It has been such a rainy, wet fall and start of winter on the east coast. I have always been a fan of rainy, gray days and the cozy vibe they bring with them. But now that we’ve had so many of them, I’ve really noticed how much lighter and more energized I feel on sunny days.

I have been soaking up all the sun I can with my crew these last few days. Monday and Tuesday it was in the mid 60s and partly cloudy and I got everyone out for an hour long walk both days. Today it’s low 50s and super sunny. I went for a run with Zoey and Finn. It was my first time running with the stroller and Zoey. My expectations were low but she did a great job! Hopefully we’ll be able to make this a regular thing because Zoey thrives on exercise that involves running…whether that’s with me or after a ball!
Lots of life and Finn photos coming for you. Come back later this week for more food and fitness! 🙂

I’ve been trying to get in the habit of feeding Finn something at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dinner is hit or miss because sometimes he’s too tired to be interested in food but breakfast and lunch have been going well. While he’s still not eating a lot quantity-wise, he’s trying a lot more and much more interactive with his food!

After breakfast we usually all have floor time. The girls play tug-of-war and Finn alternates between watching them and crawling around and playing.

He’s very into doing whatever mom is doing. I can’t believe how fast his little hands are! He will grab any and everything in arm’s reach.

Finn is the BEST company for running errands. I seriously love having him with me and the Ergo carrier makes it a breeze. We went to Trader Joe’s yesterday and stocked up on things like medjool dates (priced best at TJs!), almond butter, chips, apples (organic apples are priced well too!), veggies and much more.

We also stopped by Villani’s for a slice of carrot cake. They were closed for the first week of the new year so I had to be there on the day they re-opened!

I love it when he goes down for naps and I have some free time to shower/work/etc but I also find myself wanting to sit there and watch him snooze because he’s so stinking cute. I’m pretty sure this is a normal mom conundrum. 😉
Today is the day that I start my new yoga teaching schedule in Charlotte! I’m off to prep for my two classes this afternoon/evening. It feels pretty surreal at this point but I’m very excited!
Hoping your feeling the sunshine where you are too!
Do you notice a difference in your mood on gray days versus sunny ones? What is your preference?
What’s your favorite thing to do while baby naps?
Yay for Vitamin D! Finn is growing so fast!
So, so happy to see the sun around here (and crossing my fingers it doesn’t actually snow here this weekend)!
Sad to say we’re living in no-nap land with a 4 and 5.5 yr old in the house :(. But when my youngest still did I’d run errands with my older son and during the glorious period when their naps overlapped (years ago…), we’d catch up on the DVR or read a book :). Sometimes I wished they still napped for a bit of a break, but I’ll admit it does open the day up for activities, so it’s not so bad!
You should get a dog jogging leash! I have one that clips around my waist so I can have both hands to push the jogger. I got it off Amazon!
Lack of sun makes me sad when it’s weeks on end! SAD during Ohio winters actually inspired me to move to NC when I was single. Then of course I met my husband and after five years there I returned north to Michigan for his career. I have a “Happy Light” and a sunny, warm winter vacation in February to get me through. Getting outside when the sun does shine also helps perk me up.
This may be too personal, but how are you managing childcare while you teach? I know this is a constant struggle for parents of all types, and was wondering if you had good strategies of your own.
and yes, he IS so stinkin’ cute!
I loved the Ergo!! I miss baby wearing! My daughter is almost 3 and was a super snuggly baby who wanted to be worn all the time.