I think it was a pretty even split between the white v. colored Christmas lights debate. We’ve compromised here and have colored on the tree in the house and are doing white outside.
I’ve been busy, busy the last couple days. Friday morning started with an early hot vinyasa yoga class before work. I had overnight oats at my desk when I got in.

Oats, pumpkin pie spice, dried cranberries, blueberries, bananas, almond milk and Greek yogurt. Topped with almond butter and mixed fruit jam.
I went to lunch with a group of co-workers to celebrate a birthday. We went to Cantina 1511 and this giant bowl of chips was waiting on the table.

House-made salsa and salsa verde on the side. One of my least favorite things about going to Mexican restaurants is the chips. I really struggle with making myself stop eating them. I always end up feeling overly full because of this. I did a decent job limiting myself yesterday but it was hard.

I went with an amazing sounding quesadilla for lunch – spinach, grilled mushrooms and goat cheese. I loved this combination!
We had plans to meet Sarah and her husband, Ryan for dinner last night at Arooji’s. We started off with wine and bread for the table. I loved that Arooji’s serves a nice white bean/tomato topping with the bread.

We also enjoyed a cheese plate.

Bread + cheese + wine = heaven.
Brandon ordered saltimbocca for his entree.

And I went with a salad and an appetizer portion (which was huge!) of eggplant parmesan.

There was no room left for dessert!
I had plans to run with Sarah at 8:30 this morning but when we were saying goodnight after dinner and I realized it was almost midnight, I decided to forgo the early run in favor of sleep. I ended up sleeping for nine hours last night and felt so rested when I finally woke up. Sometimes I just get to the end of my rope and I can’t keep pushing anymore. My body needed the rest.
I lounged with coffee and a bowl of oatmeal before heading out for my long run.

Oats, almond milk, water, dried cranberries, pumpkin pie spice and apples. Topped with pumpkin butter and peanut butter. There is nothing better than a bowl of hot oats on a freezing cold, gray day.
I planned on running 10 miles today. The Thunder Road Half Marathon is next Saturday and I wanted to make sure that I was up for it. I am happy to report that I made it through.

It was definitely not my easiest long run ever but I did feel like I could run another three miles at the end. I really struggled today to keep a sub-nine pace (which I didn’t – I averaged 9:06). It seemed that I had to try a lot harder than usual to maintain a decent pace. It was also freezing – my hands were so cold the whole run. I made it home just in time. It’s been “wintery mixing” ever since I finished my run.

So I will be registering for Thunder Road next weekend. I was hoping to PR the half but I’m not going to beat myself up if it does not happen. I’m going to make that my stretch goal. I will just be happy with anything sub-two at this point.
I rallied after my run and headed to Y2 for week six of the eight weeks of ashtanga challenge. We have an hour-long lesson and then practice. I wasn’t sure how my practice would be after the run but it was pretty good. I hydrated with a coconut water during the lesson and then ate a bowl of Greek yogurt with cranberry sauce and crushed gingersnap cookie when I got home.
Hope you guys are having a great weekend. We are heading to the mountains tomorrow for Christmas shopping. It snowed a ton there today so I’m excited to see the white stuff. 😀
You recovered so well from the marathon! Already doing a half–very impressive!
Hi Jen! Great job on the 10 miles – I actually ran a very cold 10 miles in almost exactly the same time today! A little slow…but running in loose snow and some slippery areas and being so cold that you don’t move as freely does that to you. 😉 So glad to get it in though – I can tell you felt the same. I hope this half is a fun one, and that you keep that bigger perspective going into it – right after a marathon! Wow. 🙂
All that food looks delicious! Great job on the 10 miles – that is one of my favourite distances to run. I am recovering from an injury right now and can’t wait until I’m back into the double-digits for running! 🙂
All the food looks very yummy! 🙂
Well done on the 10 miles!! Looks like you’ll be in awesome shape to try and get that PB! 😀
Just learned about your blog and I am loving it! Being a runner and lover of peanut butter, oatmeal, yogurt and fruit, I had to try a version of your delicious breakfast combo. I whipped it up for lunch, with the ingredients I had on hand, and it is delicious! All my favorite things! Looking forward to following your blog! Thanks for sharing!