I have received questions and feedback from clients and readers about working out during the coronavirus pandemic. Some people are working out more than ever and enjoying mixing up their routines by taking various virtual classes and trying different fitness platforms. Some people are struggling to make home workouts happen due to time restraints, kids, work, etc. Some people are just flat out lacking motivation and feeling uninspired.
I just want to say that no matter where you fall on that spectrum, it’s okay. There is no normal during these crazy times and everyone’s experience of this is personal and unique to them. My hope is that you aren’t beating yourself up if your workout routine looks different these days.

Personally, other than going out for runs…I generally do not enjoy working out at home. That said, I’ve made it happen during this time because I’ve been teaching virtual classes from my home and filming classes for my on-demand platform. Though this, I have come to enjoy working out at home a little more and I’m actually practicing yoga more regularly than I have since Finn was born.
Here are a few general tips/suggestions/insights for working out during the coronavirus pandemic:
- Get outside. We have been walking a ton. Other than going to the grocery store once a week, going out for walks is the only time that I leave my house these days. The fresh air and vitamin D does so much to energize and calm me (if that makes sense) and walking always feels like nice, gentle exercise for my body.
- Create a dedicated workout space somewhere in your home. This was huge for me. I moved some furniture out of the way and rearranged some things to make a temporary workout area at home. It’s so nice to have a comfortable place to roll out my mat that doesn’t feel crammed or in the middle of a bunch of dog/kid stuff.
- Minimize distractions. Put pets up and wait until kids are asleep or the other parent can take over. Here’s actual footage of me trying to workout while Finn is awake and the dogs are around:
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Haha. My workouts are much more productive, focused and mentally relaxing if I do them when Finn is napping or with his dad. I also put the dogs outside or in another room so that they aren’t all over me.
- Try new things! Never before have there been SO many options for online/virtual fitness. Almost every studio is offering some sort of virtual instruction. I have had people take my virtual livestream classes at the studios that I teach for in Charlotte from all over the country! Now is the time that you can take classes from people in different cities. You can also try new types of workouts in the comfort of your own home which is nice if you tend to feel intimidated/nervous going into a new class environment. Also, many fitness platforms are offering free or discounted membership options. (*Just a note…if you are a regular member at a studio or gym in your area, please continue to support these small businesses if you are able! You are a HUGE part of what’s keeping us afloat!)
- Give yourself grace. Once again, it’s OKAY if your workouts don’t look the same right now. We are all doing the best we can to process and navigate this day-by-day. Ask yourself what you feel like doing and scale your intensity to match. Definitely rest when you need to rest but also remember that movement can help pull you out of a funk or a low-energy state. And that can look like a nice walk or a stretchy yoga session.
If you need guidance and ideas for your home workouts, I have a ton of free workouts on my blog on the workouts page! If you’d like to take guided classes with me, check out my on-demand yoga and strength/hiit offerings! 🙂
Today I have a new bodyweight workout to share with you and it’s a fun one with some new movements!

I have been getting creative with my virtual livestream strength classes! I taught three 60-minute classes last week and this workout features a mix of some of my favorite movements from the classes. This is your first time seeing most of these so I made a video demo for you that you can view below.
Initial feedback from the Instagram crew is that it’s a tough but fun one! I would love to hear what you guys think! 🙂
Where do you fall on the workout spectrum right now?
Do you have a dedicated workout space at home? What equipment do you have?
Thanks to corona I currently have no job and we also don’t have any kids so I have a lot of time to kill and am finding working out really important to keep me busy and get me into a routine! It is really helping my mental health in this difficult time too. I’ve been doing live yoga classes on zoom every morning at 7.30 then either a run with the pup or a CrossFit style workout/strength session with my husband straight afterwards. On the days we don’t run we take the dog for a walk later in the day. Sundays are rest days and we have been doing a longer dog walk then. It’s quite a bit more exercise than I have been doing lately so I’m hoping to see some results!
I’m lucky that my husband coaches CrossFit alongside his day job (he is military) so he’s able to come up with workouts for us. We used to have a garage gym and quite a bit of equipment but sadly we don’t have the garage any more so had to get rid of most of it! Wish we still had it now! However we still have a couple of kettlebells, one barbell, a step, skipping ropes, bands, a pull up bar and rings and there is plenty we can do with that as well as bodyweight stuff of course.
I am so sorry to hear about your job, Eve. I’m really glad to hear that working out has been a positive way for you to deal with all of this. Yay for Zoom yoga and very cool that your husband is a CF coach and can program workouts for you two!
Thank you for posting this workout! I can’t wait to try it out.
I’ve been working out at home at least 6 days a week. It’s harder to motivate myself to do the workouts because I’m emotionally exhausted every day, but as soon as I start my workout for the day, I suddenly feel energized and happy. As always, it’s always hardest to START.
I don’t have a dedicated workout space. My office doubles as my workout room. 🙂 I have a bunch of hand weights, some bands, and a yoga mat.
You’re welcome Joy! Way to go on getting the workouts done. I know it’s not easy, but 99% of the time it is WORTH it for how you feel after if you can just get yourself started!
Thanks for this workout! I only have 6 lb dumbbells so I’m limited when it comes to working out other than running (which I have been enjoying a ton of!). Keeping my routine of working out first thing in the am (typically running now) before I start my work day has been huge for my mental health and productivity.
You are very welcome Sara! I agree that a regular workout routine is key for staying mentally sane and productive!
This was a good one! I loved all the different moves – not just the same old. And I’m a squat-hater (I’ve read your blog for years and know you LOVE them!) but the squat/curtsy lunge combo made that section totally bearable!! I’ll be keeping this one open for a little while to alternate with run days! Loving that this targets all my running muscle groups! Thanks, Jen.
I love everything about the bodyweight fusion yoga workout. During all this, I’m running more than usual and this is the perfect workout for me right now. Thank You!