What a weekend! I’m going to lump Monday into the recap because eclipse day almost felt like a holiday here since we were so close to the line of totality. My weekend was all over the place and included everything from a Coachella-themed party to teaching dog yoga (yes, you read that right) to a long run and more.

Per usual, we stayed in on Friday night. Sullie was totally on board with this decision.

I scrolled through my Postmates app but ended up whipping up a quick stir fry with the last of our fridge/freezer contents instead. We started the Netflix series Ozark at Dorie’s suggestion. It’s good!

Saturday was normal stuff. Teaching yoga and a lunch date with Tanner at Namastay Kitchen. I also met a contractor at my rental house for some projects and did a little shopping.

On Saturday night we had our Y2 Yoga summer staff party. The two girls on our management team that were planning it decided that it should be Coachella themed. I spent quite a good bit of time googling “Coachella outfits” and “festival fashion.” Hahah.

Everyone totally went with the theme and we even had someone there doing hair and glitter.

These two were cracking me up.

We tie dyed Y2 Yoga shirts so the staff can wear them to work their front desk shifts or to teach. They have been such a hit with students that we’re tie dying the rest of the white shirts to sell!

Party food + a million more chips and artichoke dip + lots of vegan carrot cake.

We also took a moment to sing happy birthday to Virginia! It’s her 21st TODAY!

(Flash back to our girl’s trip to NYC!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIRGINIA! I’m so blessed to have this beautiful young woman in my life. <3

The highlight of my Sunday was teaching a puppy yoga class at Lucky Dog Bark & Brew.

It was part of an event to raise money for Lily’s chemo treatments. I got so choked up talking to Lily’s mama about her cancer and the journey they’ve been through.

Dog yoga was such a wonderful reminder of how much joy and laughter dogs bring to our lives.

I taught a 40ish minute flow with lots of breaks for laughter, dog pats, pictures and even cleaning up a little “pee on the mat” incident.

It was a small class but my participants said it was one of their favorite yoga experiences ever and they’ve never smiled so much on their mats.

I would love to do this again soon on a larger scale to raise money for the SPCA. I’m thinking about reaching out to Lucky Dog Bark & Brew to see if we can make it happen. It’s an INCREDIBLE facility if you’re in the Charlotte area. It was my first time there and I couldn’t believe how nice and large it was.

Later Sunday evening I got my long run in. I’m officially kicking off fall training! This run felt good but boy was it hot. 89 degrees but at least the sun was setting and not overhead. I wore my Fuel Belt and had to come home half way through to refill it.

I was unsure if I was going to watch the eclipse. Here in Charlotte we were at about 98% of totality and just a few miles away from the 100% totality zone. I didn’t have glasses and didn’t make plans for it.

Well, about an hour before I was chatting with Tanner and he said everyone was going up on the roof. My fear of missing out kicked in so I headed back to the studio.

We had enough glasses to share and also some of these pinhole projectors. I’m glad we had the glasses, much greater impact than looking at this tiny little crescent. 🙂

I think the thing that surprised me most was how light it was even at 98% coverage of the moon over the sun. I kept saying that I couldn’t believe how much that tiny little bit of sun could light everything up. Really incredible.

So glad I made the last-minute decision to eclipse watch. It was a memorable experience.
Do you like themed parties?
Have you been to Coachella? Give me some real life scoop on these outfits!
Did you watch the eclipse? If so, how?
Question about your apple watch. I’m looking at the series 2 Nike+ watch. Curious about how accurate the GPS is? All I mostly care about is distance and pace. I want to be able to listen to Apple music when I run and hate running with my phone. I’m not going to seriously consider it until after Nov 5. I’m currently training for the NYC marathon and am attached to my Garmin for that. Also wondering about the battery life. Thanks!
Hi Jen, it’s Gretchen (Lily’s mom). Thank you so much for giving generously of your time to be there with us on Sunday. I am overwhelmed by all the support and it’s a true testament to the joy dogs bring into our lives. I would do anything for mine, but can’t do it alone with the challenges we’re facing. From the support of close friends to total strangers, I’m blown away by it all. Thank you for being part of such a special event. I will always remember the day and cherish the time I get with my pup because of you and everyone there to support.
i thought the same thing ! how can such a small % of the sun give off so much light. I’m on OH and we were ~ 80% and you could barely notice a difference. i was also glad i viewed it from the office windows here. both glasses and the box thing. for some reason at the last second all the media hype got me too. NEVER been to coachella and not sure i would like it. i would like the music but the heat and the people hmmm maybe not so much ?
I couldn’t agree MORE with you about liking the music but not the heat and people. Sounds like we are two peas in a pod! Being in crowds that big, especially when sweaty and gross, makes me so uncomfortable.
Jen I travelled to the line of totality and it was amazing. I would make it a priority to see the next one at 100% for sure!
I have heard that from so many people! Very cool!
Super jealous of the doggy yoga! I wish my dog got along with other dogs, I’d love to bring her to something like that! But it would certainly not be relaxing with her barking and growling at the other pups!
There was a goat yoga class nearby lately and I wanted to go so bad, but it sold out quickly! Some friends went and said it was lots of fun!
My husband and I used a pair of binoculars to make a shadow of the eclipse, kind of like a higher-tech pinhole box! Someone gave me a pair of glasses, but I got worried that they wouldn’t really protect my eyes so I didn’t want to risk it. We are in Texas and didn’t get totality but we are right on the line for totality in 2024! Maybe we should start planning an eclipse party.
Goat yoga is so popular around here lately. It’s funny to see the pictures!
I haven’t heard of using the binoculars as a pinhole box. That’s cool. I was a little freaked out about my eyes too but the glasses were SO dark. It was crazy. You should plan to watch the totality in 2014. Everyone who traveled to it said it was amazing.
That stir fry looks delicious!! We did watch the eclipse here in Ohio. It was odd! Nothing spectacular, but interesting.
Thank you, it was unexpectedly delicious! I know what you mean about odd…it was kind of like there was an instagram filter on all of Charlotte! And it was so quick.