Hi sweet friends. I’m doing some late night writing on a Saturday. The house is quiet, I just made a cup of tea (Trader Joe’s Well Rested) and I don’t feel like turning on the TV. I’ve been wanting to check in here all week but life has been (the good kind of) hectic so I’m taking advantage of this stillness while I have it.
Here are a few highlights from the week. Per usual, we’ve got dogs, workout talk, mom stuff and more!

These two kicked off the week with a much needed trip to the groomer. Loved the St. Patrick’s day themed bandanas.

Zoey likes to do everything in her power to get dirty again after getting groomed, haha. Her favorite part of the new mulch is hunting for sticks in it.

Speaking of getting groomed…Finn and I were out on the patio with the dogs this week and Finn said to me, “You look stylish mommy.” I asked him why and he said, “Because you took a shower and like did your hair.” To be fair, I had just picked him up at preschool a couple of hours earlier coming straight from teaching and taking hot yoga so it was a little bit of an improvement in appearance. I think it’s pretty funny that my child thinks I look stylish in matching purple leggings and a sweatshirt – setting the bar low over here. 😛 (he took this photo of me)

I got Finn back on Thursday. He had a great time on spring break with his dad. When I asked him what his favorite part of the trip was he replied “catching Mexico Pokemon.” He cracks me up every day.

My personal training schedule at Metro was a little on the light side this week because several of my clients were on spring break trips. I did eight sessions and they were great!

I also taught a lot of yoga. My class on Tuesday night at Charlotte Yoga was sold out and I had a few new students in the room. One of them drew this heart on the window at the end of class and I couldn’t resist snapping a photo.

Especially after I themed the class around giving love, receiving love and being love – and the practice as a vehicle for staying connected to the core of love that is inside of all of us.

In the last couple of weeks, I took 10 full days off of running and 10 full days off of lifting. It wasn’t planned – more a mixture of life things coming up and not feeling great around the time of my cycle. I did a lot of walking and yoga and it was just what my body needed. I did a five mile run this week and a lift at the gym and both felt really good after the unintentional deload.
I am generally really consistent with lifting 2-3 times a week (usually 3), running 1-2 times a week and yoga 1-2 times a week but also give myself grace when life gets in the way or I energetically need a break. I feel like it all evens out in the end.

We had a low-key Saturday and only left the house to go on a walk. I felt like we both needed some down time and together time. I worked on some spring cleaning and organization. The task of going through Finn’s clothes seasonally and pulling out things he’s outgrown always gets me in my feels. He will be five two months from today.

We had pancakes and bacon for breakfast and stayed in our PJs until after 1p.

We also baked our favorite chocolate chip cookies. We pretty much always have these in the house these days. Need to share our recipe/method because they’re the best soft chocolate chip cookies ever!

And that’s a wrap! It’s after midnight and I’m going to head upstairs to read. I’m currently reading Things We Never Got Over and enjoying it.
What are you currently reading?
Favorite cookie recipe?
Do you have any spring break plans?
Would love if you shared your chocolate chip cookie recipe!!
I will, it’s the BEST!
I would love the cookie recipe too! Looks great
I will post ASAP!
Also interested in the cookie recipe. Love that pic of the doggies! Your lab has the sweetest “smile”!
Will post soon! And yes, love his smile! Cracks me up.
Hi Jen! I have been a LONG time reader. I don’t comment often, but I’m here reading along. Thank you for sharing your life with us. It’s a true joy for me to read along. It inspires me often. Be encouraged 🙂