I took a spinning class tonight. This is noteworthy because it’s the first time I’ve been on a spin bike since last July. I have similar feelings about spinning as I do about rowing.

I have easy access to spin classes at the gym (we offer them almost daily) as well as the opportunity to FlyWheel classes for free but I just can never seem to motivate myself to get on the bike. We had some last minute switching and changing to our group ex schedule tonight due to illness so I missed my planned workout because I had to cover a CrossFit class. I ended up jumping into spin after CrossFit because my friend was filling in and teaching for the first time. I really enjoyed the class and honestly, I wasn’t really feeling up to doing a CrossFit workout tonight anyway. I’ve been feeling achy and inflamed this week so spin was a good sweat and active recovery. I am not looking forward the the bruised booty I will have tomorrow but oh well.
Thanks so much for your positive feedback on yesterday’s post on finding time to meal plan and cook when you’re busy. Tonight I have more easy meals to share with you including two delicious dinners.

Dinner on Tuesday night was stilton (similar to blue cheese) burgers topped with caramelized onions with roasted brussels and mushrooms and sweet potatoes on the side. I seasoned the burgers with kosher salt and Dizzy Pig’s Raising the Steaks and then mixed in crumbled stilton cheese. I broiled the burgers in a cast iron skillet for about 3-4 minutes per side.

I was not hungry at all for breakfast this morning so I drank a green smoothie. This one had spinach, banana, mango, freshly squeezed orange juice, almond milk, ice and protein powder.

Lunch was a cup of Cream of Cauliflower Soup (which was actually creamless and broth-based) along with half of a portobello sandwich with spinach, hummus and sundried tomatoes. This was all from the market across the street from the gym, Reid’s. I was at the gym from 10:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. today and not able to get home for lunch…but no early clients so I’ll take it!

I did get home before 8 tonight and got creative with the contents of the fridge. I made a stir fry with chicken, mushrooms, rainbow chard, chicken broth and Trader Joe’s Island Soyaki sauce. I served it over leftover Israeli cous cous with pumpkin seeds and curants. I LOVED this creation. If you have a Trader Joe’s nearby I definitely recommend trying the Island Soyaki. I use it on all kinds of things from chicken to salmon to veggies.
Hope it was a good day! Off to relax.
I hated spin the first time I did it but now I love it. having lots of time off the bike and awesome music help!
Love the look of your lunch and dinner. Yum!
I actually never had spinach in my smoothies. I know, I’m missing a lot. I will try your smoothie tom morning.
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Is your smoothie in a Tervis cup? I recently found them and LOVE the style and designs. I just bought one for my son that makes it look like goldfish are swimming in his drink, lol. Also, your meal ideas just blow me away. So simple, yet perfect, thanks!
For me, spin class can be awesome for awful — the teacher and class style totally make it or break it. Great teacher & music makes it really fun!
oops! …awesome *or* awful… ! 🙂
Your last post (and this one) were so perfectly timed. A facebook friend commented today that she wanted to order pizza because she was to tired to cook, but didn’t need to spend the money.
I started thinking about how much time it takes to throw dinner together at home, versus how long you wait for take-out. We ordered pizza last night since our kitchen reno is still in progress… it took 45 minutes for a mediocre, $22 pizza to get here.
Tonight I cooked for the first time in a week. We had an epic dinner for less than $22, it was SO much healthier (sauteed pork, roasted mushrooms & asparagus, and mediterranean quinoa) and took about 20 minutes to prepare.
So thanks for that last post. It really does put smart dinner choices into perspective.
I completely agree with you, Heather! I have been struggling with finding motivation to cook recently. We even ordered pizza one day last week too. I manned up and cooked last night, and it was so much cheaper and satisfying!
I just took my first spin class on Saturday and I loved it. I hate cardio and usually just do a quick HIIT session on the bike but spin was not bad at all!
I hopped on a spin bike for the first time in 2 years last month. It was a nice change of pace, however I only go to a class or so per week since it gets very burning for me, unless the instructors playlist rocks. It’s definitely nice to be able to get a decent workout in when my leg muscles ( or upper body) are exhausted from lifting and other activities.
I love spinning and got certified to teach a few years ago. Taught at the Carmel Country Club for awhile which I really enjoyed as it was a nice small group. Definitely want to start teaching again. You mentioned a post or two ago about running being tough lately. I can totally relate. I feel like I’ve been in such a running funk and I’ve got a the New River Half Marathon coming up in 4 weeks! My cardio is solid but you still need to run. I’m just happy it’s warming up as I am not a cold weather runner! As always, your food looks great! I love everything you post as you seem to eat just like me and I always get new ideas from you. I so need to check Reids! I’ve been in there once but never for lunch.
Just got out of a very very sweaty spin class this morning. I love doing spin on days I’m not running or lifting or doing yoga. Kicks my booty. I also love Soyaki!! I use it so often–perfect accompaniment
I HATE the “in between the buttcheeks” soreness after spin.
all look delish! Tonight will be a late night for me – so I’m thinking an easy shrimp stir-fry when I get home.
hi Jen,
thanks for the great yoga and food posts…. if you like Soy yaki (TJ’s), you will LOVE “Soy Vay”, it’s the original version that TJ’s offered, but was so successful that they started making their own version Soy-yaki. Soy Vay is heads and shoulders better…. I SWEAR it. I implore you to find and try…. you won’t regret it.
HA! I have a love/hate relationship with the spin bike too. 5 minutes into class I’m always saying to myself “please remind me why I’m doing this!” And if the music is bad…forget it. I wish I loved it more, because it is a great workout and a nice switch up from running and yoga. Enjoy your relaxing time! 🙂 PS: I linked you up today on my site. XOXO
Island Soyaki is a staple in my house! I use it with everything.
Yummy!! I love Reid’s! I work across the street from there too, but would have to say that I frequent Yoforia more often then Reid’s 😉
I hated spin the first time I took it. I didn’t get back on a spin bike for 3 years after that first class. I now teach 5+ spin classes a week! Ha! It’s def not my fav workout, though!
Just have to say Flywheel is AMAZING — state of the art cycling, amazing music and instructors. Try it!!
For me spin is fun with the right instructor (I want a road cyclist as instructor, teaching a class like we were out on the roads) but with the wrong instructor it’s a massive bore! I’m lucky to have a great spin studio near where I live, doing everything from 45 minute to 3 hour classes, and it’s even otivated me to take my cycling outdoors with a ‘proper’ road bike – I love it!