Whew, Y’ALL, this week!
Work has been busy with teaching classes, managing teacher training, discussing/negotiating collaborations/partnerships and executing blog projects. To be honest, I’m at a crossroads where I need to narrow my focus and I’m having a really hard time deciding where to place it. I fully realize that this is a positive problem to have and I’m grateful to have it…but I’m a little stressed. My work lights me up so much and I get excited about all the possibilities, but then I realize that they can’t all happen.
Why is it so hard to let go of the idea that you can do it all? I know from experience that it never works but why is it so tempting to keep saying yes and think you can just figure it out? This is ringing especially true for me since transitioning into motherhood and it’s HARD in the industry I’m in. On the one hand, it’s awesome to have the flexibility to make my own schedule. On the other, fitness happens when people aren’t working 9-5 jobs so early mornings, evenings and weekends are the norm.

I’m finding myself having to make some really tough choices around when to be home and when to be away. For example, evenings are prime time in yoga and fitness. I’m currently teaching two evening classes and considering picking up a third and fourth but then my heart breaks a little to think about missing my evening routine with Finn. I love our walk/dinner/bath/bed routine and get sad when I can’t do it with him, especially since I already have nights I don’t get to do it because of shared parenting. It’s also tough in fitness because hiring a babysitter can quickly eat into any profit you make from teaching…but I have to teach to do what I do. It’s what keeps me connected to my students/readers/followers.
I could keep going for pages and pages with my thoughts/dreams/goals around career and family but I’ll cut it off for now. <3
So, hey! How about a workout!? I posted this one on Instagram on Sunday but many of you shared that you don’t IG and would like to see them here. Some of you that do IG even said you’d love a blog version so you can Pin it. Your wish = my command!
Total Body Cardio + Strength Bodyweight Workout
What I have learned in my 10 years of sharing workouts is that dumbbell workouts and bodyweight workouts will always be the most popular. I totally get it because they’re so accessible. This workout is a total body strength workout that requires ZERO special equipment. In addition to the strength, you’ll also get a great cardio burn from it.
Seven movements, three rounds, 45 total reps of each exercise. Here are the details for your Pinning pleasure!

And because I know so many of you love video demonstrations, here is a video where you can see each of these movements in action!
I hope you’ll give this workout a try. If you do, I always love and appreciate your feedback. Looking for more bodyweight workouts? I have a lot for you on my workouts page.
Thank you so much for following along and reading my posts, trying my workouts, cooking my recipes, sharing input and insights and just being awesome. I am grateful always.
I can’t wait to try this workout the next time I’m traveling!!!!
I so relate to the wanting and needing to do it all and say yes to things- it’s a constant cycle of saying yes, being overwhelmed, that leading to burnout and taking out my frustrations where they’re not deserved. And it’s hard when you love everything you do! I’ve been trying to remind myself that I can do all these things, however maybe not all at once- there’s a season for all of it. If I notice myself starting to resent the owner of the studio I teach at because I’m too exhausted to teach my weekly class, I remind myself I’m the one who said yes and it’s on me to set my boundaries, not someone else. When I was talking to my therapist about being too busy and running myself into the ground, she reminded me of this Tara Brach quote that I know for me really resonated, “Staying occupied is a socially sanctioned way of remaining distant from our pain” -Tara Brach
I love reading your posts on ‘thoughts/dreams/goals’ around career and family – they’re so real and relatable. I remember your posts from the early days had me wide-eyed through all you were doing, seemingly without struggle. Hearing what’s REALLY going on and how you’re navigating it all, thinking it through …. well, its so REAL. Keep ’em coming!
I wanted to thank you for recommending the Newton Fate 5 running shoe. I haven’t run since May and have been almost hesitant to get back out there. This morning I laced up my newly purchased Fate 5’s and hit the pavement. I have never LOVED a running shoe like this. I felt fantastic and I’m already looking forward to tomorrow’s run. BTW, would love some suggestions for workout tights for running/hiit/spin classes in a future blog