Hi and I’ve missed you guys! To say that I hit the ground running when I arrived back in Charlotte would be an understatement. Things have been absolutely nuts in (mostly) the best way.
Let’s rewind first…

Our last day in Florida was perfection. The temperature was in the high 70s and the sun was shining. We got in an afternoon at the pool before we flew home.

My little fish. 🙂 He loves the water!
I have to tell you the craziest story from our flight home. Finn and I arrived at the airport about an hour before our flight. The security line was so long because of spring break and Easter travel but because I have TSA pre, we were through security in under two minutes. It was amazing. I am so, so glad that I got TSA pre-check. It’s been a huge help (especially for someone who likes to get to the airport at the last possible second).
Back to that story…we boarded the plane and were getting settled in our seat when my seat mate said, “Jen!?” I was seated next to someone who I’ve known through yoga for probably 5 years or more! How crazy is that!? We spent the entire flight home chatting and catching up. To add to the craziness, I got an email the next day from someone else who was on the same flight.

It was difficult to leave. I feel so happy and so at peace when I am with my family and near water. I am already counting down the days until our next visit.

We got in late Monday night and it was great, as always, to be reunited with the girls. We took a long walk on Tuesday.

I have been craving two things lately…sushi and cinnamon rolls. I made the sushi happen on Tuesday night and I plan to enjoy a cinnamon roll from Sunflour sometime in the next few days. They are well-known for their giant, fluffy cinnamon rolls but I’ve never tried one from Sunflour so I can’t wait! I just cannot get cinnamon rolls off of my mind. I thought about making some homemade cinnamon rolls over Easter weekend but it never happened.

Finn spent the night with his father last night and when he arrived home to me this morning he was burning up and so sad. I immediately took his temperature and found it was 102. I called the pediatrician and made an appointment for a sick visit. I usually just call and check in but I just knew something was not right.
After a visit with our ped, Finn was diagnosed with coxsackieviruses. The doctor told me that it’s very common for something like this to happen after a GI bug like Finn had last week. He said to expect 3-5 days of fever, pain and crankiness. Ugh, I know he’ll be fine but hate to see him miserable.

I dropped Finn back off with his father after the appointment. I’ll get him tomorrow. Luckily, I had plans to meet my friend and fellow blogger Bess for lunch so that was a good distraction.

I taught two yoga classes this evening and then came home and made myself enchiladas. I created the recipe as I went but the inside was a mix of onions, squash, garlic, spices, chicken and greek yogurt. They were topped with red enchilada sauce, almond milk and cheese. It turned out so so well.
I have subs for my yoga classes tomorrow morning because I am speaking on a panel for a PRSA event at the Ritz. I’m looking forward to the event as well as the events that I have coming up this weekend!
On Saturday morning I am participating in my first ever stair climb race! I will be climbing 50 floors at the Duke Energy Center as part of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation Climb.

I would love for local readers to join me. <3
And on Sunday afternoon I’ll be attending Open Streets 704!

Four miles of streets in Charlotte will be closed to vehicle traffic to promote building a better, healthier, connected community. The goal is to encourage people to walk and experience the city in a way that’s not car-centric.
I’m planning to walk the four-miles with Finn and I might bring the girls! 🙂
Have you been craving anything lately?
Any fun weekend plans or events?
Poor Finn… is that the same as hand, foot and mouth? If so, my daughter got that at about his age too. I thought it was bad until I got it too—and the adult version was much worse. That virus comes with a horrible rash. Don’t worry, if it is HF&M most adults are immune to it from exposure as kids. I just got lucky. ?
Get well soon Finn!
I hope Finn is feeling better soon! Humans should be able to get sick until they’re old enough to talk!!! What is the name of the little floaty Finn is in? It looks awesome!
The warmer weather has me really wanting ice cream!! I still crave my childhood favorite of soft serve vanilla with rainbow sprinkles ?
That’s awesome about your seat-mate on the plane! Funny how things like that happen. So sorry Finn is sick, I hope he gets better soon.
I haven’t been craving anything lately, but my daughter has her monthly and we had to make an extra trip to the store to get chocolate and ice cream!
No plans this weekend. I am one week post half-marathon so mostly running a shorter long run (6-7 miles) and church. That’s about it
Praying Finn gets well soon!
I HIGHLY recommend taking the cinnamon roll home from Sunflour and microwaving it for ~45 seconds. it is UNREAL
Sorry to hear the babe is sick! He still looks cute though 😉
Can i ask why Finn’s dad brought him to you sick for you to take care of? Seems sort of unfair. Couldn’t he take Finn to the doctor? I’m not involved so I don’t want to judge.
Awe poor Finn, I hope he gets better soon! I am also counting down the days till my Florida visit, it is so nice down there! Thanks for sharing, hope you are having a lovely day!!