I got sucked into admin stuff today so I didn’t get to “creating” anything when it came to content for my blog or for the studio. I actually thought it would be a great day to show you in a “day in the life” format because it wasn’t so go/go, rush/rush like my normal DITL posts are.
6:45 a.m. – alarm goes off. I had aspirations of going to the gym at 7 this morning but I had terrible night sweats last night (perplexing because they’ve been SO much better lately). I decide to snooze a little longer since Wednesday mornings are my only free morning of the week where I don’t teach or train early.
7:45 a.m. – wake up again and spend 15 minutes checking in on the online/social world. I love to stay in bed and wake up slowly when I can.

8:15 a.m. – make breakfast. Two eggs scrambled in coconut oil since butter is a no-go on the Whole30. OMG…how have I never done this before? I thought I wouldn’t like the egg + coconut oil combo but it was awesome. Definitely give it a go. Also, a sweet potato breakfast bowl.
8:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. – the vortex of my computer with the help of coffee. I do everything from answer (so, so many) emails to invoice blog clients to update studio class schedule documents to social media stuff and much more. I don’t know how the time passes so quickly. I’m always left wishing I had another five hours!

1:20 p.m. – make lunch which only took a few minutes thanks to prep I did yesterday! Lemony chicken and kale soup with a side salad of arugula, avocado, strawberries and pistachios and pineapple.

1:35 p.m. – hop in the shower and get ready to leave for a meeting by 1:50. Zoey is always my bathroom escort and will not let me walk in without following and plopping down.

2:10-3:20 p.m. – mastermind meeting at Advent Co-Working with Bryan and Ryan. We’ve been meeting bi-weekly for about a year and a half now. It’s so nice to meet with other people who are also working in the online space but in genres different than mine.
3:45-4:15 p.m. – arrive home and take girls for a 30-minute walk while chatting with my grandmother.

4:30 p.m. – Metro CrossFit for the 4:30 class. I KNOW. It’s been forever since I’ve CrossFitted. Here’s the thing…I’ve been in such a rut lately when it comes to getting to the gym. My schedule has been so slammed that I haven’t been making it a priority. It took all of my willpower tonight to go to the gym and not sit back down in my office chair to work until I had to teach yoga.

4:30-5:30 p.m. – get my butt kicked by this WOD. It was 3, 10-minute AMRAPs and they were TOUGH! I used a 75# bar for all of the barbell movements. I didn’t keep track of my score because…I was just there to get my sweat on and wasn’t really interested in time or reps. It was a great workout and a nice change of pace.
6-7 :15 p.m. – teach hot yoga at Y2. No photo evidence of this because it took all of my focus and energy to get a very full room of yogis of every single level through class. It was awesome and the very best way to end my day.

7:45 p.m. – arrive home after showering at the studio and hang out with the girls and check in on emails and social. Start editing photos for this post. I cracked up at the girls going to town on their bones side-by-side.

8 p.m. – pour a glass of kombucha.

8:45 p.m. – heat up leftovers for dinner. Slow cooker roast from Monday night with roasted red cabbage from last night.
9:15 p.m. – type up this post while watching The Good Wife, which is the latest series we are binge watching.
9:45 p.m. – hit publish on this post. I’ll finish this episode and then go read in bed! Hopefully lights out by 10:30 p.m. because I teach at 6 a.m. tomorrow.
What did you eat for dinner on Wednesday night?
Current TV show you’re watching?
Good for you going back to Crossfit! I think changing up your usual routine is always a good idea when you hit an exercise rut. And for dinner tonight, I had a killer combo of roasted veggies, avocado, black bean mash and tortilla chips. Simple but delicious!
Oh your dinner sounds AWESOME! You can never go wrong with a Mexican-inspired mash up!
You will LOVE the Good Wife! And if you haven’t watched Damages, watch that next. Freaking incredible!!
LOVE the Good Wife. I’m super into This Is Us right now– you should give it a try 🙂
It’s on our list! We were taking a little break from the cry shows after parenthood! 😉
How were you not STARVING between CrossFit and 8:30pm?! I’m doing Whole30 as well but thankfully I WOD right before meals (either before breakfast or dinner) so I can eat right after. I would have been ravenous teaching hot yoga! Lol
Great question. I was definitely hungry and I should have packed a snack. Luckily, the class distracted me but now I know. 😛
We’re watching The Man in the High Castle. It’s not my favorite but I keep watching because there are so many mysteries in the plot that it keeps pulling me in.
Glad you had a good day!
We tried watching that but I couldn’t stick with it!
I am a super long time follower of your blog and LOVE your “Day in the Life” posts! I am just finally taking the time this morning to comment 🙂 I have always wanted to try a Crossfit class, just to switch up my strength training and work on my form, but it’s hard to find time given my 60 miles/ week of running and preventive strength work + yoga! We went out for dinner last night at a really delicious Mexican restaurant called Depot Nuevo. I had the grilled tilapia avocado salad. So GOOD! I am currently not watching any TV right now because all of my free time is spent researching, reading and writing for my night classes for grad school. Definitely LONG days!
Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment Colleen!
Wow, that is some SERIOUS mileage. I could see where it would be a challenge to fit in CrossFit. I think it sounds like you have a good mix with the strength and yoga though. Your dinner last nights sounds YUM! And good luck with grad school. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate but are managing it with a good attitude! 🙂
Love your site! Everything you do is basically my dream job. My degree is kinesiology and health promotion but I am finally getting my CPT again after years of teaching english in the classroom. Hoping I can make yoga training also happen this year.
My biggest concern of a career change, especially one to fitness, is making time with family. You seem to keep that balanced well though!
My Wednesday night dinner was a green rice, black bean and sweet potato bowl (I think the recipe is from the blog Cookie and Kate, it’s a favorite of mine). Well, actually the rice took forever to cook (my fault, I added too much liquid) so I actually snacked on the roasted sweet potatoes first, then had rice + beans + a little cheese + pepitas afterwards.
I just finished The OA on Netflix, which was a great binge watch.
I’ve been dealing with terrible night sweats for about a year now. Sounds like it wouldn’t be a big deal but so disruptive to sleep which I’m sure you understand. I’ve been through all sorts of tests to eliminate common causes and everything has turned up normal. Anything help you?? Or did you ever determine a cause?
Ugh and sigh, same here 🙁 . I am interested to hear from Jen as well if anything has helped or made worse? I didn’t know you were experiencing them actually. This is my third bout over the course of probably 7ish years. I have no clue why they come and why they go. All I know is they are so frustrating !!
Wait, this *isnt* go go go, rush rush rush? Oh dear!
How you get ready so quick is beyond me ! i had steak and roasted sweet pots last night. it was awesome dinner ! we literally just started Narcos this week. only 2 eps in. to early to tell.
I’m on my first week of Whole30 this week! Wednesday dinner was beef taco bowls. Tonight is Chicken Curry and I can’t wait!
I love day in the life posts! Once again, your salads always leave me craving a giant salad!!
I just finished Pretty Little Liar’s- OMG! And started the new Gilmore Girl’s revival last night.
I’ve just started watching The good wife and it’s so fun that you mention it right now, bc I think you look a bit like Alicia!
I have taken to walking and making phone calls as well. But now where I live it’s winter so it’s not as easy.
I’m watching Southland which is a show that was on until like 2013 so it’s not new. Got it at the library on DVD. It’s a police drama.
Hi Jen! Where are your small white side dishes from? (the one in this pic has the sweet potato breakfast bowl in it!)