Happy weekend friends! We arrived home from our Disney Cruise on Thursday and have been getting settled back in at home. It was great to get home on a Thursday so that we had just one work/school day and then the weekend to reintegrate.

No one was happier to have us home than the puppies. Look at those smiles on their faces!

Our flight got in at noon on Thursday. We were out of the airport and at Whole Foods by 12:30p for a quick grocery restock. Here’s part one. If you haven’t tried the Cedar’s Hot Honey Hummus yet – you must!

And part two. Those Barbara’s Cheese Puffs are level 10 addicting so buyer beware!
I’m making two meals from this grocery haul (that I’ll eat several times):
- A tofu and veggie curry with steamed basmati rice
- Chicken breasts, roasted sweet potatoes and veg
I’m having smoothies or yogurt bowls for breakfast and salads or sandwiches for lunch. The food was pretty good on our cruise but it’s always so nice to be back in your own kitchen eating your regular foods after vacation.
I wasn’t really attached to any workout schedule on vacation but I was able to fit something in every day which was really enjoyable after taking almost two weeks off for the flu. It felt so good to be running, lifting and sweating again!
SATURDAY: rest (travel day)

SUNDAY: 5 mile treadmill run with some hill and speed intervals for the first 3 miles (day at sea)
You can’t beat these treadmill views, right!? We had very calm seas during our cruise so running on board was no big deal. I couldn’t feel a difference between running on the ship and on a treadmill on land.

(shorts, favorite hybrid shoes for run + lift)
MONDAY: 2 mile treadmill run + full body lift (Cozumel port day – workout in resort gym where we did a day pass)
Here’s the lift I did. You can find a video with movement demonstrations here.
SET 1 x3
10 bench press (75#)
10 split squats, each leg (holding two 25# dumbbells)
5 pull ups (bodyweight, strict)
15 jump squats
10 bench reverse crunches
SET 2 x3
10 push press (25#)
10 back squats (95#-ish)
10 neutral grip lat pull downs (can’t remember weight on their cable machine)
20 jump lunges
15 stability ball crunches

Here’s a link to my favorite sports bra. I’m wearing it in all of my running photos in this post!
TUESDAY: 10K treadmill run (day at sea)
Initially, I set out for three and planned to be done and done but I hit that magical running place where it goes from being an effort to an effortless groove and decided to push to four and then five and then a 10K!

Disney has a 5K course on their private island, Castaway Cay. They used to host an organized “race” on port days but now it’s self-led. I did five by completing the 5K course plus some bonus miles on bike paths. It was a gorgeous day and nice to run outside after those tread runs!
WEDNESDAY: 5 mile run on Castaway Cay (Disney’s private island port day)
THURSDAY: rest (travel day)

(bra, leggings, lifting shoes)
FRIDAY: full body lift
Back in my home gym! Here’s what I did:
SET 1 x3
10 weighted lateral step ups, each side (holding one 30# kettlebell on working side)
10 dumbbell rotational chest presses (30#)
10 barbell RDLs (95#)
10 calorie row
SET 2 x3
20 weighted walking lunges (holding two 26# kettlebells)
10 seated strict overhead barbell presses (45#)
5 barbell cleans (75#)
8 barbell front squats (75#)
10 calorie ski erg
SATURDAY: that brings us to today…after I hit publish on this post I’m going to run 10 which will bring me to a total of 28 miles for the week. Still hoping to run a spring marathon but the flu and vacation has set back the start of training so I’m now looking at a 12 week build!!!

My sweet and incredibly talented friend Erin McDermott is currently offering her winter sample sale and it is THE TIME to stock up on jewelry! I popped into the studio yesterday to catch up with Erin and pick up a few pieces.

Here’s what came home with me!
- Four Hearts Bracelet Bundle (was $48, now $15)
- Love and Luck Necklace (was $120, now $48) – this is Erin’s most popular piece of the last year
- Daydream Believer Necklace (was $140, now $68)
- Open Heart Gold Studs (was $44, now $14)

The winter sample sale runs through Wednesday – don’t miss out!
That’s all from me this morning. Off to run. Have a great weekend!