Happy Sunday!
I didn’t exactly have the most relaxing start to the day. Zoey ate about 15 miniature red velvet cupcakes off the counter on Friday morning (wrapper and all) so her tummy is still paying the price for those two minutes of glory. We were in the shower together at 8 a.m. cleaning up from an upset stomach. Without going into too much detail, let’s just say that while golden retriever feathers might be pretty to look at, they are not helpful when things are loose. Ahhhhh. It was definitely one of those non-glamorous dog mom moments.

I just looked into her sweet (and mischievous) little eyes, gave her a kiss and got to work.
Okay, I have a new Spotify Playlist to share today to help power you through all of your December workouts!
You’ll find 30 of my favorites from playlists that I’ve put together over the last month or so. These songs are great for running, power yoga and gym workouts! The playlist starts and ends slowly to help you warm up and cool down and builds in the middle to keep you motivated and energized.
Enjoy! And as always, I’d love to hear your current song recommendations.
Here’s a look at this week’s workouts.

3 sets:
10 bench press (65#)
10 single arm dumbbell row (30#)
10 single leg deadlifts (holding one 25# dumbbell)
10 dumbbell seated single arm overhead press (20#)
10 dumbbell bicep curls (20#)
10 dumbbell tricep kickbacks (15#)
10 dumbbell side raises (15#)
10 barbell back squats (115#
Hot Yoga
Hot yoga
4.5 mile run

Hot yoga
5 mile run + teach Total Strength
Have a wonderful day!
Such a silly question, but can you do a post describing what your rest days look like? For example, is that a long dog walk, teaching classes or maybe purely just sitting and healing?
Hi Erika,
I’ll just answer you now! I don’t schedule rest days, I just take them when life gets too crazy to fit in a workout or I just find myself needing a break. This particular rest day was spent sitting in the car driving four hours to Georiga and back! I teach 7 days a week so there’s not really a break from that unless I get a sub but remember that when I teach yoga, I do not practice with my students. Instead, I walk around the room calling out the postures and assisting. So while I am on my feet, I’m not “working out.” On a typical rest day I might go for a walk or take the dogs to the park but nothing more than that. I consider taking a yoga class a workout day even thought it’s less strenuous (most of the time!) than running or lifting. You’ll notice that a lot of my workout days are yoga days. I would never run or lift every day like I can do yoga every day.
Hope that helps!
Hey Jen! Hope Zoey is ok! I’ve been down that road which chocolate which can be pretty dangerous for dogs! Hope she got rid of everything she ate!!
She’s acting fine and eating normally…just has an upset tummy. Luckily, the red velvet cupcakes only had 2 tablespoons of chocolate in the entire batch (and she ate maybe 1/4 of the batch) so I wasn’t too worried about the chocolate piece of it. I think her belly is just not loving all the sugar and paper wrappers! Crazy girl!
Hi Jen
Apologies if this sounds dumb! Just wondering in relation to the strength work out that you described above, where you say “three sets” – do you mean doing three sets of each exercise before moving to the next one listed? Thanks!
hey, no question is dumb! three sets of all the exercises. so do them all and then repeat two more times. does that make sense?
Oh no! Hope Zoey is okay! While my pup has never gotten into people food, she had a super sensitive stomach when she was younger and I totally feel your pain about sick puppy situations!