Hello and I hope you’re all having a nice week.

My week has been a little different as I’m taking some time off of teaching yoga this month while we continue to navigate my mom’s health. I’m actually heading to Durham this afternoon for a quick visit.

Finn has been the source of many smiles and much cheer. He’s been extra chatty and sweet this week. I got this Godzilla toy that he asked for and he’s a big fan. He keeps telling me how Godzilla is “king of the monsters.” Godzilla has gone in the shower with Finn, to preschool for show and tell on Finn’s leader day and he’s even asked if Godzilla can go to bed with him. What I love most about this Godzilla toy is that there are no batteries required and it doesn’t make any sounds (I know you feel me on this!). He’s very sturdy and should be around for a while. 😉
We are also both loving these new Vans that I ordered for Finn. He was down to one pair of shoes that fit so I made a Zappos order last week. They are too cute and the dark color pattern is perfect for winter.

I shared a total body strength workout that I did at the gym last Saturday and while some of you have reported back that you tried it and loved it, I also got some requests for a new strength workout that can be done at home.
I wasn’t able to make it to the gym yesterday so I knocked out a dumbbell strength workout at home. I warmed up with an easy 5K around the neighborhood (I was only going to run a mile but then felt so good I did three!) and then did the following:
15 chest press (25# dumbbells)
10 single arm kneeling bench rows, each side (25# dumbbell)*
10 single leg step ups, each side (holding a 25# dumbbell in goblet position)
10 staggered stance single leg deadlifts, each side (holding one 25# dumbbell at either end)
*For the step ups, you keep one foot planted on the bench for all 10 reps and then switch to the other side. So you’re not stepping on and stepping off every rep. This is a major glute burner!
10 pick it up and put it down squats (one 30# dumbbell)*
10 seated single arm strict press, each side (one 20# dumbbell)
20 alternating reverse lunges (holding two 15# dumbbells)
10 upright rows (15# dumbbells)
*For the pick it up and put it down squats, place one heavy dumbbell between your legs. Squat down and pick it up in your right hand and stand up with it. Squat and put it back down and stand up with no weight. Squat again and pick it up with your left hand and stand up with it. Squat and put it down and stand up with no weight. Repeat this 10x reps total. Every time you stand up with weight it counts as one rep but you’re really doing 10 weighted squats and 10 bodyweight total.
10 bicep curls (15# dumbbells)
10 kneeling single arm tricep kickback, each side (10# dumbbell)
15 goblet front squats (30# dumbbell)
10 romanian deadlift (holding two 20# dumbbells)
20 bench reverse crunches
20 traditional crunches with heels lifted
15 side crunches – RIGHT
15 side crunches – LEFT
15 knee to elbow compact crunches
15 traditional sit ups
This was a great workout and very well balanced. A little bit of every muscle group…just the way I like it when I can only fit in lifting 2-3x/weeks. My abs are actually sore from the ab finisher today!
Quick note, if you don’t have a bench…you can still make this workout work with some creativity. You can use a step stool for the step ups, work from a kneeling position or from a coffee table for the single arm rows and kickbacks and work off the mat for the chest press.

Alright friends, time for me to get on the road. My little Godzilla fan is with his dad until tomorrow and then I’ll have him through the weekend. I’m planning some fun holiday activities and outings for us!
What’s your favorite dumbbell exercise?
Do you prefer training upper or lower body?
Do you strength train at home or in the gym?
Can you guys follow when I type out the workouts like this and link to or explain certain movements that may be unfamiliar or do you prefer a video or photos of the movements?
Prayers for your mom. Have a safe trip.
I prefer the workout written out like above with links to explain.
I like the workout written out like above. I am in a stage of life where I do all my weight training at home, so really like when you post those. Thank you!
Love when you post your workouts. I prefer photo and/or video. Otherwise, I find myself looking things up to make sure I know what move you are referencing and that takes a lot of extra time. I also like that you post your weight you are using. Helpful to gage where I’m at. I workout mainly on the gym. Keep up the great work! So appreciate all you do and sharing with us!!
I did your 40 minute workout this morning and it was excellent. As you mentioned in your blog post, it is well-balanced and the abdominal segment was just what I needed! I like the way you presented the workout in your blog. I would say that if you have a new or very different type of exercise, I might like a picture or video. Thank you for sharing your workouts with us!
Many prayers coming your way for your Mom.
I completed this workout this morning in my apartment’s gym and I definitely worked up a sweat! It took me closer to an hour rather than 40 minutes, but I enjoyed it. The written out & link format is easy for quick referencing while I’m in between sets – videos aren’t as practical for me when I’m actually doing the workout although they are helpful for demonstration purposes beforehand. A photo is also very helpful, as sometimes I just need a little reminder of the move but don’t necessarily need a full demonstration.
Thank you for sharing, I’ll definitely check out some of your other workouts!
I loved fby yoga in chapel hill if you need some space for yourself on your back and forth… Also Durham is my home and let me know if you need anything …
Late comment, but wanted to just say that I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
Thank you very much Anne.