) or an aversion to wanting attention or being touched. She encouraged me that I know Sullie best and I will know when it’s time. She also said she’d talk with me as much as needed to support me in making the right decision. I am lucky to have a vet that I know and trust.

Finn decided everyone should be up at 6:15a on Monday morning. It was early but made for a productive morning. I made banana, egg white and cottage cheese oatmeal for the whole crew.

Sullie had some extra hardboiled egg added to hers. She really loved this.
I’ve been sticking close to home to be with Sullie but I left for a bit on Monday morning to meet my a friend for a run. We run together every Monday morning and it’s such a great start to my week. She’s also one of those friends who is “really real” so I never have to pretend or fake that things are okay when I am with her.
We ran a little over 4 miles, both of us pushing strollers, and I’m so glad that I followed through with our plans.
I rushed straight home to give Sullie some love.

The best thing happened on Monday afternoon. I went to take Zoey and Finn out for a walk and Sullie came to the front door and walked outside as I was loading Finn in the stroller. It was the first time in three days that she showed any interest in walking so I went with it.

It took 35 minutes for us to walk 0.5 miles around our block because I let Sullie stop and smell/sniff as much as she wanted. It’s always been her favorite.

I cooked my girl a steak dinner and she was in heaven.
Monday ended in bed with my laptop watching Schitt’s Creek episodes I’d already seen because they make me so happy along with some ice cream.
With Mother’s Day coming up on Sunday, I wanted to take a moment to share a few ideas for expecting and new moms. Note, there are some affiliate links here.
- A card. Seriously, just a card sharing in their excitement and celebrating their first Mother’s Day is so meaningful
- A card + a little something special. This could be a candle, bath bomb, face mask, chocolate bar, hand lotion, etc.
- Prenatal massage, acupuncture or yoga gift certificate
- Mani/pedi gift certificate
- Postmates credit for those days where she doesn’t feel like cooking
- Himalayan salt oil warmer
- Cozy maternity pajamas (love this before and after set!)
- A card + a card and a little something special. Still relevant and very appreciated here!
- Comfy PJs or slippers
- Coobie bras
- Smell good body wash. I am currently loving this Goat’s Milk Chai
- Postmates credit or restaurant GCs. This is an AMAZING gift with a little one
- Erin McDermott gold bar necklace customized with baby’s name or birthday
- A gift basket full of snacks/goodies from somewhere like Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods
- Mani/pedi gift certificate WITH an offer to either watch the baby or come with her to hold the baby when she uses it
- Lululemon Align leggings (I’m one year post-baby and still living in them)
I am so sorry about Sullie! My dog got cancer at 13 years and it progressed quite rapidly. I just wanted to share my experience. I kept Inky home, gave him lots of love, icecream, and steak, and one day he looked at me and he was telling me it was time. Trust your instincts, your loved one will let you know. Rainbow bridge poem helps too. <3
Thank you so much. I know that each day is a blessing and that this cancer is very aggressive. I’m sorry that you also had to deal with it.
I am so glad you have such a supportive vet. Our beloved regular vet and our emergency vet provided so much kindness, reassurance, and love to both our family and Lucy when she was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma as well. They’re really saints. We were comforted by the reassurance that it wasn’t a painful experience for her, but rather something that she was experiencing as fatigue. One thing I’m glad we took the time to do was get photos with all of us loving on her as well as doing pawprints (would probably be super cute with some handprints from Finn!). I’m glad you’re getting more time with your angel <3
Yes, this is something that I am very grateful for as well. <3 I am also comforted in that it is not painful but making her tired. I am just following her lead day-by-day on what she feels up to. I am hoping to get some photos done, for sure.
Sullie looks so happy on her walk!
Such a sweet post! You have such great heart, I always love reading what your write. Thanks for sharing, hope you are having a great day.
Sullie’s eyes in the picture with the steak dinner!! It’s like you can see it in her eyes that she knows how much you love her!! 🙂
You are an amazing mom to your three loves. I am so sorry to hear about Sullie. I have been following you for years and am always inspired by your smile and realistic attitude towards everything. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
So sorry to hear about Sullie! Animals are such a blessing and I am glad you are getting this extra time. My dog is little and almost 18. He is showing so many signs of age then perks up. Many tears are shed knowing we will have to make a decision probably sooner then later. We are not taking for granted everyday we get with him. Clear across the country we can both love on our pups like crazy and support each other!
I’m so sorry about Sullie. I lost my kitty almost 5 years ago and it was awful to try to decide what to do. ultimately i regret that i didnt keep him home longer and even possibly let him pass away at home as long as there was no agony or anything. i felt almost like i had made a “pact” with him to let him go at his time but felt pressure because he was sick for quite a while and it was such a hard time. I wish i would have at least tried to wait a bit longer….so what im saying is you are likely doing the right thing. it is so wonderful you have a vet who is willing to come to your home. What a blessing. One thing i wish i had done that you probably already do…is take more video of my kitty. i wish i had more meows and cuddles in video form for some reason vs just pictures. I will pray to the doggie gods that your girl goes on her timetable in a peaceful way and that it happens at a time where you have gotten to as best a place as you can with an awful situation. again im so sorry.
I’m told that cats (and dogs) are very good at masking pain, and our vet has warned us that what looks to us like peaceful death at home might mean that our cat has been in a lot of pain that he has not wanted to show us. We recently started him on anti-arthritis medication and realised how much discomfort he must have been in previously 🙁 He’s 15, so I know the time will come. Jen, I’m sorry to read that it is coming soon for you.
I have been heartbroken for you since reading about Sullie. We had to put our girl down last summer after having her for 8 years & it was truly devastating for our whole family. I love that you are doing everything to give her the best last days and are enjoying every moment with her.