Hello beautiful people! We’ve made it to the weekend. I hope you have something fun or relaxing planned (maybe both?). I’m teaching an arm balance/inversion workshop on Saturday afternoon and going to my first ever major league soccer game. Also hoping to take some yoga and do some sleeping in and relaxing.
I have a very varied assortment of photos to share from life over the last week or so and then I’ll wrap up the post with a quick recap of my workouts for the last week.

I can’t get Finn to ride a bike but he has been rocking his scooter! He will go for miles on it but we always have to stop to look for rocks to add to his collection. We always come home with pockets full of rocks.

A recent activity that he really enjoyed was washing all of his rocks and painting some of them.

I need to be mushy for a minute. Every single day I ask myself how my sweet boy can be less than three months away from turning five. My grandmother and I talk about it almost every time we talk on the phone. He is a bundle of joy and fun and I am so lucky to be his mama.

After school donut date.

The weather in Charlotte has been incredible this week. On this day it was 80 degrees so we hit up one of our favorite parks. We ended up staying for almost three hours until it was getting dark and time to go home and make dinner.

Finn had a blast playing in the creek and on the playground with other kids he met. It makes my heart so happy when he’s playing outside, getting dirty and having fun with “friends.” He fell asleep this night less than 60 seconds after we finished reading and I turned out the light.

I taught my first class at QC Yoga and it was SO LOVELY and just felt so right. I am thrilled to be on the team at this studio! It’s located inside the QC Fit building on the second floor. The whole facility is so nice on the inside! You can find me teaching hot power on Mondays at 5:30p. The studio is on ClassPass so that’s a great way to check it out.

I saw Adam Sandler last weekend at the Spectrum Center in Charlotte. I absolutely could not believe how many people were there. It was wild. I didn’t love the show but I think maybe I’m just not the biggest Adam Sandler fan because Dorie’s review was that he was “on fire – classic Sandler.” It was a little over the top for me on the crass/raunchy/gross side. I was expecting more stupid humor from him. Can you believe he’s 56!? He has two teenage daughters. I did enjoy his jokes about parenting.

My friends at Greenapple Sports have been taking good care of me lately. I have to do a lot of maintenance work to keep my hip and back happy but it’s worth it to be moving pain-free. I have been going weekly or every other week recently. Last week we did some cupping on my back for myofascial release and it was wonderful. Big fan of cupping. Next week we are going to do dry needling on my hip and back. I also get adjusted and active release therapy every time I go.

Some of the trees are starting to bloom because it’s been so warm. It’s making me so excited for the time change and arrival of spring.
Saturday: 4 mile walk with Finn and the pups
Sunday: 3 mile walk with Finn on his scooter (he told me he wanted to go “3 hours” and I said how about 3 miles)
Monday: 3 mile run at 8:17 pace + 40 minute lift – I’ve been combining short run and lift days here and there lately because of my schedule with Finn
Tuesday: 3 mile walk because it was crazy pretty out (this is when I took the photo of the pink flowering tree) + my friend Suzanne’s hot slow flow at Charlotte Yoga
Wednesday: 45-minute barbell + sled focused strength workout – I try to do at least one of these a week.
Thursday: REST
Friday: Barry’s – I hadn’t been to Barry’s in two weeks and it sounded like a fun workout to end the week with. It might have been my favorite Barry’s class I’ve ever taken. It was a team teach with two instructors and I ended up on the tread next to another instructor and a former instructor. The energy was great and I got peer pressured into doing the final 30-second sprint of the class at 12.0. It was a PR for me!

I have really enjoyed adding a Barry’s class into my workout mix every week or two. While I’m fully capable of taking myself through workouts on my own – I love love love to be a participant and have someone else telling me what to do sometimes. I also just love the energy of the Red Room!
That’s all for me. Time to cook dinner and watch a movie. 🙂
What do you have planned this weekend?
Are you an Adam Sandler fan?
What was your favorite workout of the week?