Today was…long. It started with a 4 a.m. alarm that necessitated two naps later in the day. One 15-minute “I’m just going to lay here and close my eye during the floor work” in yoga class and one 45-minute mid-afternoon full out nap. In general, I’m not a napper. I have a hard time slowing down like that in the middle of the day but there was no other way today was going to happen without it. For whatever reason, ever since I started working in the fitness industry Tuesdays are ALWAYS the longest days. Lots of clients, classes and writing projects going on today.
But enough about that. I’m sure many of you had long and busy days too! 🙂 Since the last couple of days have been all about workouts and cookies, let me catch you up on the other stuff.

A breakfast of nine-grain bread with crunchy peanut butter and fig preserves.

Panera “You Pick Two” lunch of broccoli cheddar and Asian chicken salad with an apple.

Pasta dinner of penne, chicken sausage, super greens, artichokes and goat cheese with tomato basil sauce.

Crockpot chicken tortilla soup dinner. Nothing better than coming home late to dinner in the crockpot.
I finally saw Gravity on Sunday. The movie definitely kept me on the edge of my seat but the first 15 minutes with all the spinning around in space made me dizzy! Great acting from Sandra Bullock. I can’t even imagine how much talent that role must have required and apparently the technology used to shoot the film didn’t even exist before now.
Sullie says hi!
Have a great night.
Napper…yes or no? Gravity…what did you think?
Loved gravity- I saw it in 3d! So good– and used to be a napper but not so much anymore…
And more power to ya for blogging on your LONGGG day!
I used to be a napper but now I have found that it makes me more tired and ends up being counter productive. I saw Gravity and had the same probably you did! My head was hurting after the first 15 minutes from all the spinning – I still loved it and thank Sandra Bullock did an amazing job!
I am not a napper at all. Even when my son was first born I couldn’t nap and it almost did me in! If I can take 20 minutes to just sit and relax it usually works almost as well. Sandra Bullock was amazing!
The beginning of Gravity when she is spinning around after the crash, I could hardly breathe. That was so intense! It reinforced my desire to always stay on Earth 😉
Ivaleaus find myself exhausted on Sunday afternoons and have been routinely talking hour naps, haha! But 4am is my usual wakup time regardless.
I usually don’t let myself but the last couple of weeks have left me exhausted….like two hour naps!! Yikes!
I taught yoga full-time the summer before I moved to Texas and was teaching upwards of 20-25 classes a week… there were definitely days when I really needed a power nap to keep my energy going throughout the day. I always find that I have a harder time sleeping at night though when I nap, so I try to only nap when I REALLY need it!
I love Chicken tortilla soup, please share your recipe! I’m sure it’s amazing 🙂
I will – today or tomorrow!
I loved Gravity! My husband I talked about it for hours afterwards…s many philosophical and spiritual elements.
I despise Tuesdays. NO matter what I do to try to ignore my Tuesday blues, it still is always a hard day ALL THE TIME. And I totally took a nap yesterday too. I just closed my eyes and the next thing I knew it was 45 minutes later. Somedays you just have to give in and rest, especially when it is those early morning. I do 4:00 AM 3 times a week now. It’s brutal. Hugs to Sullie! XOXO
OMG, that pasta dish looks SO good. I am going to recreate that this week. Sullie is just to cute, I love when she makes a blog appearance.
I can’t really nap. If I do it ends up being at least and hour and then I am wiped out for the rest of the day.