Good morning. First, thank you so much for your comments on yesterday’s post. I know that Brittney’s family and friends so appreciate your thoughts and prayers and I am overwhelmed by the responses and positive feedback on taking responsibility for your life. I’ve said this so many times and I’m going to keep saying it but you all inspire me daily with your words and actions. It’s a two-way street, for sure!
I think that I’m STILL full from dinner last night. That never happens! I always wake up hungry for breakfast. There is good reason for this though – we had a late dinner at Chima for Charlotte Restaurant Week.

Chima is a Brazilian steak house so I’ll give you one guess as to whether I picked the restaurant. Yeah, that would be a no. Regardless, I was excited for an evening out downtown with my husband’s family.

I arrived from teaching a yoga class just as everyone was sitting down for dinner. I ordered a dirty martini to kick off the dinner festivities…I needed a martini to handle what was coming!

I loaded my plate at the salad bar. Most Brazilian steakhouse experts would advise you not to do this because it’s just “filler food” before the meat comes but vegetables will never be filler food in my mind. And I just love fancy salad bars. Hearts of palm, artichokes, roasted red peppers, edamame, buffalo mozz, smoked salmon, prosciutto and melon…mmm!

This was the real filler food. They bring a lot of apps to your table – fried bananas, some kind of fried meatball, fried polenta sticks, etc. I tried to stay away from this stuff! (Not just from a filling standpoint but also because I just don’t love fried stuff.)

And then the craziness started. You have a little card that you can flip to “yes” or “no thank you.” If your card is on yes then get ready. The meat guys start coming around and offering you all kinds of things…sirloin, leg of lamb, parmesan pork, bacon wrapped chicken, bacon wrapped filet, salmon, swordfish…it goes on and on and on…

Luckily, they just give you a little taste of everything so portion control is possible if you put your mind to it! I definitely had more than this but it gives you a good idea of how it works.

We were somehow able to squeeze in dessert at the end of our meal. Brandon and I split a Brazilian walnut cream that came with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. It was different but pretty tasty. I officially reached the point of ridiculously full after dessert but it was a very fun evening with family. Brazilian steakhouses definitely offer different and interactive dining experience.
Have you ever been to a Brazilian steakhouse? If not, do you think you could hang!?
Lunch yesterday was a slightly healthier meal.

A tomato sandwich with our beautiful farmer’s market tomatoes, avocado and mixed greens. The key to an extra amazing tomato sandwich is herb mayo!

I pick a variety of herbs from our herb garden (yesterday was lemon thyme, basil and chives), mince them and then whisk them into light mayo with a squeeze of lemon juice, salt and pepper. It adds the perfect fresh kick to the sandwich.
And I’m off to work. Have a great day!
I was at Chimas Saturday night for Restaurant Week celebrating my sister’s birthday! I only got the salad bar and sides and was still stuffed to the brim! It is a great experience though! 🙂
Side note… Charlotte restaurant week is THE best 🙂
whitney – i was going to get the salad bar only option but it was only $3 cheaper than getting the restaurant week deal. it was a fun dinner!
When I was in high school we went to a brazilian steakhouse before prom…it was good but wayyy too much meat around, I don’t remember having anything else. Also, I had a bad experience because that little plate that the waiter uses to catch the juice of the meat (the blood as I call it..ew) fell off the table and INTO MY LAP ON MY PROM DRESS. It was horrible. We got a free dinner out of it but that wasn’t much of a consolation for a dress that was way more expensive than the dinner! I haven’t been back since…but your dessert sure looks yummy 🙂
bess – this is truly terrible…but SUCH a good story!
Dallas restaurant week is next month! I can’t wait!
whoa! That is some serious dessert! love your blue dress/top (can’t tell which it is from the pic!)
Have a great Tuesday! 🙂
it’s a top! i got it a few years ago on SUPER sale at ann taylor loft!
I have never been to a brazilian steakhouse! There aren’t too many here in Boston.
I’m looking forward to restaurant week here in August. 🙂
alaina, there are many! try midwest grill.
Thanks Mel! Looks like there’s one in Cambridge. I’ll have to check it out!
This is so funny. My husband and his nephew just went to a Brazilian steakhouse a few weeks ago. My husband (a complete lover of all meats) came home and immediately laid down on his stomach and would not move. He was so full! He loved the whole flipping-the-card-thing for more meat.
kristy – what is it with guys and their ridiculous love for all things meat!? too funny.
we went sunday night with a big group too-clt rest week is the only time its worth it to us. i had no appetite the next day! we ALSO got the walnut cream, it came recommended to us (so good). i love their giant asparagus stalks on the salad bar and the parmesan pork was amazing.
jessica – i agree. there is no way i would pay full price for that! i loved the salad bar and dessert best! 😉
I’ve never been to a Brazilian steak house. I doubt we have one, actually. It looks like a fun experience though! I’m not much of a meat eater but your salad and dessert both looked delish!!
it is a fun experience although a bit excessive! i’m not a huge meat eater either but i did get the fish and the salad + dessert were awesome!
aw looks like a great time! never been to one…and dont think i will..not a fan of meat / even looking at it. hahah i rather just live the experience thorugh you!! lol
emily – i hear you! i tried to do the salad bar only option but it was the same price as the restaurant week deal. i really just don’t understand how people can get so excited about all you can eat meat. to each his own though…
Ew…I’ve always thought those places seem so disgusting. But that salad bar sounds awesome!
nicole – the salad bar was phenomenal. i tried to do the salad bar only option but it was the same price as the restaurant week deal. crazy!
in general, i struggle with any kind of dining experience that focuses so much on excess. it just seems unnecessary.
Well, speaking as someone who’s been in Brazil for a month, that’s a pretty accurate representation of the barbecue style restos (“Churrascaria”) here… but even here, there are definitely people who aren’t so down with that way of eating.
However, you’re lucky you saw vegetables. They’re few and far between when eating out… well, provided you don’t consider potatoes a key veggie, that is. I call them “starch”, and yearn for greens. 🙂
stephanie – i am always, always grateful for vegetables! 😉
Your arms look AWESOME in that picture. Keep rockin’!!